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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Crow Conundrum for Rochester

Credit: KIMT
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Crow Conundrum for Rochester
Crow Conundrum for Rochester
Get the flock out of here!

It's like a scene out of the alfred hitchcock classic?


*- the birds.

We're counting crows in peace plaza... and city officials want to get the flock out of here.

Kimt news three's anthony monzon joins us live from downtown rochester with the eco?

"* friendly solution that may solve the med city's crow conundrum.


Katie... george... it's a pretty simple solution... they just chose different trees.

I'm going to take a step out of my shot and show you.

Those trees back there... are apparently narrow enough and shaped in a way... that crows don't like to sit in them.

Why that is... nobody really knows... because frankly... we can't ask them.

But if you've lived in rochester long enough... you know that crows gather here in the winter.

The heat from the buildings downtown draws them in.

Which works out great for the crows... but not too well for the maintenance staff that has to clean up after them.

City councilor michael wojcik says these trees are just one "when this project is done, we're going to have something that's about five times the size of the old peace plaza, and it's going to be a lot more pleasant than what we had before."

Wojcik went on to say the community is going to love the new peace plaza... maybe even as much as they hate the construction it's taking to build it.

Thanks anthony... wojcik also says the new trees will help create green space... and make downtown feel

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