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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

10 Things Justin H Min Can't Live Without

Credit: GQ
Duration: 12:19s 0 shares 4 views

10 Things Justin H Min Can't Live Without
10 Things Justin H Min Can't Live Without

There are a few things 'The Umbrella Academy' star Justin H Min can't live without when he hits the road.

From sunscreen and avocados to his emotion wheel and ranch sweats, these are Justin H Min's essentials.

Check out Justin in his upcoming A24 film "After Yang"

- Our elderly folks outthere who wear the chainsfor the glasses, they'resmart, they're older,more experienced, and smarter.- [Interviewer] You say elderly.I'm like, I have a pair myself.- You have a chain?Shout out to the young'uns with the chainas well for the glasses, okay?[smooth jazz music]Hey, GQ, I'm Justin H.

Min,and these are my essentials.Sunscreen, or as thescientists like to say, SPF.I don't really know what that stands for.I've gotten a lot of questionsabout my skincare routine,and I'm very flatteredany time someone asks me.I wish I had a better answerfor them when they do.It's my panacea for everything.This one is from Neutrogena.It's a sensitive skin face.I use it because it's good and it's cheap,primarily because it's cheap,and I'm still paying off my college loans.Thank you, American education system.It's quite liquidy.It doesn't leave anysort of white streaks.I do play a ghost on television,but I don't want to bea ghost in real life,so this comes in very handy.The Trader Joe's Everythingbut the Bagel seasoning blend.With everything goingon with the pandemic,I've been doing a lot more cooking,and I'm really bad at cooking.Fortunately, for me, and forsociety, we have the seasoningthat apparently makeseverything taste better.I actually love everything bagels,and now I don't need the bagel.I can just have the seasoning.I put it on toast.I put it on avocados.I've put it on salmon.It's amazing.You know, it's actually like hot sauce.If you like hot sauce andyou sort of put it on things,it makes everythingtaste like the hot sauce,and it sort of is the same situation here.You put this on anything.It tastes likethe Everything but the Bagelsesame seasoning blend,and it's great.It's really, really great.This is a metal Boba straw.In the past couple of years,many Boba establishments have transitionedto biodegradable straws, paper straws.Save the turtles.I love it, I love it.At the same time, I hate paper straws.They taste like cardboard,and they dissolve.I truly can drink a Boba properly.My friends, knowing thatI am obsessed with Boba,and I love Boba,they got me one of these metal straws.Sturdy, can pierce throughthe cup very efficiently,and I can suck up my pearls ina very efficient, great way,without having the tasteof paper in my mouth.I have Boba probably once aday, or once every two days.It's always the classic milktea, a classic black milk tea.I have to say this.I watched Dan Levy's GQ 10 Things,and he did talk about Boba.As the resident Asian here, I have to say,and I have to make the correction,because he made a distinctionbetween bubble tea and Boba.I'm here to tell youthat they're exactly the same thing, okay?They're different namesfor the same thing.We just say bubble tea on the East Coast,and here in LA, we say Boba.So I love you Dan, but you were wrong.[bouncy piano music]It's an avocado, guys.It's an avocado.I have a special relationship to avocados.They're my main source of sustenance.As I said, I can't cook,but you don't need to cookwhen you have an avocado with you.Every morning, I'll cutone of these babies up,usually put some Everythingbut the Bagel seasoning on it,a squeeze of fresh lemon,and you're good to go.They have to be perfectlyripe, by the way.I hate nothing morethan an unripe avocado.So when I go to the supermarket,what you do is, you can actuallytake this top off, like so,and if you see inside, youcan see a bit of the color,and you obviously want to seethat it's solid green color,and then you should knowthat it's getting quite ripe,or it's there.Obviously, the feel of itwill also tell you it's ripe as well.You want it a bit firm, but a bit soft.That sounds contradictory, but it's not.This one is not theperfect color for ripeness.As you can see, there's stilla bit of green on the outside.You want to get a bit ofa darker color all aroundto make sure that it'sperfectly ripe, and there it is.Hass avocados or bust.Shout out to my Californians.Hass is from California, right?