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Thursday, 18 July 2024

24-Minute Core-Focused Strength Workout

Credit: SELF
Duration: 24:00s 0 shares 1 views

24-Minute Core-Focused Strength Workout
24-Minute Core-Focused Strength Workout

Our trainer Bianca Vesco designed this 24-minute core-focused exercise to bulid abdominal strength.

Get ready to strengthen your whole body with low lunges, toe touches, and jackknives with Bianca and Suzanne Cover.

Don't be afraid to sweat a little from the ab burnout finisher!

(upbeat music)- Hey guys.I'm Bianca and I'm here with Susanne.- Hey!- And we're gonna take you througha full body strength workout, okay?Five exercises.12 reps each.We're gonna start witha warm-up right here.Dynamic, 30 seconds each move, okay.So, we're gonna start at an inchworm.You're gonna walk out into a plank,swing your left leg around,reach your left fingertips up,and then bend at the elbow,and then we're just gonna workon this rotation in, and out.Right, moving through your spine.Oh, that feels nice.Warming up through the hips.Again guys, these exercises areonly about 30 seconds right,so move as fast or asslow as your body needs.We're about halfway throughit, so a couple more here.Remember, breathe right in.You wanna ideally try to get that elbowas close to the floor as you can,and then keep that right arm super long.Nice, how 'bout one more here?Three, two, one.Your right knee is gonna come down.You're gonna reset into90 degrees in your legs.And then you're gonnashift your hips forwardas you reach up towards the ceiling,maybe a little back bendif that's there for you.And then lift up out of your hips,and then into that rotation.Yeah, perfect.And then you're just gonna workthrough this again for about 30 seconds.As you warm up, you cansink a little bit lower,twist a little bit more.About half way.Nice, adding that back bend, again,heading into your spine,adding that mobility.Yeah, and then we're go rightinto a hamstring stretch.So, you'll flex your left foot.Sit back in your hamstring.Try to keep a super flat back, here.And then you'll sink rightforward into your hips, next.Maybe you press on your knee, again,opening up your hipjust a little bit there.And then sitting back into that stretch.Now don't feel like you haveto follow Susanne and I.You know, time for time.Do what feels comfortable for you.Maybe you wanna hangout here for a second.Maybe you wanna hang out back here.That's also totally cool, guys.Three.Two.One.We're gonna reset back into our plank.So find that high plank,and then swing your right leg around,peeling your right armopen to the ceiling.Bend it, and work on that rotation.Nice, guys.Really trying to get yourelbow as close as you can,as you can to the floor.About half way through.And then remember, leftknee is gonna come down.You're gonna find that90 degrees in your legs.Left knee down.Reset into your 90 degrees,and then remember arms are gonna come upas you shift your hips forward.Your back should be alittle bit warmer now,so maybe you can add alittle bit extra rotationthere as you open up.And again, increasing your back bendNext, maybe drop yourhead if that feels nice.And really don't forget to breathe, guys.At your own pace here, just warming up.Adding that extra mobility, right.Super important.Oh, awesome.And then, remember, flex your right footand reach for those toes.Focusing on super flat back here.And then shifting your hips forward.Remember, again, youcan press on your knee,open up your hips a little bit more.And then sit back intothat super flat back.Nice, awesome you guys.Sit back.Maybe get a little bitdeeper into that stretch.Warmin' up, right?And we're actually gonnastart on the ground.We're already here.Last one.One, nice.Okay, so our first move guys.Again, we have five exercises.Together, 12 reps of everything.Okay, we're start withsomething called "Down-Up Dog".So, we're gonna startin a Down-dog position.And you're literally justgonna drop your hips forward,pull your belly in,and then lift right backup into your Down-dog.So, here's one right here.So, you come down.Press away from the floor.Nice.Pull your belly up and in.There's three.Perfect.Now, this should feel good, right?Stretching.Again, pulling your low belly in.Activating your abs like crazy.Almost half way there, guys.Just shifting onto the balls of your feet,but no need to tuck your toesfor all my yogis out there.You can stay right there on the balls.Half way.- Gettin' warm.- Yeah, right?(laughing)Just a couple more, okay.Using your breath toguide these movements.We have three more, and then we'regonna go right into a thruster, okay?Here's two.And one more.Drop it down.Lift it up.And then we're gonna come up,and stand, okay.So on the thruster,it's almost like doing a burpeewithout standing all way up, okay?So your hands are gonna come to the floor.You're gonna pop your feet back.Pop your feet forward.Reach your arms up without standing.Alright?So, let's do it.Now, Susanne's gonna keep moving.If that's hard, guys,you have the option justto walk back and forth.Keep it goin', guys.Pop it up.Forward.Holding that plank.Remember guys, as youjump back into your plank,you wanna watch that you'renot dipping in your low back.Almost there.Keep it goin' guys.Pop it back.Sit up.I gotcha right here, Susanne.Let's do this.I know, it is almost over!This one takes a lot of effort.We only have four more.You got it.Pop it forward like a little popcorn.Just one more, one more!Up!Oh my gosh.Shake that out.Now we get to lay on the ground, okay?Superman, so you're gonnacome down onto your bellies,and reach your arms out.Tuck your chin here.Look down at the floor.Then you're gonna lifteverything up off the ground,and then relax back down, okay?Here we go.Up, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.And lower down.Here's number three.And down.Don't forget to breathe.Breathing is super important.You wanna breathe throughthe entire time, okay?Over half way there.Up.

