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Thursday, 18 July 2024

University Preparatory School switches to distance learning after confirmed coronavirus case

Credit: KHSL
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University Preparatory School switches to distance learning after confirmed coronavirus case
University Preparatory School switches to distance learning after confirmed coronavirus case
Another Shasta County school hit with a positive case of the coronavirus.

Another shasta county high school switching gears after someone tested positive for covid-19.

Action news now reporter ana torrea is live at u-prep, ana what's the new plan?

Right now: university preparatory school says: it is working on identifying people who came into contact with the infected person..

But for the next 2 weeks: it's back to distance learning.

Take pk* instead heading to campus for class.

Students at university preparatory school exchanging in- person classroom for a virtual one... again.

Take so* trt:03 wesley anderson student i dont really like the computer// sometimes there's challenges with the computer wesley anderson-- a student at u- prep tells me: he's not schocked that a postive case made its way to campus.

Take so* trt:05 wesley anderson student i was kind of disappointed because i don't really like the distance learning i rather go to school and see all my friends the school also putting sports on hold for the next 2 weeks.

And that hits andersonãa baseball playerã hard.

Take so* trt:05 wesley anderson student im kind of disappointed about that too because i felt like it was apart of me// like i was taken away from it ana stand u* trt ana torrea atorreanews university prepatory school declined to tell me if that confirmed positive case was a student or other school staff member.

But school leaders say, while they are looking into this postive case they decided to switch to distance learning in the meantime to protect the health and safety of both students and staff.

Some parents tell action news now the feel frustrated by the switch but undrestand why it needs to be done.

Take so* trt:09 amber kegarise parent one kid seemed not very much to shut it down but at the same time i can see why they did it// i think that it's a good step for them to take it but for anderson-- that means waiting out 2 weeks of distance learning... take so* trt:04 wesley anderson student i don't really like answering questions online, i rather go in person and ask them// sometimes your computer will die or your internet will cutout or the meetings will cut out before heading back to the classroom..

To help kids with the distance learning for the next few weeks: the school handed out chromebooks for students today.

U-prep will also be handing out chromebooks tomorrow.

Reporting live in redding, ana torrea, action news now coverage you can count on u-prep students are expected to return to campus on october 5-th.## corning

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