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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Feehan, Hagedorn trade heated remarks on the campaign trail

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Feehan, Hagedorn trade heated remarks on the campaign trail
Feehan, Hagedorn trade heated remarks on the campaign trail
Congressman Hagedorn is facing questions over a campaign controversy.

I'm katie lange.

And i'm george mallet.

We begin tonight with the battle for minnesota's first congressional district seat.

And, we do mean battle.

Democratic candidate dan feehan is challenging u?

"* s representative jim hagedorn this november.

As hagedorn faces a spending controversy ?*- sparks are flying on the campaign trail.

Kimt news three's anthony monzon joins us live with the latest ?

"* anthony?

Xxx katie... george... this heated exchange followed a visit to the mayo clinic by dan feehan in which he got a behind the scenes look at their covid?

"*19 testing system.

But feehan took a chance to swipe at his opponent ?

"* congressman jim hagedorn.

You might remember hagedorn has come under fire for using hundreds?


"* thousands of taxpayer dollars to send post cards and advertisement s to voters... known as franked mail... earlier this year... with a large portion of printing expenses going to a company owned by one of his staffers.

Since then hagedorn has released an internal report which found no wrongdoing on his part... but feehan says he's angry and deeply unsatisfied with the "he commissioned his own attorney to say that nothing happened here.

I don't know of any system in which an accused or a criminal is allowed to investigate themselves and say 'nothing happened here.'

And i really believe an honest, transparent, and impartial process has to go forward to investigate the extent of corruption with congressman hagedorn."

Now we did receive a response from congressman hagedorn.

His statement reads in part... "dan is the hand?

"*picked puppet of nancy pelosi who favors open borders, gun confiscation, green new deal extremism, late?

"*term abortion, and government run medical care schemes that will devistate our hospitals and hurt our economy."

As you can see... these two candidates are not mincing words.

Live in rochester... anthony thank you anthony.

And if you're a resident of minnesota's first district... you can cast your vote

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