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Wednesday, 17 July 2024


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A woman shot to death in layfayette county has ties to west point.éé carla golden of west point says her sister of marisha golden- ward was shot and killed on friday.éé the oxford eagle is reporting that the layfayette county sheriff's department is investigating a fatal shooting.

éé the sheriff's department declined to comment to wcbi.éé the mississippi state department of health reports 539 new cases of covid-19 with 11 new deaths.éé there are 19 new cases among long term care facilities within the state.

éé the total number of cases is more than 86-thousand with more than 2- thousand deaths.

éé it's presumed that more than thousand 67- thousand mississippians have recovered from the virus.

éé an order from a mississippi judge this week says absentee voting will be allowed for those with pre-existing health issues this year.éé but the case is still caught up in the courts.éé courtney ann jackson explains.éé mae toines says she'll be going to her polling place in november but hopes the option is there for those who don't feel safe doing so.

"to me the main thing is to get people to vote.

If that's going to make people more comfortable voting absentee---i do think they should be able to vote absentee."

But governor tate reeves made it clear last month---he doesn't think it absentee ballots should be open to everyone.

"simply saying i don't want to go vote in person... this year... is not a reason."

And those two views encapsulate the two sides battling for a quick answer from the court system.

A hinds county chancery judge agreed this week with one portion of the argument made in the lawsuit by aclu of mississippi and mississippi center for justice.

And said those with pre-existing conditions that would make covid- 19 more severe should be allowed to vote by absentee.

"we wanted to make sure that anyone who wants to exercise to vote should be able to do that without fear of risk of harm."

But now they're cross appealing to seek a further expansion of those who can do that.

"we argued that if you're staying at home and avoiding public gatherings based on public health advice you could vote absentee under that revised statute."

The state is appealing the lower court ruling---arguing that it makes it more confusing for voters.

They note the legislature already determined the absentee reason should only be expanded to those who are under a physician-imposed quarantine due to covid-19 or caring for a dependent who is under such quarantine.

As the law stands now, those with pre-existing conditions would utilize the temporary or permanent physical disability reason when requesting their absentee ballot.éé while we're enjoying some more comfortable air this weekend, warm and muggy weather will return through the week along with some rain chances.

A second cold front could bring us another shot of comfortable air by next weekend.

Saturday night: besides a few clouds passing by, we'll be generally clear tonight and a touch cooler.

Temperatures will fall to near 60 with a calm wind.

Intro city leaders in columbus and a group of volunteers are cleaning up behind litter bugs.éé dozens participated in the first ever citywide clean up this morning.éé our savannah gaido shows us what they're doing to keep columbus clean.

éé containers...and trash littering the streets of columbus... so saturday morning a group of city leaders and volunteers grabbed their trash pickers, gloves and trash bags to do something about it.

It started as project for just one ward in the city, but the mayor and city councilman stephen jones saw it as an opportunity to clean up all 6 wards with the help of organizer sasha james.

"rather than just doing just a clean up in one ward, let's clean up all the wards at one time all in one day."

Jones says the litter problem hurts the city's image...especially in the eyes of visitors to columbus.

"some of the first things that people see when they come in your town is how much trash is on the road or how clean your city is, so if we can help out we definitely want to do it.

We have got all types of groups out her helping from the rotary to realtors from supervisors, we had the w president out here, so we had a lot of people out here volunteering."

"over 100 volunteers have teamed up to pick up trash all around the columbus area.

In fact, just on this street right here, they have picked up over 50 bags of trash."

Jones is proud of the progress made saturday, but says it's only the beginning.

"just a drop in the bucket, of course you know what you an only do on one day, so we still encourage people to pick up in their area and not to liter at all."

"us coming together as one.

As far as keeping everyone unified and keep the city of columbus clean and keep the city of columbus beautiful, it shows hometown pride."

Just one step closer to keeping columbus beautiful.

Reporting in columbus, savannah gaido wcbi news.

Houston was the scene of very special event to provide folks a way to purchase locally grown produce and baked goods.

éé our chad groening has details.

éé it was a beautiful fall day in downtown houston as area vendors took part in the first ever maker's and baker's market.

The event was basically a continuation of the very successful houston farmer's market.

Sean johnson is director of the chickasaw development foundation.

"our farmers market grew a lot this year.

And instead of just vegetables we had a lot of people with cakes and hand crafted goods and jams and jellies.

So they had asked well can we do something going forward because we're not defined by a growing season.

We can sell all year long."

