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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

CDC Reverses Guidelines Posted on Friday

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CDC Reverses Guidelines Posted on Friday
CDC Reverses Guidelines Posted on Friday

On Friday, the CDC announced that coronavirus has the ability to travel further than six feet, causing restaurants and business owners to have to prepare to adapt and change the way they operate.

Control and prevention reversing its findings on research - that digs deeper into how covid-19 is transmitted.

It was previously reported the virus was airborne and could travel further than six feet.

The new revision walks that back -- again putting businesses into a state of confusion.

Reporter jake thomas explains.

((cdc reverses guidelines posted on friday )) serving up a good meal and inviting atmosphere -- is the goal at every restaurants -- but this year -- that goal has to come second to follow c-d-c covid-19 guidelines.

Something that hasn't been easy -- with conflicting and constantly changing reports on the virus.

Friday -- an update on the top health agencies webstie -- said the virus was airborne and could travel beyond the 6-feet -- that becomes our new rule for social interaction.

And with the change in guidelines, evansville restaurants were prepared to adapt their policies once again -- to keep serving customers.?so our lunch business is not there, but our dinner business is steadily growing.

Like i said, i don think wee gonna get back to normal until sometime next year, to normal business, but we have some great customers that are still loyal and come in?

On monday, the cdc came back out saying -- a draft version was posted in error on the website.

Means -- they virus isn't airborne -- but transmitted on droplets released from an infected person speaking - coughing or sneezing -- either way -- the cross eyed cricket is prepared, they made a big investment months ago -- that is giving them peace of mind.

The owners decide to put the uvk light in our air conditioner system.

Takes the air in, goes through this blue light tunnel, and then it goes through a high filter, and then it comes out, and it constantly doing that, so that takes care of the virus?

And this rescinding of public health information by the cdc has left some in the evansville area confused and leery of trusting the cdc in the future.

Evansville resident it may, in the future, cause some skepticism over any information they release, and so, i think it going to make a lot of people really skeptical?

The cdc says -- theye not sure how this false information was released on friday, but theye looking into it to make sure something like this doesn happen again.

Reporting in evansville, jake thomas 44 news.

((cdc reverses guidelines

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