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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Expert previews Mo. governor debate

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Expert previews Mo. governor debate
Expert previews Mo. governor debate
Expert previews Mo. governor debate

Missouri's governor's race is taking center stage today... governor mike parson will face off against democratic state auditor nicole galloway in a gubernatoriall debate... the rescheduled debate is set for 2 in columbia.

You can watch the full debate right here on kq2 ...or on our website

In today's governor forum you'll hear from republican governor mike parson, democratic state auditor nicole galloway, libertarian rik combs, and green party candidate jerome bauer.

All competing for the more than 4.27 million registered voters in missouri.

Kq2's madeline mcclain found out from a local political expert what you should expect to hear.

<<script:the news of president trump's covid-19 diagnosis is upending the plans for the next debate sound or phone typing..."while the rest of the nation may be surprised been there -- done that.the 90-minute debate between the four candidates running for governor in missouri had to be pushed back two weeks.melinda kovacs, mwsu poli-sci professor: "why was it postponed, it was postponed because governor parson tested positive for covid-19."melinda kovacs is a political science professor at missouri western.

She says republican governor mike parson's diagnosis has ensured the pandemic will be one of --if not the -- central issue as he fights for his first full term.melinda kovacs, mwsu poli-sci professor: "i cannot imagine a scenario which is not front and center so i expect that the other candidates are definitely going to bring that up."missouri leads the nation in new covid-19 cases -- ranking 8th.thursday reporting more than 136-thousand cases, more than 2,200 deaths, and skyrocketing hospitalizations.

Melinda kovacs, mwsu poli-sci professor: "the democratic candidate will talk about healthcare and will talk about the pandemic and the pandemic response and what she will phrase as the failure of the pandemic response in the state of missouri.the democrat -- is state auditor nicole galloway.

Kovachs says if you look at the ads -- galloway is not being coy.natsáá galloway tv ad.and neither is the governor melinda kovacs, mwsu poli-sci professor: i find it quite likely that the governor will go for the "law and order strategy or discourse in his performance tomorrow.natsáá parson tv ad.the 2014 shooting of a black teenager -- michael brown in ferguson by a white police officer sparked weeks of protests..igniting conversations americans are still having about why so many black women, men and children have been killed by officers.

And the situations where protests have devolved into looting or violence.melinda kovacs, mwsu poli-sci professor: "it is also quite possible that governor parson will bring some of his other topics or issues that he cares deeply about such as workforce development which is one of his banner issues that he has been working on and has been advocating for.will friday be gloves-off fight like the first presidential debate?

Natsáá presidential debate arguing.a more civil discussion where the candidates don't really answer any of the moderator's questions like the vice presidential debate vice presidential debate exchange.or something else entirely?melinda kovacs, mwsu poli-sci professor: "if that is done nationwide then why couldn't you do the local version of it here in missouri."and as recent polling shows parson consistently leading galloway -- will any of it even matter?

Melinda kovacs, mwsu poli-sci professor: a lot of ballots have been cast.

I'm a little dubious about tomorrow's debate changing minds in missouri, maybe what tomorrow can do is make people already feel better about who they are voting for.reporting in st.

Joseph, madeline mcclain kq2 news.

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