Johnson says the vendors were quite happy with the attendance at this event including eddie wiggs and bart munlin two of the founders of the houston farmers market.

"well we were worried at the beginning of the year about the market.

It seemed that it just made our market better.

We've had more people come out.

We've had good product, good produce and it's just been fantastic this year."

"within 15 to 30 miles of you you get the floral arrangment that's in your area.

The bees bring pollen back in with them when they're going out and bringing the nectar in.

And it's in the honey so you ingest those pollens and you build up an immunity to it when you've got it."

And the bakers were well represented at the event holly ferguson runs "holly's cookie jar."

"we are proud of our town and we're very happy that our leaders are trying to increase our business especially for our local businesses in town.

The farmers market has been here all summer and it's done very well and they wanted to extend it into the fall and make it more for the bakers."

And rebecca coplin helped sell a friend's locally made cakes.

"this is just a time that you can spend time with people you know get out and do things.

I think it's very important to support our local community.

It keeps us all going you know.

It's very important."

For the residents of houston and chickasaw county an event like this is very important because it allows folks to return to a semblance normalcy in the midst of the covid- 19 pandemic.

"an outdoor event like this where people are milling around and they're sitting next to each other.

It's a very safe environment for this sort of thing.

We don't have any problem with it.

And i think that we just need to have some normalcy come back.

I mean.

This has been a long year."

Chad groening, wcbi news, houston.

While covid-19 is keeping many american students at home, children in japan are back in the classroom.éé that story after break.éé democratic presidential nominee joe biden was visibly angry over the president's reported remarks about soldiers friday.éé and leveled one of his most forceful attacks against president trump.éé ed o'keefe reports.éé script: an irate joe biden today called the president's reported comments "disgusting" and "un-american."

If these statements are true, the president should humbly apologize to every gold star mother and father and every blue star family that he's denigrated and insulted.

Who the heck does he think he is?

Biden himself never served in uniform, but his late son, beau, did.

When my son was an assistant us attorney and he volunteered to go to kosovo when the war was going on, as a civilian, he wasn't a sucker.

When my son volunteered and joined the united states military as the attorney general and went to iraq for a year, won the bronze star and other commendations, he wasn't a sucker.

The service men and women he served with, particularly those didn't not come home, were not losers.

Biden originally planned to speak about the economy but said the president's remarks made him the closest he's come to losing his temper on the campaign trail.

There are probably a lot of people out there who are supporting you who are inclined to not vote for the president who would say, why isn't joe biden angrier about all this?

Presidents of the united states should be presidential.

And should lead by example.

// getting down in the gutter like the president does, saying things i would be inclined i we were behind a barn somewhere, would be a different thing.

But that is not the job of a president.

Mail in voting kicked off in the key swing state of north carolina today, with a record 600 thousand absentee ballots sent out.

The president has consistently attacked voting by mail, but this week he's urged supporters who do vote by mail to also go to the polls in person.

Send in your early ballot and then go and make sure that ballot is tabulated or counted.

And if it's not counted, vote."

"how many times does this president have to suggest things and say things, until you all don't just write he is a fraud?"

Tag: with biden and the president both scheduled to attend 9/11 ceremonies next friday in shanksville, pennsylvania, i asked the former vp whether he'd be willing to share a stage with mr trump.

He said he would because quote - "he is still the president of the united states."

While covid-19 is keeping many american students at home, children in japan are back in the classroom.éé schools there have been able to re-open because japan, with about one-third of the u- s population, has only one-percent as many covid cases.éé lucy craft went back to school this week.éé script: just like always, pupils at tokyo's east kanamachi elementary arrive at 8 am& remove shoes, and head to class& and just like generations before them, yuka katayama's first grade class bows in the day's studies.

But there's nothing usual about school now& masks are mandatory& desks are barricaded in vinyl& hand-washing has become a careful ritual& lunchtime - usually a highlight of the day, where kids dress up and serve each other - has now become a struggle to keep them as spaced and quiet as possible.

"they're first graders, so they think this is normal.

It's really hard to teach a regular class while keeping everyone safe."

Compounding the challenge for japanese schools is crowded classrooms. regulations allow up to 40 kids per class, twice what experts here consider optimal in a pandemic.

Yet simulations run on japan's new supercomputer show that cracking just one window and one door across from it provide enough airflow to prevent viral spread even in packed classes.

With physical fitness declining, and kids putting on extra weight as families stay home more, teachers have had to get creative about gym class, said the health instructor& "ballgames and close contact are out.

