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Saturday, 28 September 2024

Adams Central moves to virtual learning after quarantining 80 students

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Adams Central moves to virtual learning after quarantining 80 students
Adams Central moves to virtual learning after quarantining 80 students
Adams Central moves to virtual learning after quarantining 80 students

Mcmichael have been notified.

Adams central students are preparing to learn virtually.

School district leaders moving to e-learning after two students tested positive for covid 19... forcing 80 students to 55's chris mullooly reports how the school is handling the new challenge.

?nats?thursday's adams central campus not as busy as usual thursday'll be the last time for at least two weeks students will return.

School leaders making the decision towards virtual learninggoing tthrough contact tracing we realized moer and more students were fitting in superintendent joel mchaffey says in the last two weeks two students tested positive for covid 19.forcing 80 students to quarantine after contact tracing.mchaffey says this decision wasn't easy.hs students could probably stay but with our unique situation under one roof we decide to err on caution and safetyits what makes their decision unique.mchaffey says not many students were learning virutally before...but they'll all have to for two weeks.

Teachers will adjust their methods of teaching onto the computer.and the superintendent says he's already receiving calls from concerned parentsis this a cycle that'll happen and we're in the same positino as everyone else we just have a few unique situations that require a sig.

Number of quarantineshe says the decision was discussed with the county department of health and school leaders.when looking at their school district compared to nearby ones..

The quarantine levels at adams central was tripled or quadrupled everyone else.

And says if this decision wasn't made...the numbers could rise at a much higher degree as soon as next weekit was the decision on the table at the end that would most likely help us flatten this curb get our quarantine numbers back to a reasonable level and get back to stayin in person for the rest of the semesterin decatur chris mullooly fox 55 news.

A decision on future regular season athletic events..

Including next fridays football game... will be decided

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