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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Monica A block solo fill in

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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Monica A block solo fill in
Monica A block solo fill in
Monica A block solo fill in

Here tonight.

I'm monica harkins.

C1 3 we begin with breaking news...from perry county.

Fire fighters are fighting a suspicious the fugate's water park...outside hazard... firefighters say specifically it's the old river boat at the front of the park that's on fire.

L3: breaking news red suspicious fire at fugate's water park near hazard - perry county according to the perry county advocate..

Police say..

This is the fourth fire started at the park, within the past three days.

Investigators say the fire was fully engulfed when firefighters arrived on the scene tonight.

According to firefighters..

Both directions of highway 15 is closed because of the fire.

Now in our top story at 11... police in louisville..

Have declared a 'state of emergency' ahead of a possible decision, from the attorney general's office in the breonna taylor case.

A timetable has not been released for a decision... but the interim chief..

Says all vacation requests are canceled until further notice.

A judge signed an order, on friday, allowing the federal courthouse to close for the week and cases moved online.

First floor windows were also boarded up at the courthouse.

Kentucky attorney general daniel cameron... has been investigating the death of breonna taylor for months.

Police shot and killed..

The 26-year- old e-m-t..

In march during a no-knock warrant at her apartment.

Last week breonna taylor's family settled with louisville metro police for $12 million dollars, in a wrongful death lawsuit.

The settlement also included police reforms. weather animation short weather forcht bank sky view here's a live look at the forcht bank skyview with current temperatures from across central and eastern kentucky.

Autumnal equinox the first day of fall arrives on tusday at 9:30 am.

C1 3 hometown forecast here's what you can expect, hour- by-hour, for your hometown.

Ots image:right victim identified police-tape-lights-generic1... in bourbon county..

C1 3 the name has been released of a man..

Found shot to death sunday morning in paris.

The coroner says he was 38-year-old clint banks.

According to police..

27-year-old jairum cloud and his girlfriend..

37-year- old kendra snyder, are charged in connection to his death.

Officers say cloud allegedly shot banks during some type of fight.

According to investigtigators cloud is charged with murder.

Snyder, is accused of tampering with evidence.

In powell county..


An indictment for a stanton man..

Accused of attacking two police officers in july.

According to the sheriff's department..

37- year-old jonathan elkins was arrested saturday, during a traffic stop on campton road.

Investigators say he reportedly..

Fought with officers when they tried to arrest him in july for a warrant out of ohio, on drug charges.

Vistitations are now expanded at long- term care facilities in kentucky.

According to the state..

As long as no new cases.... have been confirmed, within the previous two weeks, visitations can be expanded to more than end-of- life visits.

Restrictions on physical touching, and dining, will also be eased while testing staff members, providers and vendors for the coronavirus will continue.


Right now... across the commonwealth... there are least... 61,917 positive cases of covid-19.

Governor andy beshear reported 406-new cases of the virus today.

According to beshear..

Sixty- seven of the new cases... were of children ages 18 and younger.

Nine of those..

Were children ages five and under.

The youngest was only five-months-old.

The governor says the positivity rate in the state ..

Is now..

3 point 7-7 percent, the governor also reported one new covid-19 related death today..

A 77- year-old woman from scott county.

According to beshear..

The total number of people who have died from the virus in the state..

Is now..


Ots image:right estill co.

Still in red coronavirus color map sept 21.png estill county is still in the red on kentucky's color coded coronavirus map.

We told you friday..

In-person classes in the county..

Are now delayed until october 19th, because of the high number of cases.

When a county is in the red..

The state says the school district, will have to suspend in-person classes.

Jackson county was in the red on friday..

But it's now in the orange.

Governor beshear talked about counties in the red today during his daily briefing, and what that means for school districts goiing back to in- person classes next week, on the 28th, the date the governor ,previously recommended for schools to begin classes in-person.

"if you are red, heed the guidance, if means you got a lot of people in your community, and a lot of vulnerable peole at that point, that are going to be exposed because of the mass community spread.

25:55 -butted-- 34:20- 34:50 "i think if you look at this map, we're readly for the majority of the districts to be in, but there are some districts that have extra challenges, that are hard to dscern by the map.

Those largest districts that have transportation issues too, it just adds another layer on, especially when you look at busing, so i think we need to be understanding of districts that might not be in red, some might not even be in orange, but are still going to wait a little longer to go in.34:50 according to governor beshear..

If a district..

Is in the orange... and goes back to in person should begin with a hybrid model... and prepare for remote learning..

If it moves over to red.

According to the governor..

The color coded incident rate map, is updated at the end of every day on the state's covid website.

You can find a link to that..

On our website..

W-t-v-q dot com.

There are no guarantees this college football season.

The cats may have a 10-game slate..

But that doesn't mean they'll play all 10..

Thanks to the pandemic.

It's a situation that everyone is still trying to grasp.

Just look at baylor in the big 12.

There season started two weeks ago..

But they've yet to play a game because of covid-19.

There's also the situation at florida state..

Where head coach mike norvell has tested positive for the virus..

And will miss their rivalry game against miami saturday.

As the cats get set for the auburn tigers..

Mark stoops says they have plans in place to keep those at-risk..

Like o-line coach john schlarman..

As safe as possible.

Stoops also has a back-up plan if he had to miss games because of a positive test.

Coming up later in sports..

Coach stoops talks about the auburn attack.

Austin miller..

Abc 36 sports.

Still ahead..

Warmer weather on the way..

But will it arrive, for the first day of fall'?

Meteorologist jason lindsey has that..

When we return.

And hundreds of people are paying it forward..

At a dairy queen.

We'll tell

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