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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Dr. Chaudry on Coronavirus Pt. 2

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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Dr. Chaudry on Coronavirus Pt. 2
Dr. Chaudry on Coronavirus Pt. 2

WAAY 31 is joined by infectious disease specialist Dr. Zohra Chaudhry to discuss present coronavirus issues such as how current numbers are affected by masking and if and the ongoing search for a vaccine.

>> dan shaffer: we are back with dr. zohra chaudhry, infectious disease special list at huntsville hospital.

>> najahe sherman: at this point they are not seeing a spike they expected after the labor day weekend.

Health officials say that is largely due to masking.

What is your takeaway from the current numbers?

>> dr. chaudhry: i certainly agree.

Because a lot of people out there are wearing masks.

I mean, if you go out, you go to a grocery store, you're just out walking you'll see most of the people are in masks and we know that that certainly makes a huge difference.

>> dan shaffer: the alabama alcoholic beverage control board met today.

They did not discuss the current order that bans alcohol sales at bars and restaurants after 11:00 each night.

So when you look at that data, though, it does seem those types of precautions are working.

You think we should start using some of these restrictions or should they stay in place even longer?

>> dr. chaudhry: i think they should certainly stay in place, especially now we're going to enter the flu season and we still don't have any good treatments.

So it's better that they still stay in place.

>> najahe sherman: doctor, we know johnson & johnson began phase 3 of clinical trials of a coronavirus vaccine.

How important is it to have multiple companies working to develop one and based on what you're hearing, when do you think people right here in north alabama will have access to a vaccine?

>> dr. chaudhry: i think it is extremely important that you have multiple companies working on a vaccine so that way there's not just one company that's going to monopolize the situation.

And that way we have data available from all these different companies to tell us how good and safe is the vaccine really.

And most of these companies, they're not just in u.s., they're all over the world.

So we're going to have data in every different population to guide us to what's the best vaccine.

In terms of what would be the earliest availability, if i had to predict, i would say it would be earliest november.

Most of the vaccine just charter phase 3.

We have other companies, mow dern in a, oxford, they're all in phase 3.

So we should have data coming out around november.

>> dan shaffer: are you concerned -- we've been reporting on a lack of minority participate participation in these trials.

>> dr. chaudhry: that certainly matters.

Because not everyone respond the same way.

So it's important that people volunteer to -- for these trials and then it's a little reassur ing that most of these trials are also happening in other countries so we may get a lot more minority data from those other trials.

>> dan shaffer: so the cdc released some guidance on halloween celebrations, basically don't do it.

But it also changed guidance for several other areas including who should be tested.

During times like this, what do you have to say to people who don't know who they can trust?

>> dr. chaudhry: so, i would say that with covid it is rapidly evolving situation.

I mean, up until december we didn't even know that it existed so things are very fluid.

They keep changing every day.

We have new data that comes out every day.

So the guidelines that come up or updating all these websites that try to reflect the most recent up-to-date data that's out there and the best data out there.

That's why it's hard for these agencies and institutions to keep up with all these changing times.

Cdc is still the best resource that they can access because they -- on their website they do very nicely outline guidelines and specific scenarios what you should do if you're sick, if you're caring for someone who is sick, if you're exposed to someone.

That should still be the go-to resource.

But in an emergency you should still be contacting your local health care providers.

>> najahe sherman: dr. chaudhry, any final thoughts that you would like to share with our community tonight?

>> dr. chaudhry: i think my final words are going to be that safety is the best thing that's present right now and we know that prevention is the best treatment.

So people out there, they should be wearing masks, they should still be avoiding large gather ings, don't go out unless you need to go out and just be safe.

>> dan shaffer: dr. zohra chaudhry.

>> dr. chaudhry: for your families.

>> dan shaffer: exactly.

Dr. zohra chaudhry, thank you very much.

Infectious disease special list

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