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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

2 Minute Drill: NBA players protest was poignant statement

Credit: WCVB
Duration: 02:05s 0 shares 1 views

2 Minute Drill: NBA players protest was poignant statement
2 Minute Drill: NBA players protest was poignant statement
The protest by the NBA over racial injustice was a poignant statement.

Players took matters into NBAplayers ***VIZ SFX***NBA players took matters intotheir owns hands by taking theball out of it last week.Refusing to sit idly by andentertain...they took a standfor racial injustice by refusingto take the floor for playoffgames.

The Milwaukee Bucks werethe leaders of a strike movementthat spread throughout prosports like thewake of the police shooting ofJacob Blake.It’s good to see the playersrealize the power they have, andthe impact they can have.

Thedifference between sports andmost traditional jobs is that insports the players aren’t justthe employees they’re theproduct.

That’s why you can’tcompare protesting at your jobto pro sports protests.Taking the product away drawsattention.

It’s a powerful formof protest, especially in acountry that worships at thealtar of entertaintment andcapitalism.

Supply and demand.Never has there been a greaterdemand for entertainment anddistraction than during thispandemic.

Removing theavailability of the product froman eager and hungry base ofconsumers is a potent andpoignant statement.For those saying that theplayers across sports who walkedout on games needed to dosomething tangible to combatsystemic inequality...they did.They refocused our attention onthe issue.

But it’s up to all ofus to create solutions.

It’smisguided and silly for peopleto claim athletes must have thesolutions or their actions areempty.


We as a society bearthat responsibility.One mantra in sports is that nomatter how great you are,there’s always room forimprovement.

You can never stopgetting better...whether you’reMichael Jordan or Tom Brady.That’s why it’s odd that thesame sports fans who believethat about athletes areunwilling to except that samepremise about America.

Even thebest can be better.

Even thebest can do better.

That’s whatthese athletes want.

They’re notungrateful or against America.Just as they work to improvetheir games...They want thegreatest country in the world toup its game when it comes topolice brutality and equality.Racial injustice isn’t a problemcreated by athletes.

It can’t besolved by them alone.

But theycan use their platform to remindus that as a society

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