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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Medical panel offers insight for parents as schools prepare to reopen

Credit: FOX 4 Now Florida
Duration: 02:29s 0 shares 1 views

Medical panel offers insight for parents as schools prepare to reopen
Medical panel offers insight for parents as schools prepare to reopen
Medical panel offers insight for parents as schools prepare to reopen

We’ll have to wait and see howmany, if any, decide to reversecourse.A WEEK FROM TODAY, THOUSANDS OFSTUDENTS WILL BE STARTING THEIRFIRST DAY OF SCHOOL IN LEECOUNTY.MANY OF THEM WILL BE GOING BACKTO CLASS IN-PERSON, AND TODAY, APANEL OF MEDICAL EXPERTS TALKEDABOUT WHAT IS BEING DONE TOMITIGATE THE RISKS, AND WHATPARENTS CAN DO TO HELP.FOX 4 REPORTER ROB MANCHLISTENED IN ON WHAT THEY HAD TOSAY, AND SPOKE WITH A PARENTGETTING READY FOR THE SCHOOLYEAR.HE HAS THE DETAILS FOR US FROMFORT MYERS TONIGHT.(:41 - :46)(1:00 - 1:05)(1:28 - 1:33)INTRO:There was some good news fromthe panel today.A representative from theDepartment of Health said thetransmission rate of COVID-19here in Lee County was below 4percent yesterday.That’s the lowest it’s been inmonths, but with schoolreopening, that could alsochange very quickly.PKG:Dr. Dana Crater, PhysiciansPrimary Care: "This is going tobe a really big change for ourcommunity to have thousands andthousands of children going backto school."(8s)Four different medical expertsweighed in on school reopeningin a Facebook live on thedistrict’s Facebook page,offering information forparents.Parents like Bethany Bauer, whohas one kid going back toschool, and four more who willbe learning virtually.Bethany Bauer, Has 5 Kids in LeeSchools: "By and large, I’m veryhappy with the options.

You canchoose to have your student goback in class, or a couple ofdifferent virtual options."(11s)But a representative from LeeHealth was honest about therisks if parents do choose tosend their students backin-person.A risk Bauer says she accepts.Dr. Marybeth Saunders, LeeHealth: "We’re going to haveperiods of time where we’regoing to have waves of increasedpatients into our health systemrelated to COVID.

We’repreparing for that wave asschool starts back.

We’re hopingit will be minimal, and not atsunami."(15s)Bethany Bauer, Has 5 Kids in LeeSchools: "Cases are going to goup.

As kids are going back toschool, there’s going to bespread.

It’s inevitable.

We haveto be smart about it."(9s)But the panel was also clearabout how parents can help fightthe spread of COVID-19 inschool.Dr. Dana Crater, PhysiciansPrimary Care: "Don’t let yourchild come home from school andthen get together with a largegroup of kids at someone’shouse.

Please try to be reallycareful, especially these firstfew weeks and months."(11s)For Bauer, this is going to be aschool year like no other, butshe’s optimistic.Bethany Bauer, Has 5 Kids in LeeSchools: "This is not the idealsituation for anybody, but wecan do it."(6s)TAG:The one thing all of therepresentatives on the panelagreed on was masks, sayingwearing them inside the buildingwas the best way to st

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