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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

‘Get out the Vote Blitz’ encourages voter registration

Credit: WXXV
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‘Get out the Vote Blitz’ encourages voter registration
‘Get out the Vote Blitz’ encourages voter registration
The deadline to register to vote in the 2020 election is today.

Recent days.- - the deadline to register to vot- in the 20-20 election is right- around the corner.- to encourage registration, the- extend a hand help a friend - organization and the mississipp- rising coalition held multiple- voter registration drives in- gulfport over - the weekend.- extend a hand help a friend - organization c-e-o jeffrey- hullum the third... says over 8- people were registered over - two days.

- hullum and volunteers say they- want everyone in the- community to know their vote- counts.

- - " a lot of people feel like the are - left out, like they are not - counted people don't think they- matter or that their vote - doesn't count.

You have to go - to these types of communities - because they are just as- important as any other- community.

The constitution is- for all people.

Not just the- ones who have the good jobs or- the ones who have the bad jobs,- the ones who have or- haven't been in trouble.

The- constitution embodies - everybody.

That's what voting i- for."

"as of today, at this location, we have registered over 40- individuals.

Some are first tim- voters that are 18.

Some have - never voted before.

It's- important that each person- understands, no matter how you- vote your vote matters.

Its you- god given right.

We want- everyone

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