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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

090120 11 PM

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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090120 11 PM
090120 11 PM
090120 11 PM

C1 3 about the latest of a string of shootings in lexington.

And...why you'll see silver ribbons all over lexington.

Jason: tracking an unsettled end to the work week, but the weekend?

It's looking good.

You're going to want to see my seven day forecast.

Good evening.

We're glad you're here tonight.

I'm veronica jean seltzer.

And i'm tom kenny.

Police say another shooting victim ended up in the hospital tonight...leaving lexingtonians wondering why there are suddenly so many shootings in the city.

Abc 36's monica harkins was there this afternoon as police investigated the most recent shooting near the thonton's gas station on west loudon avenue near north broadway.

She introduces us to a man she met there who says people need support right now.

### "corey: lexington is hurtin'" lexington police is investigating another shooting monday afternoon.

Corey: people are afraid to lose a fight nowadays so they'll grab a pistol and shoot first," corey dunn says he came to see what happened on loudon avenue because his cousin was one of seven people shot sunday night...outside the dunbar community center.

"it was posted on facebook that he's doing better, he was in surgery throughout the night.

He was listed in critical condition at first, so i guess he's doing better.

I'd ask everybody to keep all of those families in their prayers."

As for this shooting...less than 24 hours later on loudon...police say when they arrived it was "chaotic, a mess".

Officers say they found a car in the road around 5 p-m with at least one bullet hole in the driver-side windshield...and a wrecked front end.

Police say a woman was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound.

Officers expect her to be okay..but witnesses aren't so sure about their community.

"so if everybody wants to stop the violence get involved."

Dunn says people need to learn how to safely fix a fight.

"they need to understand that everything isn't a death sentence.

I should be able to have an argument or disagreement with you and walk away from it and we mutually agree to walk away from," he says that especially applies to teens who have been the victims and the accused in several recent shootings "these kids are misguided so they're gonna make mistakes expect them to make mistakes.

Now, the mistakes that they're making are costly.

But they're going to make mistakes and until we can guide them the right way, we have to continue to expect these situations.

" guide them away from a trigger finger.

In lexington, monica harkins, abc 36 news.

### police say witnesses are giving them conflicting statements about a possible officers are still trying to figure out who's responsible and what happened.

### ots image:right investigation continues window shattered.jpg lexington police are still investigating yesterday's shooting at a cookout...that sent seven people to the hospital.

According to officers..

The victims..

Ranging in age from 18 to 40... were shot last night outside the dunbar community center... near the basketball court.

Police say six of those hurt..

Drove themselves to a hospital and are doing okay... but a man found shot outside of the center...was taken to the hosptial with serious injuries.

Officers say multiple people fired shots...but they're not sure..

If it started as a drive-by shooting or if someone walked up to the basketball court and opened fire.

The community action council is right next door..

Executive director sharon price says it's hard to know how to stop the violence.

Cac exec director sharon price"what i do i know is having funs and using that as an answer to solve a problem is not an answer.

It's not a solution at all."

The family of 17- year-old kenneth bottoms junior... the teenager killed last weekend, at the fayette mall..


Say people were having a cookout at the center in honor of bottoms. police are trying to determine if last night's shooting, is tied to the shooting last sunday, at the mall.

Ots image:left arrested for murder police-tape-lights-generic1... a woman is now in custody..

In the murder of a woman, who was shot last year, as she was leaving the fayette mall in lexington.

According to officers..

Police and the u.s. marshals service... took 23- year-old markeeta campbell into custody today.

L3: abc 36 news white woman arrested for murder of laporscha stringer ..

Stringer shot inside car while ... campbell is accused of murding..

30- year-old mother of three..

Laporscha stringer.

Investigators say stringer was shot inside her car..

While leaving the fayette mall last august.

Witnesses told police that a car pulled up alongside stringer's car and fired several shots according to officers..stringer died two days after the shooting from her injuries..

At a hospital a homicide investigation is underway after a woman was found dead in the masterson station area in lexington.

According to police..

A 56-year-old woman was found dead at her home, on majestic view walk around 9:30 this morning.

Investigators say..

The circumstances surrounding her death are suspicious.

According to officers..

This was an isolated incident..

And the victim possibly knew her attacker.

Weather animation live hd radar here's a look at live hd radar where we are using the power of 5 live radars to track showers and storms. hometown forecast here's what you can expect, hour- by-hour, in your hometown.

Short weather in kentucky..

Governor andy beshear says... the latest white house report shows 59 of the state's 120 officers..

This was an isolated incident..

And the victim possibly knew her attacker.

Weather animation live hd radar here's a look at live hd radar where we are using the power of 5 live radars to track showers and storms. hometown forecast here's what you can expect, hour- by-hour, in your hometown.

Short weather governor andy beshear says... the latest white house report shows 59 of c1 3 the state's 120 counties... still in the red or yellow zone..for the coronavirus.

That's nearly half of the counties in the commonwealth.

Some of the counties include..

Rowan, scott, knox, fayette, and madison county.

