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September, 26th, 2029

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September, 26th, 2029
September, 26th, 2029
September, 26th, 2029

Straight ahead on news15 at ten an update to a local drug store that is making some changes due to the pandemic ..

Leaving customers feeling helpless.

Plus w'll tell you why more than 95-hundred lafayette parish registered voters have asked for mail-in ballots for the november 3-rd presidential election... and today is national car seat check saturday, w'll see what the taskforce is doing to help you and those who are in need... also -- president trump has made his choice for supreme court of the u-s..

W'll tell you all about her...all these stories and more just ahead... fox news music.

Live good evening - 'm ...cassie schirm thank you for choosing news 15 at ten... 3 our first story of the night is how some local acadiana drug stores and pharmacies are struggling with covid 19.

For one in jefferson ..its leaving their customers without employees to help and locking thier doors news 1's princess john nay steverson- lowry has that shttp://tory..

Princess jhane 0 sec.i spoke to lafayette resident miracle layne who says sh's been a life long customer at jefferson for thirty years saying i's a mom and pop shop.layne tells me that the unexpected closing is tough because jefferso's offered her conviences that chain drug stores do't.

Miracle layne - jefferson drug store customer sot 10 sec.

Layne says another advantage was that jefferso's would deliver mediations to your home free of charge which was helpful to her at times when she didnt have transportation.

Pharmacist mark mula of mula family pharmacy in abbeville is also a mom and pop shop.

Graphic - mula says "i's a shame that jefferso's had to close, people really need thier medication and i know little, family owned drug stores and pharmacies like ourselves really help people out especially when w're able to deliver to those who ca't get to us all the time like the elderly."layne says she found out about jefferso's closing from a neighbor so she called the drug store and heard this message.

14 sec.layne says you woul'nt know the drug store was closed from the outside looking in.miracle layne - jefferson drug store customer sot 12 15 wa'nt able to contact anyone connected to jefferso's but is told by some customers that the drug store officially closed yesterday.princess jhane 0 sec.

3 if you were a jefferson drug store customer and are looking to keep some of those advantages like ms. layne mentioned you can contact the nearest c-v-s or walgreens.

3 w'll get to the rest of those stories in just a moment, but first w're gonna take it straight over to meteorologist cory smith for weather...hey cory, what can you tell us?

Tonight: 68 partly cloudy tomorrow: 87 partly cloudy monday: low: 69 high: 84, storms/afternoon cold frontif you have been holding out on all things pumpkin spice well this week will be the perfect week to get your "fall" on.

Tomorrow will be our last day in the 8's with partly cloudy conditions.

Overall, a very nice end to the weekend.

As we go into monday we will be waking up to temperatures in the upper 6's and warm nicely into the middle 8's.

A cold front will be moving into acadiana from the nw and bring the chance of storms and should cool us down into the 6's and 7's.

If the front moves through sooner expect highs to possibly be in the upper 7's or lower 8's.

This will be our first real cooldown in a while and overnight lows monday night will get into the middle 5's with highs in the lower to middle 7's expected tuesday with upper 7's continuing through next weekend.

Sunshine will remain abundant during this period so do't expect much in the way of rain.more good news!

The tropics are expected to remain quiet for now so nothing is of concern at the moment.

3 now more than 95-hundred lafayette parish registered voters have asked for mail-in ballots for the november 3-rd presidential election, thats double the number who requested mail-in ballots for the july closed primary louisiana is not a state where they mail early voting ballots to every registered voter, so if you want to vote in the november 3-rd election but cannot get to the polls in person or do not want to because of the covid-19 pandemic, you must request a mail-in ballot by 4:30 p-m on october 30-th and it must be in the hands of the registrar of voters by 4:30 p-m november 2-nd, the day before the election.

3 to get people ready for the poll today the women of wisdom conducted a voter registration drive at the juliet hotel in downtown the drive, participants were able to fill out a voter registration form and sign it.

Making sure people are ready to go before the october 5th deadline to register to vote.

0:10"this gives you an opportunity.

We can check to see if the voters are in fact registered, and if the're not, we have everything that we need to get them registered."

The organization has one more voter registration drive on october 3-rd at valerie garrett law office located on north pierce street.

