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Thursday, 12 September 2024

911 TALKS 9.11.20

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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911 TALKS 9.11.20
911 TALKS 9.11.20
911 TALKS 9.11.20

C1 3 day to remember those who died in the september 11 terrorist attacks been talking all morning just about some of the stories that we remember of course.

From that day.

Even now 19 years later, pres.

George w.

Bush declared the first patriot day adjust before september 11, 2000 before september 11, 2002.

That was a year after the attac, the claim nearly 3 out that five on september 11, 2001 terrorist hijacked airplane two of them crashed into both world trade center towers in new york, causing them to collect another question of the pentagon will fourth went down in a field in shanksville, pennsylvania after passenger struggled with hijackers on patriot day on of their members by volunteering sporting kindness and dissipating in remembrance of former pres.

Barack obama expanded patriot day in 2016, including national day of service ... and remembrance looking at ground zero.

There we you've been there you were talking about yeah and on was i'm not i wouldn't say emotional person generally, but i cheered up and i cried when i went out there and there was nothing going on.

There were nt kind of gathered like reading o the lacquers are still out ther and found in the memorial really a movie.

Just to be there ... it's weird to as we're talking during the breaks by the fact that there are groups of our population.

Now there are too young to remember in your kind of i like the very tail end of that.

As far as age i feel like i'm younger than what happened don't really remember the event i was in third grade.

That was like eight years old when that happened, and i for sending class in the teachers gathering in the hallways and then it was worth were eight years old so they put it on the tvs and it was the first time news we actually watched like all on it really really watched it and the boys like all cool you get it.

It was a real teachers are trying to explain to a room ful of 70-year-olds that this is real.

This is happening.

People are losing their lives in you everything in his the things that we always call back to his is now because were special for me from it the day after the 12 being such an amazing day because that was the day we had kind of as a country moved past that moment and came together what it was helping with blood drives or cleanup or whatever the situation was.

I remember just that unity that everybody had no matter what, even you know your jerk.

Never never transgressed whatever what you guys do something about the i'm ever being in spanish class and we heard the news and then they rolled it back then you have like the tvs.

Unlike the class you know that they live in a robot in and then we were just watching it and like not only understanding to what was going on than once real life and her teachers like explaining to us like hey this is klingon.

I think just more shocked than any and witnessing it happening live.

Of course, the first tower that went on and seeing that you want to is also think on a lighter note, the fact that you kids warning that history be no that is i never what those in the history books.

It was like bear like a year or two after meeting with we were quick to make sure that we don't forget and we always remembered everything we are but when you talk about the number 12 riding around i got the sms only sad memories of their associate wit that kind of like people growin up, you realize there was the time coming together afterwards true ... we certainly think our veterans and military members were still fighting to protect us and all the first responder out there that day.

No doubt a lot of them over covering or dealing with health effects being out there smoke the debris that cam down following the attack goods or if they are thinking of having you.

I wonder what would what we have and what we hear from it.

This happened for bidding in an age like this three has so much media because i was going back and really trying to get in into the remembrance today.

It wasn't a voicemail left by people who ar on the planning issues amazing younger than the last words wer just ... breaking having several others a 300% yes it tonight at 2 o'clock in the morning.

He really deep in the internet and watch the old footage and because just brings back so much emotion and to ion just reviewed the and micro for your daughter about i being so young.

Nothing was just texting the commercial break like a hellion able to talk to the kids so were going to watch videos in there to learn and understand organa number.


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