"half of our state is in either a red or yellow zone, and we have small counties, counties surrounding these counties are in a difficult place too.

While our positivity rate is going down, we have more people than ever that are coming down with covid almost ten percent end up hosptialtalixed, sadely two people right now, lose their lives."

Governor beshear..

Reported 381 new cases of covid-19 today.

According to the governor..

We ususally have lower numbers on sundays and mondays, because of lab closures over the weekend.

Governor beshear says... forty-three of the new positives..

Were of children ages 18 and younger.

Two.... were ages five and under.

The youngest was a one-year-old from madison county.

According to governor beshear..

The total number of positives in the state, in adults and children, is now..

At least 48,396..

The positivity rate is now..

At 4 point 42 percent.

Governor beshear also reported three new deaths today from the virus.

The total number of people who have died from covid-19 in the state..

Is now..


In lexington..

There are more than two hundred new covornavirus cases in the city.

According to the health department..

There were 206... new covid-19 cases reported from over the weekend... that includes 118 on saturday and 88 on sunday.

The total number of positives in the city, is now..

5,728... and that includes..

760... u-k students living on and off campus.

According to the health deapartment..

Another person has also died from the virus.

The total number of covid-19 deaths in lexington..

Is now... 56.

The state released new guidelines for childcare facilities today, which could offer some relief for providers, having a hard time, because of the pandemic.

The guidelines include expanding the maximum number of children allowed, from ten to 15, for licensed child-care facilities.

Certified homes, licensed infant and one-year-old classrooms, can also now return to typical group sizes.

Also, parents who want to check out a childcare center before enrolling their children..

Can now get a limited tour of the facilities, which currently are closed to outside visitors..

The guildlines, also focus..

On plans in place for when someone tests positive for covid-19.

And ..there's also now a $25-hundred dollar startup incentive bonus..

Available through..

The cares act for new providers.

Trendign now on the internet..

Kentucky men's basketball tonight released a video on twitter, just hours ago..

Asking solid blue fans to join them in the black lives matter movement.

The video has gotten more than 269- thousand views.

You can find a link to it, at w-t-v-q dot com.

Here's part of it, now.

L3: trending on internet white uk men's basketball releases blm video "the time for change is now, we've watched for too long now, as our mothers, and our fathers, and our brothers and our sisters have been profiled and discreminated and beaten shot and killed, the victims of police brulality, with no justice, i'm tired, i'm tired, we are tired of watching the wrongful actions of a few, and the acceptance of sytemic racism and we can no longer be quiet."

The 2020 college football season has added a new dynamic for college players.

No matter how many games an athlete plays this season..

They retain a year of eligibility.

Last week..

Senior quarterback terry wilson shot down the possiblity of playing another season in lexington..

Saying this will likely be his final season.

Terry might not be alone.

Head coach mark stoops says there will likely be plenty of other upperclassmen..

Who decide to forgo that extra year of eligibility.

Coming up in sports..

We're heading to the high school c1 3 gridiron..

As our 36 blitz rolls on.

Austin miller..

Abc 36 sports.

Still ahead..

We check back in with meteorologist jason lindsy for a look ahead..

To our derby day weekend.

And keeping america safe... amid the protests and violence in the streets, president trump and joe biden..

Spar... over safety in the u-s.

In your nationview..

Law and a lot of folks were struggling even before this pandemic -- struggling to pay their , struggling to put gas in their truck, and struggling to put food on their table.

Struggling to put gas in their truck, i'm sick and tired of seeing wall street struggling to put gas in their truck, and wealthy corporations buy our politicians.

I'm running because look, we don't have to just sit back and take this.

We can have a voice for main street, we don't have to just sit back and take this.

For rural communities, we don't have to just sit back and take this.

For folks who need good-paying jobs for family farms. that's the kind of voice i'm gonna be.

I'm josh hicks, and i approve this message.

C1 3 trump as unrest continues in two cities.

The president blames democrats.

But as whitney wild reports.... joe biden says -- violence is playing out in donald trump's america.

--reporter pkg-as follows-- after unrest in kenosha and portland -- president trump warns violence could consume america's streets -- if democrats are elected this november.

President trump / thursday: "they will make every city look like democrat-run portland, oregon.

No one will be safe in biden's america."

Joe biden / -d- presidential nominee: "are you safe in donald trump's america?"

Clashes between protesters calling for racial justice and pro-trump groups have taken center stage as the candidates visit swing states -- and compete for the white house.

The president tweeting -- the radical left mayors & governors of cities where this crazy violence is taking place have lost control of their "movement".

"even forced slow joe out of basement!"

Joe biden / -d- presidential nominee: "does anyone believe there will be less violence in america if donald trump is reelected?"

Joe biden accuses president trump of fanning the flames of violence -- and dividing the country for political gain.

Joe biden / -d- presidential nominee: "this president long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country.

He can't stop the violence -- because for years he has fomented it" tuesday -- president trump plans to be in kenosha -- kayleigh mcenany / white house press secretary: "he loves the people of wisconsin and he looks forward to speaking directly to them and unifying the state."

