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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

10 Things Christian McCaffrey Can't Live Without

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10 Things Christian McCaffrey Can't Live Without
10 Things Christian McCaffrey Can't Live Without

There are a few things Carolina Panthers star running back Christian McCaffrey can't live without at home.

From his personal sauna and his piano to his Xbox and Boosted Board, these are Christian McCaffrey's essentials.

Shop Christian McCaffrey's essentials below.

(Note: if you buy something through these retail links, GQ may earn an affiliate commission.) Apple iPad: Bose Home Speaker: Xbox: Boosted electric longboard: Jura coffee maker:

- The Jura coffee machineis something I use when Iwake up and I just broke it.And it's like, I want to fix that but...What's up GQ, this is Christian McCaffreyand these are my essentials.[upbeat music]Watching film has beensome I've been doingsince I was a kid.My dad used to pull upclips of all the old gamesback when he was playing.Me and my brothers would sit on YouTubeand watch film all the time,so it's just something that I'm used to,something that I find asrefreshing as anything else,just to be able to watch football.It's the love of my life,so I get to come home and Iget to watch film on the iPad.The good thing about this, it's portable,I can bring it wherever,and always do my job.One of my favorite essentials is my sauna.It's an infrared sauna,but also it's meant for heat as well.Something that I use on the daily.I come home from practice,I come home from a workout,I hop in the sauna.If it's an off day,I wake up in the morningI hop in the saunaabout 30 to 40 minutes, I can unwind.It's got speakers inthere, I listen to musicand get a good sweat,and it's the best thingfor me for recovery,what it does to my body,how it makes my body feel,getting rid of all the toxins.I have a sauna at myparents' house as well,it gets to about 220 Fahrenheit soI like it hot and I like toreally feel the benefits of it.I feel like I've mastered the art.I read a book on the finishedpeople are the ones who kindastarted the sauna and sauna therapy.They would be in the sauna for 15 minutes,then they would get a massageor flush massage or stretchfor about 30 minutesand then get back in the sauna,use essential oils and do all that stuff,and then hop in a cold shower afterand that's how they wouldfinish the treatment.For me, I've been doing that,so it's about an hour long process or so,and it's changed the way I feel.So the next essential would bemy speaker, my Bose speaker.I have many of them.I love every single one of them.I'm a big music person,I listen to music constantly,all genres.I'm not picky at all,I have a very versatile playlist.Being able to come home, listento music on this speaker,which is very good,fills up the whole condo soI don't gotta worry aboutsetting up a whole bigspeaker system ever,I just plug it into thisthing and it does the trick.So for me,big essential, I don't knowwhat I would do without music.My go to warm up music is very different.Obviously, I like kindof that angry hip hop.I like old biggie,Tupac, Eminem, Lil Wayne.I'm kind of a late '90s,early 2000s rap fan.So that's my era,50 cent and The Game and that era,but I also liked classical music.I play the pianoand being able to kind of tunemy mind out and be relaxedis something I find important,especially before games.[piano music]My piano is probably myfavorite thing that I own.I've been playing pianofor a really long time now,and I think you talk aboutmental escapes it's definitelysomething that for me is essential.Music is a passion of mine,playing piano is a passion of mineand I take a lot of pride in it.I spent a good amount of money on it.It's not a low caliber piano,and so I do the best I can,when I look at it, itmotivates me to play.I started playing piano myfreshman year of high school.My neighbor, Mike man,when I was going into high school,he told me the best way to get girlsis to learn how to play the piano.And me being a young youngguy jumped on it like that,started playing,and actually learned that,I actually really didfall in love with it.And I can't read music,I just started listening to the soundsand trying to replicate itand watching the videos,and that's kind of how I played it,and I'm no expert at all butjust the process of learning a songand the gratification you getwhen you do one of the songsis something that's important to me.My friend Mr. Xbox.This is something I do a lot,maybe too much, that's okay.When I come home,being able to not justplay games that I like,it's a mental escape from my work.So I love doing this,but also I get to stay intouch with some of my friendsover a headset.I feel like a kid, but it's also a way tokeep the kid in me as I grow old.So playing Xbox, my gameright now, Fortnite.When Fortnite came out,I started playing it.I have not played another game sinceother than Madden and NHL,but I spend a lot of time on Fortnite.I love the Fortnite danceson the end zone celebrations.I think adding that aspectof it seems pretty fun.I know the older guys inthe league can't stand it,they don't even know what for that is sothey just think it's another dance,but for me,I really enjoy it.I don't know if I've perfectedany enough to do one yet,but maybe one day will.