And right back down.Now you see when I lookup I'm pinching backthrough my neck.So, tuck your chin.Up.

And back down.Your hair might get into your face.Totally cool, guys.Just shake it out.Nice.

Almost there.Very close.Four more left.Here's four.Here's three.Really squeeze your glutes like crazy.And last one.Oh, that's over.Now, we're gonna comeinto a plank positionfor our Side Plank Hop.So you're just gonna hop your feetonto the outsides of your hands.So, from your plank,you hop one,two,three.Little bounce.Remember, if this issuper aggressive for you,you can just hop your feeton the outside of the mat.Ideally, you wanna try to get your feetas close to your hands.We just got two more.Oh, man!Okay, relax.Nice, you guys.Now we're gonna come down ontoour backs for our Jackknife.Okay, so hands and legsworking in opposition, here.Right hand left foot.Three, two, one, let's do it.Up.And right back down.So you wanna use your opposite handas a little bit ofsupport here on the floor.Breathin' through it.Nice.

Half way.Look at that.Almost done, guys.No surprises from here on out.Two more.One,and two.Oh man.No rest.Extra burnout circuit.Extra core circuit right here.We're gonna start withSuperman Plank Walks.Everything 30 seconds, straight through.Let's do it.Find that high plank.Then you're gonna walkout in front of you,and right back in underneath you.Other side.Out, and in.Now, I'm doing it on my toes.As you can see, Susanneis doing it on her knees.You guys, if you need thatmodification, go there, okay?We have 15 seconds left.Walking your hands rightunderneath your shoulders.10 more seconds andwe're gonna flip it over.Right into that Hollow Rock, okay?And one.Flip it over onto your back, guys.Hollow Rock, here we go.No time to transition.No time to rest.Rocking up.Momentum is gonna bring you up,and then your core's gonna catch youbefore your feet hit the floor.Wrapping your biceps in towards your ear.Trying to stay asupright as possible here.So not arching.We have another 10 seconds, guys.Rock it up.Find that neutral spine.Two, we're gonna flip it over,and one.Shoulder Taps.So, as quickly as you can, right,finding that plank.Susanne is gonna show you whatthe variation is on her knees.And I'm gonna show you on my toes.This one, slow and steady.Now, if you feel like you're doinga little bit of a salsa dance here,you can widen your feet a little bit,and that way you'll have alittle bit more stability.A little bit more area onthe ground to hold yourself.One!Oh my gosh, relax.And hey, we're starting on the groundso we can just hang here.We have a full minute of rest, okay,so a little bit of a land break.We know what's happening now.Down-up dog, thrusters, supermans,side plank hop, jackknife.We have that little extra core burnout.Totally optional, you guys.And we're gonna start againin about 30 seconds, okay?So, think about are you gonna advance it,are you gonna move a little bit faster?The thing with the rep count is it's kindof like up to you how fast you do it.When you do somethingfor time, you push, push,push, push, push until it's over.And with the 12 reps, it's like okayI can take two minutes to do this,or I can take one minute to do it.I like to take one minute to do itbecause then it's over, right?- Yeah.- Okay, we still gotanother 15 seconds, guys.On the Down-up dogs,again, down-dog, forward.Make sure you breathe.Breathing is so important!Okay?Five more seconds and we're doin' it.I'm gonna get ready.Let's go.One, here we go.Hips up.Hips forward.Don't be afraid to sit into that stretch.Should feel nice.Abs are on fire, activated.Awesome, you guys.Almost half way there.Rolling through the balls of your feet.Pressing through your entire hand.Try to wrap your tricepsback towards your side body.Pressing out of yourshoulders as you come forward.So make sure you're notsitting into this placewith your shoulders in your ears,but pressing up out of the floor.Nice, and don't forget, guys,you don't have to go fast,you don't have to go slow.What is the mostcomfortable for your body,what your body needs.Your workout, not mine, right?Three more.And then we have those thrusters, come up.Three, two,one, here we go, thrusters.You ready, Susanne?- I'm ready.Let's do this.- Yes!Okay, guys to the floor.Feet walk back.Now again, you can move super quickthrough this like a little popcorn,however, if that issuper aggressive for you,remember what the modification is, right.Your hands come down,step, step your feet.Step, step your feet forward.Nice, we're-- oh!Way over half way through it.We only have three more left!Let's go, let's go!I'm with ya.And...Okay, supermans.Hey, this one we'retotally on the ground for.Not terrible.So come down to thefloor, and let's do it.Lift up, and relax back down.Now, remember guys, ifit is painful for youto lift up with your armsstraight out in front of you,you can totally bring your hands in.Rest your forehead on yourpalms, and lift from right here.It's the same exact thing.This is a little extra work on your back.So if you need to take thatmodification, go for it.Half way through it.Woo!Five more, okay?Nice, really squeezeyour glutes like crazy,like crazy, like crazy!Two more, two.Up.