Despite pleas from wisconsin's democratic governor for the president to stay home -- amid the unrest over the police shooting of jacob blake.

Andy berg / supervisor, kenosha county: "i think it's only going to slow things down.

It's going to make things more divisive."

I'm whitney wild reporting.

Weather reopen weather toss at the desk.

Main weather ad-libbing after weather.

Today is overdose awareness day...the day is held every augugst.

31 to c1 3 day...the day is held every augugst.

31 to raise awareness of overdoses and reduce the stigma of drug-related deaths.

In lexington..

The city... is promoting this day with a silver ribbon campaign.

All government buildings, are displaying the ribbons to honor those who have died or who had a permanent injury as a result of a drug overdose.

According to mayor linda gorton... fayette county had 128 overdose fatalities in 2019.

This year... so far, we've had at least 130.

According to the american medical association.... drug overdoses have surged during the covid-19 pandemic.... with a 42 percent jump in may.

Kentucky was already one of the state with the highest rates of overdoses before the pandemic.

Abc 36's cody adams spoke with a woman in woodford county who is trying keep the problem from getting worse.

The fight against opioid abuse continues in the commonwealth.

Just recently the state recieved 35 million dollars in federal funding to battle the epidemic.

But money alone will not solve the problem brittany campbell:whether it's heart disease cancer whatever.

The more you know about it the better you can handle it.

Brittany campbell started strengthening transformations inc.

It's a woodford county based non profit designed to make people aware of overdoses and possible solutions to helping those who are addicted.

Brittany campbell: you might not be ready for treatment.

A lot say they are, you get them a bed somewhere they're a no call no show it just has to be on their time, knowing they have a support system when they are ready they have someone to go to.

Campbell is no stranger the problem of drugs.

Just recently she lost a relative to overdose.

Brittany campbell: my cousin overdosed, she had a set of four year old twins she was only 24 just couldn't knock it.

A friend asked her to try it, she got addicted.

Within a year she was dead.

It's a stark reminder that it can happen to anyone.

Brittany campbell: it can be you it can be a relative, it can be a loved one.

How would you want to be treated if it was you.

In studio cody adams abc 36 news.

Ots video tape:left safety standards plan <none> c1 3 agreed on a plan to create national safety standards for the industry instead of leaving it up to each individual state like it is now.

Think of it like horse racing finally having a league office like all the other major sports.

The big announcement coming today at keeneland.

L3: abc 36 news white plan to create national horse racing authority lexington horse racing's reputation has been marred by a rash of on-track horse deaths, injuries and doping scandals.

Senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he got involved after seeing an editorial in a newspaper..

Saying thoroughbred horse racing should be abolished.

Mcconnell says he plans to introduce the horseracing integrity and safety act in the senate in september.

Congressman andy barr will push an identical bill in the house.

Fort is t about more regulation, it is about creating a single, naonwide set of rules that will result in smarter, more effective and streamlined regulation for the industry."

L3: abc 36 news white plan to create national horse racing authority lexington the plan creates a national authority that will set standards for medication, drug testing and racetrack safety.

Stay with us..

Sports is next.

There is a new man in town for laladidieses.

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Geget t hehey fty ulula g aat a l lowow p pcere c1 3 county.

Mark palmer is set to take over the bearcats.

A-b-c 36 sports director bryan kennedy and the 36 blitz rolls to check out the bearcats as they try to bounce back this season.

C1 3 thanks bryan.

Coming up tuesday..

The 36 blitz heads out to berea..

Where madison southern was just one game away from a shot at a state title last season.

While there's some talent coming back..

Hear how the expectations have changed this year.

That'll do it for sports..

I'm austin miller.

Final weather scratch-a-4cast here's your kentucky lottery scratch-a-4cast for the next a lot of folks were struggling even before this pandemic -- struggling to pay their , struggling to put gas in their truck, and struggling to put food on their table.

Struggling to put gas in their truck, i'm sick and tired of seeing wall street struggling to put gas in their truck, and wealthy corporations buy our politicians.

I'm running because look, we don't have to just sit back and take this.

We can have a voice for main street, we don't have to just sit back and take this.

For rural communities, we don't have to just sit back and take this.

For folks who need good-paying jobs for family farms. that's the kind of voice i'm gonna be.

I'm josh hicks, and i approve this message.

C1 3 anchors ad-lib goodbyes jimmy kimmel is next.

>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live," with guest host, jason derulo.

Tonight, luke bryant and our health care hero of the week, and now, here's jason derulo.

>> hello and welcome to jimmy kimmel live, i'm your guest host jason derulo.

You probably know me from listening to my music, or watching me on tiktok.

And if you don't know who i am you're -- old.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it's true.

If you follow me on tiktok, you know my dog ice.

He pops up on there quite a bit.

And since this is my first late night monologue, i asked him if he'd judge my material to see how funny i am.

Ice, how was my opening joke?

>> dammit.

Only a two?

Ok at least there's room for improvement.

We have to enjoy tiktok while we still got it.

Because the president wants to

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