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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Hoosier millennials not expected to have a heavy hand in 2020 presidential election

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Hoosier millennials not expected to have a heavy hand in 2020 presidential election
Hoosier millennials not expected to have a heavy hand in 2020 presidential election

The Indiana Citizen Education Foundation says Hoosiers are falling behind regarding voter registration for the 2020 presidential election.

Indiana voter registration day reminded registration day reminded some hoosiers that the october fifth deadline is just around the corner.

Fox 55's mallory beard spoke with local college students about the importance of casting your vote and why hoosiers should be more engaged in the election process.

Indiana tech senior monique goings says nothing is stopping her from voting this year.

Monique goings//indiana tech senior "in order for your voice to be heard you have to vote and i definitely feel like using your right to vote is important because a lot of people don't actually have that us demonstrating our right to vote could make a change in this election."

Co founder of indiana citizen education foundation bill moreau say there are two major factors hoosier are neglecting when it comes to the 2020 presidential election.

"voter registration and turnout.

In 2018, we were in the bottom 10 of states again."

He says 34.7% of hoosiers surveyed by the census bureau in 2018 said they were unregistered to vote.

And a recent tufts university study shows hoosier millenials are down in numbers, too.

Bill moreau//co- founder icef "in the age cohort of 18-24, we're actually down 11%."

But goings says otherwise.

Monique goings//indiana tech senior "i think there's this kind of idea that because we haven't voted in the past that we won't participate in this election..."

Goings classmates share her sentiment and encourage their peers to become educated on voting if not already.

"just tell actually matter.

You actually live in a country that wants to hear your opinions."

Moreau says the secreatary of state's website shows registered hoosiers are on the rise.

"it will say that 4,668,121 of us are registered to vote today."

But he says that number is dramatically less than resigtered voters from 2016.

And for first time voters ages 18-19, he says the decline is disturbing... bill moreau//co- founder icef "there were 92,000 in that age cohort in 2016.

And on august 24th of this year there were only 43,000."

But indiana tech jalyl pollard says contrary to the stats, he sees his classmates and teammates executing the plan...making sure they register.

Jalyl pollard//indiana tech senior "definitely around here i see the narrative being different.

I see the people talking about, 'yes we have to go out, cast our vote...cast our voice.

We have to be heard."

In fort wayne, i'm mallory beard fox 55 news.

For more for more information on how you can register to vote by the october fifth deadline, check out this story on

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