Nice.We're gonna come rightinto that side plank hop.So, high plank, let's do it right now.To the side.To the back.It's almost like--Oo, watch your mats, alright?It's almost like a little dance.And remember guys, ideallyyou wanna get your feetas close to your hands as possible,but if that's not there for you, yet,you build up the strength just by hoppingto the outsides of your mat.Just making sure that youstay stacked in your shoulder.Two more, one.And two.Relax, let's come onto ourbacks for that jackknife.Susanne, you are absolutely crushin' this.Here we go, right hand, left foot.Up, and out.Now if you want the advancement you guys,maybe you keep yourhands up the entire time,and don't touch the floor at all.Not using that extra added support,your body has to work a littlebit harder to lift you up.And making sure you're notgoing into that rounding place.Two,and last one.Okay, time for the burnout, guys.It's only 30 seconds.Remember, I like no rest becausethen you get done faster.Right into it.Out, out, in, in.Now, remember that tempo is justa point of reference, you guys.You move as fast or asslow as your body needs.Right now, you see Susanneis absolutely crushin' it over there.Make sure you alternate, you guys.We're almost there.Five more seconds.- Woo!- Oh my gosh, three,one.On your back for thatHollow Rock, right into it.We know what's going on, now.We don't need as much time to transitionbecause we're morefamiliar with the moves.Yes!Beautiful, guys.Biceps at your ears.You wanna ideally getinto that catch position.Ten more seconds, almost there.And then we're gonna finishwith those shoulder taps, okay?Very close to the end.Feel the burn,three, two.Shoulder taps.Flip around.Finding that plank position, let's do it.Now, again, you guys, if youneed that extra stability,you walk your feet out,but if you wanna reallychallenge yourself,you can put your feet together,and take away all of your surface area.Oh my gosh, this is your final 10 seconds.Come on, Susanne, we got this!Almost there!Three,one!Okay!It is time for a rest.Man, I hope this minute never ends.Maybe you do a little bit of stretching.Maybe grab some water.We only have to do thatentire thing one more time.- One more time.- How are you guys feelin'?I'm pretty sweaty.My arms are a little shaky.Abs are on fire.- Feelin' em.- Into it, yeah?Okay, man, we stillgot a whole 30 seconds.Right?I might get some more water.Maybe towel off if you need to.I like being sweaty.It's the point of a work out, but...(laughs)Okay, still 20 seconds.Now, again, on the rep count, guys,pick up the pace a little bit.This is our last time.So, how fast are you gonna get this done?I'm gonna get it done pretty fast,so let's if we can do thatbecause it's the last one.10 more seconds, guys.Let's roll, okay, here we go.Starting with that Down-up dog.Hips are high.Abs are in.Really focusing on pressingaway from the floor.And watch you guys, asyou're pressing downinto that down-dog, you wanna thinkabout floating your elbows in.The soft parts of your elbowsare gonna float forward,so really pressing intothe floor, wrapping back.Look at that, beautiful down-up dog.I'm gonna join her.We are almost done, guys.Breathing is so important to working out,to staying alive.Awesome, we just got five more, guys.I know, I know.The thrusters are up next.It's my least favorite one, honestly.I'm sorry, I had to say it.