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Tuesday, 16 July 2024

9/11 Tian Griffieth

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9/11 Tian Griffieth
9/11 Tian Griffieth
9/11 Tian Griffieth

About and talk about tour of the tropics coming up in just a bit.

>> leah: emily, thanks.

Today marks 19 years since the senate 11 attacks on the united states.

Ceremony at ground zero will take place to mark the day of remembrance.

They have have additional safety measures because of the coronavirus pandemic.

This year no live readings.

Instead they will play recordings of family members reading the names.

The ceremony will honor 2983 men, women and children killed during the attacks at world trade center, the pentagon and aboard flight 93.

>>> lowcountry tradition honoring the victims of 9/11 is going virtual.

With us this morning we have captain teon griffith of north charleston fire.

He is one of the organizers of the 9/11 is lent walk which is set to begin in just a little while.

Good morning.

Thank you for joining us.

>> good morning.

Thank you for taking time this morning.

>> leah: tell people where you are and the significance of your location.

>> currently located in the escalator at uss yorktown here at patriots point in charleston harbor.

Surrounded by me you will find 343 firefighters and 71 police officers who lost their lives on 9/11 as they committed themselves to rescue and save the people that were killed that day.

>> leah: so for people again watching at home, this year's is lent event will be a little bit different.

The aim is still the same.

Can you tell us a little bit about that?

>> goal is to honor those lost that day.

This year there will nobody actual walking event where you see the thousands of firefighters following the charleston to honor.

This year we will be hoisting the new york city fire department and police department flags here on the flight deck and just working the day to honor the victims. >> leah: captain, what do you want people to get out of today's ceremony?

>> the whole process never forget.

So many things that happened over the course of this year.

Think about people like ray hodge, 24 years ago he worked on 9/11 and went duration of his life and hoping didn't get sick and this year he he got covid-1.

It is about never forgetting and honoring them some act of kindness and today is patriots' day and think about to honor and encourage someone.

>> leah: captain, where can people watch the live stream?

>> through patriot point social media and all of their usual platforms. >> leah: always ask just in case we didn't cover anything.

Is there anything else you want to add to know about this day, why it is important?

>> 9/11 will always be important.

When you think about 19 years ago just in a few minute we are live at the 8:46 time when someone was not able to tell them they loved them or thinking about them, last anniversary, last time there was thanksgiving, you know, where everybody was there.

So many families have been lost.

This year actually surpass people lost in 2001, so talking 6,000 people lost.

9/11 is more of a disease and think about all the ailments people went through.

At least encourage you not to forget of those people lost.

>> leah: people working in news that's something to follow and think about, the health effects from something that happened 20 years ago how people who survived are dealing with the aftereffects mentally, physically today.

Thank you very much for that reminder.

Captain, thank you for your service and again for

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