[skateboard revving]- Next item.This is a unique one, uniqueto myself, my boosted board,my electric skateboard.It's my baby right here,I love this thing.I live right in the city,so a lot of times going to workI just ride my skateboard.I have a little remotecontrol, I just use that.I grew up actually when I wasreal little skateboarding,just with a couple of my buddies.Just kind of kept to it and at Stanford,Stanford has a massive campus.So a lot of people would ride bikes,but I'm not a walker.I cannot stand or walk,I don't like going on walks,I don't like jogging,I'm like either runningor getting there efficiently,so that's why I have the long board.Matter of fact I'm so lazythat sometimes I will drive to practiceand ride the long board into the door.So I refuse to walk.So this has become my best friend.It goes 22 miles an hour.Maybe even more than that.So probably a little too fast.I've never hit that top speed.There are things in my contract thatencourage me not to go that fast.I keep a steady pace, butit's fun for me just toride around the city a little bit,ride around through the parksand they're easy to ride.The best part about themtoo is you have breaks,so you can actually slow down.Once again just mental escapes for meand all my essentials arekind of mental escapes for methat when I'm not in the facility,when I'm not training and doing my job,I can come home andrelax and unwind withoutphysically taxing myself.My grill,I love my grill.That's definitely essential in my house.It's something that I use all the time.I love grilling up steaks,love grilling up and chicken,I grill bacon, I mean there'snow one thing I don't grill.I got the grillingand my favorite is the green egg,specifically the big green egg.I got it parked out righton the deck and for me,eating well is important,and I like to learn how to cook myself.I have a lot of guys who come overand our grill master JackArnold's one specifically whojust kind of taught me theropes and how to grill.I don't have any specific formulas,I'm more of an eyeball guy.A lot of guys say, well, youknow, six minutes [indistinct,]I don't do that.I ball the stakes, I ball the chicken,When I feel like it'sready, I take it off.And I'd like to say I'm a perfectioniston the grill as well.I need to have char marks on the steak,I need to have the checkered marksor else I'm not serving it up sovery specific on how I grill it,and it's definitely something once again,just something to getmy mind off of football,relax a little bit and unwind.Another one of my essentials,my Jura coffee machine.I'm a big coffee guy.I like it,I liked this black coffee.I'm not picky,if I'm gonna do a latte orsome other sort of blend,I use almond milk or oatmeal,try to do the lower calorie one, buteveryone once in a while, Iget the vanilla sweetened one,equally delicious in fact, more delicious.So the Jura coffee machine issomething I use when I wake upand I just broke and it's like,so I have to fix it up but...Just throw a little bit cup in,have it when I'm in the car,kind of sets my day up right.But there's nothing like enjoying a goodmug of coffee in the morning.So for me, this thing means a lot me.My next essentials would be my cars.I love my cars, they're very new,but something I'm very protective of.The first two cars thatI've bought in my life,I have this right hereand Aston Martin, DB 11,all black, matte black, and to match it,I have Ford Raptor, 2020,also all black, matte black.These are my babies.I've never been a huge car guy,but when I bought my first two cars,they were very special.I don't plan on getting a whole lot more,I think two's a good number for me.I have kind of a street style car,and then I have the truck,which is more of my roots,back to where I grewup, being in Colorado.So this one kind of morethe style street car,the Aston Martin, very fast.James Bond with somebody who I,I loved watching thebond movies growing up,I thought he was thecoolest guy in the world,always drove an Aston Martin soI loved this car, and I still love it.And the Ford Raptor,something that's kinda morein my roots being in Colorado,kind of a mountain car.So whenever I go through anyoutdoor activity, I use this.So both of these cars,definitely the essentialsthat I have to have.So next essential,very unique essential.It's a PEMF, machine.That's P-E-M-F,which is pulse electromagnetic field.And once again,I do a lot with my body to takecare of my body constantly.Half my day, just getting treatment,someone's working on me.So I have to find toolsthat are also efficientin taking care of my body.So this machineis a machine that helps repair yourself.It's great for soreness,great for inflammation.Right after games, I'll put it on,whatever it is, they have multiple units,you can use differentprograms you can use,but it sends an electriccurrent into your body,and it kind of runs over the inflamedor the damaged shellsand it repairs them withan electric current.Soit's a fancy term of sayingit makes me feel a lot better.So definitely an essentialthat I have in my houseand something that I'm verylucky that I have this,and that I've,works with a lot of great peoplewhen it comes to taking care of my body.- Appreciate you guyswatching my 10 essentials.Can't wait to see you this fall,keep pounding.

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