- It's hard.- It's hard, just laugh through it, okay?And stand it up.Okay, guys, let's do it.It's time for those thrusters, ready?- Let's get it.- Okay, let's go!And up.Now, remember, guys, ifthat's super aggressive,it's right here.Walk, walk, walk, walk, stand.Raise.And then go right back into it,focusing on keeping that super long spine.Core sucked in, andhere we go, here we go.Four more.Four.Three, hey, we get to layon our bellies after this.Reach it up.Oh my gosh, come down.Supermans, ready?Reach it up,and come back down.So, really focusing onsqueezing your glutesas equally as hard assqueezing through your back,through your shoulders,all of that, you guys.Yeah, don't forget to breathe.It's hard to catch yourbreath in this position,so you have to work really, really hardon focusing on breathing andbringing the heart rate down.Keeping your chin tucked at your chest.You are very close, you have five more.Oh my gosh, side plank hops is up next.Two!- Let's do this.- Here we go, finding thathigh plank position guys.Let's go for it, it's almost over.Four, come on, come on.Half way!Almost there, guys.Okay, jackknife.It's the last one.Ready?We are gonna celebrate withthat extra core burnoutafter this.Up,up.Remember, guys, that extraadvancement is to not tap yourhands down onto the ground.Man, we've gotta be over half way.One, it's the last one!Okay, it's time.Last burnout.Final burnout.Let's knock this out, together.Superman plank walks.- Let's go.- Let's go for it.Maybe this time you pick up the pacebecause it's the lasttime you have to do it.You only have 20 seconds, why not?15.Make sure you're alternating you guys.Right, left, right, left.Left, right, left, right.10 seconds!And then we're gonna goright to that hollow rock.I'm gonna meet you thereright now in three,flip it over, two,one, here it is.Final 30 seconds of this.Remember guys, momentumbrings you forward.And it's okay if your feet tap.Totally cool.Pick em right back up.And go back into that rock.Nice, biceps up at your ears.Super long spine.15 seconds!(screams)Amazing job, guys.It's a fun game to play.Almost there, almost there, almost there.One, flip it over.This is our final thirty seconds, okay?- 30 seconds to cool.- Let's go.Shoulder taps, here it is.Tap, tap, tap.We try one leg.Oh my gosh, what?!I know, guys, it's so crazy.Half way you'll switch.Oh my gosh, we have 10seconds, and then we're done.Come on, come on, come on, come on.You are amazing.- We did it!- And you are amazing.And now we get to cool down.Yeah, me too.Okay, guys, we're just gonna comeinto a wide-knee child's pose here.Relax into the floor.Just breathe.And you're gonna walk yourhands right to the right.Stretch out to your left last.And walk it to the other side.And back through center, you're gonna comeinto a tabletop position,and just weave your rightarm underneath your body,and rest your right earright onto that mat.And switch it up.Left side, same exact move.And back into that tabletop position.Guys, we are done.You absolutely crushed it.Thank you for all your hard work.- You too!- Yes, done!

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