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Thursday, 18 July 2024

St. Joseph's Human Rights Commission pushes for ban of conversion therapy

Credit: KQTV
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St. Joseph's Human Rights Commission pushes for ban of conversion therapy
St. Joseph's Human Rights Commission pushes for ban of conversion therapy

After a 6-month pause, the City of St.

Joseph is resuming the discussion of banning conversion therapy for minors

<<<the conversation continues to protect minors in st.

Joseph who are undergoing conversion therapysot: michael jasper, human rights commission "no one admits to practicing it because it's controversial."the human rights commission drafted a propsal that would ban the contraversial therapy in st.

Joseph.the discussion started months ago, but the coranavirus put the conversation on hold...sot: michael jasper, human rights commission "the human rights commission was created to advice the city council and to educate them where we can.

And the conversion ban therapy is kind of a pet project for us for some time, because it's so damaging."accoring to the 'human rights campaign' website, conversion therapy is a dangerous practice that targets lgbtq youth and seeks to change their sexual or gender identities.the commission in st.

Joseph says this is nothing new in the professional world.sot: michael jasper, human rights commission "the american psychiatric association, the american medical association, and countless other organiziations, which, i'm sure we'll get into in work sessions and all, all of those organizations say that it doesn't work and it's damaging."if it were to pass, the ban would not include religious institutions, but would effect liscensed counselors and therapistssot: michael jasper, human rights commission "you know it has no impact whatsoever on a pastor or church representitive doing counsleing, which of course is common practice, it does not effect that.

The only time it would effect them would be if say you have a pastor who is also a liscensed counselor or psychologist.

They would have to abide by the ordiance."


Joseph could become the fourth city in missouri, if the city passes the banas kansas city, columbia and st.

Louis have already taken the steps to ban the practice on young children in missouri sot: michael jasper, human rights commission "you know, at the end of the day, it's child abuse.

If a person who is an adult decides to have that kind of therapy and feels like, you know, it would benefit them, you know, that's there choice; adults can do whatever they want.

But, minors are at the mercy of their parents or guardians.

We believe that the city has a responsibilty to protect them from child abuse."reporting in st.

Joseph, danielle sachse, kq2 news>>> the ban was originally

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