The American Red Cross is looking for your help.
The organization is in need of volunteers.
The American Red Cross is looking for your help.
The organization is in need of volunteers.
"a life-threatening storm surge".
"the american red cross" is looking "for your help".
"the organization"..
Is in need of volunteers.
"the red cross" is powered by mostly "all volunteers".
"those people" will be helping the country recover "from back-to-back diasters".
"since june"..
More than "100"-volunteers "from indiana have stepped-up to respond to these disasters.
"the organization"..
Tells us..
That "the pandemic" has "not" changed the need "for volunteers".
////// ///// "homes were devasted...were destoyed or are majorly damaged.
And this storm hurricane delta is expected to hit in pretty much the same area.
" ////// "if" you're interested in volunteering... you can learn how to do so over at wthitv-dot-com.
Red Cross prepares to respond to Hurricane Zeta