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Thursday, 18 July 2024

Coordinated disinformation or legitimate video

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Coordinated disinformation or legitimate video
Coordinated disinformation or legitimate video
Conservative activist releases video claiming to show vote harvesting

Know before hitting the road./// thank you for joining us for kimt news 3 at 10?

"* i'm katie lange.

And i'm george mallet.

First tonight: a video released by a controversial conservative group is sending shockwaves across minnesota's political landscape.

The video viewed millions of times... has been tweeted out by president trump himself.

Kimt news three's anthony monzon joins us with the latest reactions from top state leaders.


Katie... george... project veritas is notorious in political circles for publishing explosive videos that critics say are deceptive and misleading.

Now their latest release comes from the twin cities... where the group claims to have uncovered evidence of what they call a cash?


"* ballots "james o'keefe here in downtown minneapolis at the scene of the crime" project veritas... claiming democratic operatives connected to representative ilhan omar paid minneapolis?

"* area voters for their blank ballots... then filled them out in support of d?


"* l candidates.

The allegation... wholly lacking verifyable evidence... comes largely from unidentified sources.

Minnesota's republican leaders are now calling for an investigation by state attorney general kieth ellison.

"i understand these are democrats that are elected to all these positions, but they cannot ignore this.

They cannot ignore this.

No matter what party they're on, voter fraud, election fraud, is voter fraud and election fraud and it's something that everybody has to take seriously when they're in certain positions, and actually look into this, and hold people accountable, and if there was fraudulent activity that is confirmed and validated, then those people need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Governor tim walz... also reacting... asking minnesotans to be wary of misinformation as election day approaches.

"i think minnesotans trust our elections, the trust the way we do things.

I don't think they know anything about project veritas.

I think project veritas is obviously a partisan group.

We're certainly willing to look anywhere.

The fact of the matter is if things happen, there are laws in place.

People are charged for that.

The fact remains that in?

"*person or voter fraud is n incredibly rare occurrence, and our system is secure."

Here in olmsted county... elections officials say residents can be assured their votes will be counted fairly.

"whenever a ballot comes back into us, there's a procedure it has to go through called ballot boarding, where we make sure the person we now one central allegation of the story... ballot harvesting... might be explained by a court ruling in july that temporarily allowed third parties to collect large numbers of completed ballots during this year's primary elections.

Still the d?


"* providing an official response... stating in part... if represtentativ e drazkowski or any organization has evidence of illegal activities occurring around our elections, they should immediately present that evidence to the proper authorities.

And so far we know the minneapolis police department is lauching its own

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