Also today -- the lafayette warrant clinic had an event where people who have warrants in traffic and misdemeanor court charges can have that warrant lifted free of charge and without the fear of arrest.

They were given a new court date where they can start over to handle their affairs.g-r-a-e partnered with the 15th judicial district court to host this event and give people another chance.

0:25"instead of just complaining about it or pointing the finger at a system, we decided to be creative and come up with a partnership where everyone can win.""they should't fear being arrested.

Vote is an organization that is ran by, led by formally incarcerated people.

We are not in the business of having people arrested."

Because of the pandemic, the organization decided to do a drive through court where people do not have to leave their cars to attend court.

They drive up and the judges, d-a, and public defenders can be on screen.

Today is national car seat check saturday.and the taskforce is working with people in the community to make sure the car seats that they are using are installed correctly.

Seats are also being distributed to people that are in checks include, making sure the vehicl's car seats are installed correctly, all harness straps are appropriate for the chil's height, and most importantly that the seat is facing the correct direction depending on the chil's age weight and height according to the louisiana state law.

0:24in the state of louisiana about 9 out of 10 people use car seats incorrectly and maybe about 8 out of 10 in the whole country and motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death of children, so we have to make sure that all children that we have the opportunity to work with are riding safely and correctly in the event that there should be a crash we can be proud of the fact that they would most likely walk away uninjured or minor injuries.

You may visit the louisiana 3 highway safety commissions website to find a listing of fitting stations in your area.

And right now the communty is coming together to support a local teenager battling cancer.

A garage sale at henry guidry park in henderson has all of its proceeds going towards 13 year old sadie guidry and her family for travel and medical expenses to fight cancer.

You can go to our website on how to help.

3 and coming up the ragin cajuns are adding another win to thier season.

Ron snyder will have more... but first cory... coming up.... ad lib weather w'll be right back'm tracking the tropics 3 and after the break -- the latest on president trum's supreme court pick and their impact on the court and election... stay with us yo're watching news15 at ten... 3 3 the president nominating amy coney barrett to the supreme court.

An accomplished judge with conservative credentials..

If approved she will be the youngest supreme court justice - able to affect major decisions for decades to come - and the only one in history to be the mother of school-aged children.

Seve* in all..

The nomination setting the stage for what will be a fierce and accelerated confirmation battle.

Republicans vowing to confirm her before the election.

Democrats vowing to fight it.halle jackson is at the white house.

From president trump - a move to cement a more conservative supreme court for a generation: trump: today it is my honor to nominate one of our natio's most brilliant and gifted legal minds to the supreme court.


Judge amy coney barrett.

Amy coney barrett - joined in the rose garden by her husband, and her seven children... coney barrett: while i am a judge, 'm better known back home as a room parent, carpool driver, and birthday party planner.

Sh's now set to fill the seat left vacant by ruth bader ginsber's death.barrett: justice ginsburg began her career at a time when women were not welcome in the legal profession.

But she not only broke glass ceilings, she smashed the*unlike ginsberg - barrett is a committed conservative...the federal appeals court judge - well- liked by the president, key republicans, and many on the religious right...her catholic faith - a core value...and central to questions about how sh'd rule on issues like abortion.coney barrett: if confirmed, i would not assume that role for the sake of those in my own circle, and certainly not for my own sake, i would assume this role to serve you.barret's nomination - instantly controversial, in part, for its*timing: a supreme court justice has never been put on the bench so close to an election.trump: 'm sure i'll be extremely non controversial*now - with republicans controlling the senate -the questio's not so much*if barrett will be confirmed -but*how soon.with confirmation hearings - expected mid-october.graham: "we need a full court, and i think tha's possible before the election."

Democrats - working to cast the process as illegitimate.schumer: "tell them to abide by justice ginsbur's last honorable wish.

And that is let the next president decide."for president trump - a legacy moment: appointing more than 200 federal judges during his term... and - if barrett is confirmed -*three supreme court justices... a record reshaping the federal judiciary... and tilting the high court to the*right - with a 6-to-3 conservative majority - for years to come.

A rally for breonna taylor was held in downtown chicago today.

The "say her name rally" took place this afternoon at daley plaza.

It was put on by the group "my block, my hood, my city."

Organizers called for justice for taylor, who died in march after police officers with a no-knock warrant broke down her door.

