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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

With bad air quality lingering, respiratory experts recommend staying indoors

Credit: KHSL
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With bad air quality lingering, respiratory experts recommend staying indoors
With bad air quality lingering, respiratory experts recommend staying indoors

Smoke from the fires blanket Shasta County, putting the area in the unhealthy category.

Blanketing shasta county..

And putting the air in the unhealthy category.

Action news now reporter ana torrea is live in redding... anaã this is bad for everybody but especially those with respiratory issues.

That's right debbie.

And while everyone should avoid being outside for long periods respiratory therapists say that's even more important for people with asthma or c-o-p-d smoke can affect each person differently.

But if you're out in it for too long: it can cause symptoms like: nausea... dizziness... and even chest- tightness.

One redding couple i spoke with..

Told me: because of all the smoke in that's hanging around they're limiting their exercise activity outdoors.

It kind of limits the activity you can do so no more running for now we really want to encourage people to stay indoors, we dont want you outdoors exercising during this time but those that are respiratory comporised, espeically those invidiauls, need to stay inside as much as possible respiratory experts say if you start to use your inhaler or nebuzlier more..

Get treatment sooner rather than later.

You should wear an n-95 mask in these conditions, but if none are available..

A surgical mask or a cloth mask can also help.

Reporting live in redding, ana torrea, action news now coverage you can count on.

The shasta county air quality district management agency expects these smokey skies to continue for the next several days.


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