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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Attorney Gary Massey discusses how to address suspected elder abuse in nursing homes

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Attorney Gary Massey discusses how to address suspected elder abuse in nursing homes
Attorney Gary Massey discusses how to address suspected elder abuse in nursing homes

Attorney Gary Massey discusses how to address suspected elder abuse in nursing homes

G rich jack know always changing so many aspects of day-to-day life.

Imagine any of her face with his problem.

What about if you have a lot more that center nursing will or a senior care facility.

You can't get it to put your arms around them so hard to make sure that their needs are best being taken care of.

We return to that for many other questions as well to her attorney for gary essie gary good morning morning what happens in a situation like thi when they will not let you in the future to the nursing home to see your loved one.

How do you know the stair being given the best care possible ... well there are a few things you can do chill.

The main thing you need to do is you need to talk with the nursing staff need to talk with the director of nursing, or whoever the nurse is in charge of your hello one.

People who are providing the care and get specific update.

There are also possibilities.

Maybe if you can take a device whether an ipad or iphone or someone like that to the to the facility and have them take it to your loved one of your loved one is able to communicate to converse with you some people go and talk to them through the window.

Robertson people through additional mangers things like that but the main thing is to get information directly from the nursing home.

As you can get from the patient themselves.

This is really a your firm seen an increase in cases related to situations like this for the care of patients has decreased since the scope and content of which seen a decrease in care.

Children thin the the providers are.

You know all the people in front lines in these facilities are really doing the best they can but we have certainly seen a lot of cases it's not really morteza that when one single syllable cases but it's a it's really concern the bigger thing is the restoration where we get calls from clients and they say, mother.

You know my loved one is in this facility in the colon.

They told me that they go to do a procedure to address a bit sore.

I know it had a bit sore on in the nose thing was here.

I'm not sure what it is as much or worse do about it so there's just this is lack of informatio, lack of understanding of what's going on, and inability to be in the room and to really get a feel for the situation that really have to understand two folks.

If you are in the situation.

Remember the staff at the nursing home.

Their first responsibility is to give the patient care.

I know it may not get back with you and communicate as often as you would like, or the depth which would like they've got other patients a lot of times those facilities are running short on staffers because of coping correct is true, this room is one of the big problems that we see is is so is not providing enough staff in the staff members not having enough to do so.

They're not able to provide the care and level of care worded so these are unnecessary and preventable injuries result and that's really saying is one of the things we've always recommended to people that you go and visit your loved one at least a few times a week more than you know more than every now and then is all the staff knows that you're there don't advertise, but when you can't d that.

Are you really need to make sure that they know you're interested you're paying attention and ambit to your loved one needs attention and protection as per the designated person for this individual and versatile.

What legal rights do you have ... well you have a right to the information you have a right to be told about everything that's been done for the patient problem.

The patient is having right to review the chart and t see what the medical records say this.

He was in there.

Are you noticing some people have done of a hard word healthcare workers private healthcare workers in many facilities are waiting those private sitters into the facilities when they will wed the family members and their social people are been able to get information that weighs wiltshire academic this easier.

This may not be such a black and white legal answer, but how do you make this easier, before the loved one gets into the situation well needs a durable power of attorney giving somebody else the legal authority to act on their behalf if they become unable to see after the affairs of we, if we become incapacitated, as will the wall while the cold the other.

We need someone who can step in our shoes so that takes away the argument when you don' have the authority to city directory.

You have the authority to give this information you will have a legal piece of paper saying thi person is designated me as thei representative skull power of attorney to to offering their behalf and to make sure that they're getting things that the may and should always have thos updated periodically.

I would just in case right right right you currently get him to becaus give them a lot of authority and so you go make sure the person who you trust and who loves you and is committed to your best interest.

Advice is always scary message.

Thank you so much.

We'll see you here over the nex couple weeks and hope you and your family stay healthy and away from colin and away from talking to deb massey of associates.

They are out on lee highway and call him at six nine 745 29 at six nine seven three 529.

The website massey massey attorneys .com where in the middle of colbert flu

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