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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Hundreds of Chico State students scramble to find off-campus housing

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Hundreds of Chico State students scramble to find off-campus housing
Hundreds of Chico State students scramble to find off-campus housing

Hundreds of Chico State students are scrambling to find off-campus housing after nearly 30 people tested positive for the coronavirus days after the fall semester kicked off.

Chico state students living on campus are rushing to find a place to stay.

The university gave them until the end of the week after an outbreak of campus connected coronavirus cases.

Action news now reporter dani masten is live at chico state.

Dani you spoke to students today.

What're they telling you?

They're not too happy about having to find a new place to live in such a short time hayley.

Antonio plancarte and catrina maguire are just two of hundreds of students racing to find a place to live.

Sot/antonio plancarte/lives in dorm at chico state "as soon as i found out i was just like i don't know what i am going to do.

Everyone started running downstairs and everybody was crying and freaking out because a lot of us don't have places to go."

Sot/catrina maguire/ lives in dorm at chico state "i am just kind of feeling a little bit dishelved you know.

Like everything that has been going on.

We just settled in.

I just feel like things could've been done and bit more thought out just so that we didn't have to have this big disaster on our hands."

I called around and found several apartment complexes like university terrace and campus walk are still taking student renters.

But westpark plaza apartment complex tells me they have no vacancies.

Antonia plancarte and catrina maguire both tell me they are going to move back home since classes are no all onlineã but do have some concerns.

Sot/catrina maguire/ lives in dorm at chico state "do i get a covid test before going home.

Like i don't even know if i have symptoms because you can be a carrier without symptoms so it's just like is that fair to our families to say go home and then you could infect even more people, so just thinking about that you know, it's kind of overwhelming."

Students overall feeling like the university could have taken alterative routes sot/antonio plancarte/lives in dorm at chico state "i feel like the president didn't plan as well as maybe she thought.

If they quarantined us here all of us here for 14 days and then sent us home antonio plancarte and catrina maguire are just two of hundreds of students racing to find a place to live.

Sot/antonio plancarte/lives in dorm at chico state "as soon as i found out i was just like i don't know what i am going to do.

Everyone started running downstairs and everybody was crying and freaking out because a lot of us don't have places to go."

Sot/catrina maguire/ lives in dorm at chico state "i am just kind of feeling a little bit dishelved you know.

Like everything that has been going on.

We just settled in.

I just feel like things could've been done and bit more thought out just so that we didn't have to have this big disaster on our hands."

I called around and found several apartment complexes like university terraars p&e - plan as well as maybe she thought.

If they quarantined us here all of us here for 14 days and then sent us home the university says between 200 and 250 students will remain on campus and about 500 others will be moving to off campus housing.

As for the students who tested positive - the university is housing them at university village live at chico stateãi'm dani masten, action news now coverage you can count on students have until september 6th to be out of their dorms... if you are a student need help with housing -- we have a link on our website.

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