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Saturday, 5 October 2024

Anti-Death Penalty Activist speaks out on her communication with Christopher Vialva

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Anti-Death Penalty Activist speaks out on her communication with Christopher Vialva
Anti-Death Penalty Activist speaks out on her communication with Christopher Vialva

Anti-Death Penalty Activist speaks out on her communication with Christopher Vialva

Keep an eye on developments.

Another federal execution is scheduled for tomorrow here in terre haute.

"christopher vialva" is scheduled to be executed tomorrow marking the 7th just this year.

News 10's dominic miranda caught up with an anti death penalty activist.

He explains her unique perspective on this execution.

Pk} [take pkg outcue: soc duration:1:52] ashley kincaid eve has been at all of the protests that have happened since july here in terre haute.

Her communication with christopher vialva began after he actually saw one of my previous stories on the death penalty protests in which i interviewed kincaid eve.

She tells me this inspired him, caused him to write her a letter, and from there... their relationship began.

"i've receive letters from dozens of death row inmates.

And they'll be the first to tell you this is not a place where you find lots of genuine, honest, good people, but christopher vialva is the light in the dark and if there is anyone in this country that deserves clemency, it is him."

Christopher vialva was just 19 years when he and one other man carjacked and killed a young couple in texas... while also setting their car on fire.

He's been on death row for 21 years... and is set to be executed on thursday.

But ashley kincaid eve says since their communication began in august... she's witnessed the transformative power of redemption.

"the person on the receiving end of my letters is unlike anyone i've ever encountered in this movement.

Activists that have protested hundreds of executions are brought to tears by christopher in ways they've never been brought to by anybody else.

It's been one of the hardest but yet most rewarding experiences in my entire life."

Because of a letter she posted on her facebook page from christopher.... vialva's legal team reached out to her.

She's now a part of his representation... and is working to humanize him and all those scheduled to be executed.

She says thursday definitely won't be easy.

"it will literally be one of the hardest things i've ever done.

If his life ends on thursday, his story is not going to end.

He has inspired me in ways that nobody else has, and i truly think if we can show the world these human beings, then i think that we don't need to kill them."

Kincaid eve says vialva drives her passion even more in working to abolish the death penalty.

Reporting in terre haute i'm dominic miranda news 10

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