Why are millennials so afraid of teenage girls?
Why are millennials so afraid of teenage girls?

It’s recently become a trend on TikTok for millennials to confess that they’re terrified of a specific demographic who are always well-dressed and traveling in packs:.teenage girls.In videos set to a harp cover of “A Moment Apart” by Odesza, users have been sharing voiceovers of the things they know they have to start or stop doing.“You have to stop being afraid of those groups of teenagers at the mall,” TikTok user notthomas said in one such video.“I know they’re intimidating, but they’re just as scared of you as you are of them”.“You’re older, you’re wiser and you’re stronger.

They may judge your outfit, but they cannot hurt you”.the confessions resonated with commenters.“This makes sense to me but unfortunately I am going to continue to be petrified by them I am sorry,” one user wrote