Earlier this week after a grand jury voted to indict one of the three white officers involved in her case... but not in connection with her death.the event was also to help raise money for groups that serve or are lead by black women.

Protests are also happening still in louisville kentucky leading to multiple arrests .

Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in the cit's downtown were initially allowed to march last night.

Police later declared an unlawful assembly and corralled protesters before making multiple arrests.flash bangs could be heard after a crowd was told to move onto the sidewalks by police.local media also said police are investigating why golf balls were thrown at some protesters, and who threw them.

And a new warning about a fall covid surge.cooler weather, combined with some pandemic precaution fatigue, has health officials worried about new coronavirus clushttp://ters..and what may be ahead.erin mclaughlin has details from hard-hit california.

Tonight... from the natio's top infectious disease expert...a warning... if we do't carefully follow the guidelines ... we may see another surge again... some forecasts for the entire country...even more dire.

"i's going to be an accelerating epidemic" a model out of the university of washington projects by the end of the year... the natio's daily death rate will quadruple... to a staggering 3,059 deaths a day.

As fall and winter comes every respiratory virus that we know of gets transmitted more because people go indoors and we also see in teh data that people are being less careful.

In california which now has the most cases in the country... coronavirus hospitalizations yet again on the rise.

Officials project the'll go up roughly 89% over the next month.

In florida on friday... despite roughly 700,000 cases and the death toll topping 14,000..

Hotels... bars... and restaurants reopened... with no restrictions.i hope everything comes back to normal.

People they need that.

The order from republican governor ron desantis...h's also pushing for nfl stadiums to fill their seats as the season goes on.desantis "i also want to be able to show that were going to be able to host the superbowl in february" and in new york city... pointed to as a prime example of how to beat back the pandemic....with a positivity rate of just over 1 percent... ther's concern.

With clusters of cases in brooklyn and queens ... health officials there facing pushback ...amidst warnings those areas are days away from reimposing restrictions.

Yet another a reminder... that in the battle against covid-19... any progress made is precarious.

3 3 3 verbatim 3 the ragin cajuns had their first home game of the season today against georgia southern... w'll take a look at how the game played out out in just a few... 3 3 3 3 3 j-s-p hosted at watch party for the ragin cajuns game against georgia southern.they wanted to give people the opportunity to come and watch the game since many people are not able to go to the game or tailgate due to the 25-percent capacity rule.

0:18"it was just important to give people an opportunity to come out.

I's important for us to make money.

Covid hit us hard, it hit a lot of downtown bars hard.

So i's just nice to give people the opportunity to come out and get out their house, socialize a little bit safely if they can, and just support the cajuns even though they ca't be there in person."

J-s-p plans on doing this on game day to show support for the cajuns.

The ragin cajuns 2-0 trying to keep it going in a socially distanced home opener.

Ron snyder has more on the game that started slow but ended with tons of excitment.

Well nate snyder missed the field goal right before halftime.

But he certainly made up for it today hitting the game winning from 53 yards out to beat georgia southern 20-18.

Its the 2nd straight week the've come from behind to win.

Cameron is a great holder.

He did it in high school.

I told him before that kick i am really going to hammer this ball.

I wanted to be able to swing across my body so i can put alot into it its all technical we have a ton of confidence in him.

He does it practice.

He did it in th they jumped aroud one fan said one fan said so much for social distancing.

They hope to carry that momentum over to the appalachian state game.

Reporting at cajun field ron snyder news 15.

That game is one week from this wednesday and snyde's longest field goal was 53 yards in high school so he matched a career high.

After the break w're checking in with meteorologist cory smith for a last look at your forecast before we go, stay with us..

Yo're watching go, stay with us..

Forecast before we last look at your cory smith for a with meteorologist w're checking in after the break high.

Matched a career school so he was 53 yards in high longest field goal and snyde's wednesday week from this that game is one 3 that game is one week from this wednesday and snyde's longest field goal was 53 yards in high school so he matched a career high.

After the break w're checking in with meteorologist cory smith for a last look at your forecast before we go, stay with us..

Yo're watching news15 at ten!

3 3 before we go, 'm tossing it over to meteorologist cory smith for a last look at your forecast tonight..cory, wha's it looking like tonight?


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