We try to keep them all facing one direction, and avoid shouting."

Stickers everywhere are a constant reminder to socially distance.

"stay far apart physically - but close, spiritually," they read.

But total compliance from six-year-olds , the principal concedes, is futile& "instead of banning all conversation and keeping kids in a constant state of fear and vigilance, it's better to get the basic safeguards right."

Anxious teachers and parents are hoping that strategy works.

For cbs news this morning saturday, lucy craft, tokyo while we're enjoying some more comfortable air this weekend, warm while we're enjoying some more comfortable air this weekend, warm and muggy weather will return through the week along with some rain chances.

A second cold front could bring us another shot of comfortable air by next weekend.

Saturday night: besides a few clouds passing by, we'll be generally clear tonight and a touch cooler.

Temperatures will fall to near 60 with a calm wind.

Some spots could dip into the upper 50s by early sunday morning.

Sunday-tuesday: temperatures and humidity will continue to increase by labor day with our typical humid air returning completely by the middle of the week.

Fortunately, we will remain free of any rain through at least tuesday and skies will remain mostly sunny.

Highs will be in the low 90s with morning lows in the mid 60s.

Wednesday- thursday: a cold front will ever-so- slowly approach the area through the middle of the week, which will increase our chances for some showers and storms for wednesday and thursday.

Temperatures will still be reaching the mid to upper 80s each afternoon with lows near 70.

Friday-saturday: to be transparent, there is still some of uncertainty in the forecast for the end of the week and the weekend, so this could change.

As of now, we expect the cold front to move through on friday, decreasing our rain chances to 0% for friday afternoon and next weekend.

This front will likely drop our temperatures for next weekend with highs near 80 and overnight lows as low as the upper 50s.

Depending on how far south the front can dig, we could even see highs in the 70s in some spots next weekend.

Again, this can change, but this is the way it's september which means one's almost your boy's birthday.....but seriously it's football season!!

Yesterday, we kicked off high school football with endzone and in a few weeks the sec college football season begins.

Up the highway in oxford, ole miss and the rebs continue fall camp as they have a showdown with florida to start the season.

Head coach lane kiffin and his staff continue installing the team's new offense that should find ways to feature some talented receivers like elijah moore and jonathan mingo.

So far, those guys like what they're seeing.

"i feel like it allows us to be the players that we are especially with lane kiffin.

It allows us to tap into what we're good at.

I just feel like he puts us in the best position to be us."

"this offense is really different from last year.

It's more opened up so everybody can eat.

Running backs can eat.

Receivers can eat so we're just going out there playing fast.

Picking up new plays from coach.

Picking up plays from coach kiffin so we get the taste of two types of offenses so i really like it."

Across state lines in tuscaloosa, the tide continue prepping for the start of the 10 game sec schools only season.

The sec is known in many circles as the toughest conference in college football with 6 of the last 10 college football national champs hailing from the sec.

The tide have four titles during that span.

However, they know just as well as anyone else how difficult it is playing in the sec.

"you going against the best.

Everyday at practice, just prepare yourself mentally and physically because the competition is outstanding.

Be you.

Learn the playbook and just don't over think.

Just be confident in themselves."

Louisville taking on the columbus louisville taking on the columbus falcons... 3rd qtr..

Columbus down thirteen..

Falcons punter jakaylin lewis can't handle the snap..

And louisville would have good field postiion there..

Later on..

3rd and goal for the wildcats...jacorey coleman gets the ball..

And he gets stood up..

Fumbles the ball and columbus would recover..

Next possession for columbus...ethan conner on the qb keeper..

And he would break numerous tackles for a big run down inside louisville territory..

Later on..

Conner back to pass..

And he gets sacked..

Louisville pitches the shout out..

13-0 over the falcons... starkville academy hosting noxapater early on for the vols...cj jackson gets the ball..

Gets a good gain that picks up the first down..

However that drive would stahl after a holding call..

Here comes noxapater..

Kd carter gets the snap..

Throws deep down field..

Look at the catch made by rashad hornesburger..

What a nice grab..

Later on for the tigers..

Carter back to pass..

He takes off..

Breaks tackles and picks up a first down inside the 10 yard line..

Next play..

Jimmy graham gets the handoff..

He rumbles in for the score..

Pat blocked..

6-0 tigers lead..

Starkville academy wins 52-26 stay with us you're watching wcbi while we're enjoying some more comfortable air this weekend, warm and muggy weather will return through the week along

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