[funky music]Very relevant.It's not the mask.This is a chain or a lanyard.I believe it's a lanyard.We all have to wear masks these days.It's the society we live in,but what's really, really frustrating isthat when you have to take off the maskto take a sip of wateror whatever it might be,you either have to hang it from your ear,which I'm not a fan of.Also, I found out recently,it's not the most sanitary,or you sort of have tohold it in your hand orput it in your pocket,and I'm not about that life.I'm really not about that life.So my sweet friends made methis little lanyard chain situationthat you could attach to your mask,and then boom, badabing, bada boom, right?A book.One of my favorite books, "The Alchemist."I'm a pretty voracious reader.I chose this because it'sone of my favorite books.I think anyone who's on the creative pathor creative journey, they willget a lot out of this book.I found this book because afriend recommended it to me,and I read it for the firsttime about seven years ago.As most people know,becoming an actor is avery arduous journey.There's so many ups and downs,but this book just reallygave me perspective.You know, one of the main thingsabout this book is the factthat through all the strugglesand the tribulations, that you grow,and that it preparesyou for what's to come,and that the universe is conspiringto help you fulfillwhatever your dream is.When I read those wordsfor the first time,it was really powerful.It was very moving, and itcontinued to spur me on,and to really enjoy that process.If you enjoy that process,then when you achievewhatever you want to achieve,it becomes all the more worthwhile.This is an emotion wheel.There's a piece of tape herebecause it's currentlytaped to my bedroom,and when I say currently,I mean not right now,because I took it off forthe sake of this video.This is an essential for me.I think when you canidentify how you feel,you can process how you feel,and when you can process how you feel,you can ultimately heal.I found it through a therapist.He recommended that I startto really name specificallywhat I'm feeling,and so oftentimes when wethink of emotions, we think of,oh, you're just happy, or you're just sad,or you're just angry.And, of course, those arethe main sort of core ones,but as you get further andfurther outside of the circles,they become more specific,and I think the morespecific that we become,the better in tune with how we feel,and all of the thingsthat I just mentioned.I'll do an exercise right now.I am feeling in aweof this situation,primarily because I usedto watch these videos,and it's very surreal thatI'm in one of them now.Also feeling a bit vulnerable.I'm sharing my emotion wheel.My Bible.Faith has been a big part ofmy identity and my journey,and it's something that's really importantto my core values and my beliefs.I think it's really unfortunate,and it's really heartbreaking,that this text and thechurch has been weaponizedin many ways to hurt a lot of people,particularly those fromdisenfranchised communities,but for me, my faith has always beenabout love and kindness andforgiveness and compassion.My parents gave it to me atmy middle school graduation.There's a lot of history in this.It's sort of been withme through the many upsand downs of life.Unfortunately, I don't read it every day.My brother is a pastor, andwill be upset that I don't,but I try to read it every fewdays, at least once a week.I always return back to the Psalms.I find them very comforting.I think David writes in thePsalms with such honestyand vulnerability,especially when he's goingthrough hard times and hardships,and through all of that,he can still trust thatGod is working for him,and has the best in mind for him.Things like that uplift meand keep me on the path.My ranch set of sweats.This is a sweater that has aheart made of pizza and ranch,and this is a sweat pant.This is the iconic HiddenValley Ranch bottle.Now there's a story behind this.I posted a random Instagram storyabout how much I love ranch.Somehow, somehow, HiddenValley Ranch found that story,and they said, "We're soglad you're a fan of ranch.We'd love to send you some things,"and within the week, I got this ranch set.I had no idea things like this existed.This is the most comfortableset of sweats to wear.I wear it to sleep.I wear it to the airport.I just wear it all the timeessentially is what I'm saying.I eat ranch with everything:fries, Buffalo wings, of course,Buffalo wings, sandwiches.You put me somewhere,give me a tub of ranch,and I'll be fine.I think the ideal ratio for ranchto food is 75% ranch, 25% food.I love ranch.This is my journal.This is my current one.As you can see,I've journaled religiouslyfor the past seven years.That sounds really intense,but a lot of times, it'll justbe a sentence or a paragraph.Obviously I have days whereyou feel it coming, you know.You feel the emotions, and the writing,it just comes and flows.Journaling allows meto process my thoughts,process my feelings, and yeah,it's always so fun to look backand cringe at how embarrassingI used to be years ago.When I first startedjournaling like 10 years ago,it was one of my very first journals,and I actually lost it.I think I'd left it ina taxi or something,and this is not an exaggeration.I couldn't sleep for a month.I had these nightmares ofsomeone just reading my deepest,innermost thoughts,and it gives me chills.It gives me chills to this day.Not that I've written anything badabout anyone in these, okay?There's no hate in these,just thoughts that I'm processing, okay?I feel very vulnerable again.I told you I'm getting intouch with my emotions, right?Okay, that's a full circlemoment that we had here.Alright, GQ, that's it.That's a wrap on the essentials.Thank you for having me.I will feel feelings after this.

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