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U.K. Edition
Wednesday, 17 July 2024


Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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And i'm veronica jean seltzer.

We're glad you're here tonight.

First lady melania trump headlined the republican national convention tonight...speaking from the white house rose garden.

Kentucky was well-represented as three kentuckians gave speeches.

Abc 36's monica harkins listened to those and recaps the night in our top story at 11.

### nat pop from rnc opening"celebrating america as the land of oppourtunity."

Kentuckians at night two of the r- n-c gave speeches centered around their own expertise and where president trump aligns with them.... "rand paul:join me in supporting president trump " the first kentuckian to speak tuesday night...u-s senator rand paul ...he.made an appeal to people who are against wars in the middle east.


Rand paul: cause he believes as i do that a strong america cannot fight endless wars.

We must not continue to leave our blood and treasury in middle east quagmires."

" as part of the r-n-c's theme "america, land of opportunity..people across the country from various backgrounds were able to speak ...nicholas sandmann was one of them.

He's a covington catholic graudate....known for a confrontation with a native american man at a protest last year that made national news..

"nat pop from rnc video showing sandmen: make america great again media the news and even celebrities launched a campaign of persecution" he says he was a victim of defeamation...from what he calls a biased media.

"nicholas sandmann: and if advancing their narrative ruined the repution and future of a teen from covington, kentucky then so be it.

That would teach him not to wear a maga hat.

I learned what happened to me had a name.

It was called being cancelled."

Finishing the speech by putting his maga hat back on.

Kentucky attorney general daniel cameron...described as a rising star in the g-o-p... taking on the role of discussing race as it is on the forefront of minds nationwide.

"ag daniel cameron: who says there is no "diversity" of thought in the black community.

Well, mr. vice president look at me i am black.

We are not all the same sir.

I am not in chains.

My mind is my own.

And you can't tell me how to vote because of the color of my skin."

And while he seperates blue and red...cameron also leaned on unity "daniel cameron: let me close with something my mom has always said: that this country's many faces comprise a family, not separate parts to be divided against each other."

Monica harkins abc 36 news.

Other speakers tonight included two of the president's children...eric and tiffany.

...and senate majority leader mitch mconnell is scheduled to speak

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