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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Ruby Rose Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions

Credit: WIRED
Duration: 12:55s 0 shares 1 views

Ruby Rose Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions
Ruby Rose Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions

Ruby Rose answers the internet's most searched questions about herself.

What is Ruby Rose's real name?

What does Ruby eat?

On what season did she start "Orange is the New Black"?

Does she do her own stunts?

Ruby answers all these questions and much more!

The Doorman is out on VOD on 10/9

- Hey guys, I'm Ruby Rose,and I'm doing the Wiredautocomplete interview.I've just found out what that actually is.I should read my emails more thoroughly.[upbeat music]The internet is a scary place,and I would never Google myself.And now I have to know whatpeople Google about me,do you know how meta that is?What is Ruby Rose's real name?Ruby Rose Langenheim.Langenheim is my last name,Ruby is my first name,Rose is my middle name.Ruby Rose seemed a bit more catchythan Ruby Langenheim.Just a little, like, for now.Maybe I'll change it later.What, I thought it said, what seasoning?And I was like, oh, letme tell you my recipes.What season of Orange Is The New Blackis Ruby Rose...I'm gonna say in?Oh, glad I did say fired or something.Not that I was fired, but.I'm in season three.I starred in episode, don't know,yeah, not sure.And then, season four, I come backfor an episode as well.Oh, that show was so good.That was one of the best experiencesof my life, and is reallywhy I'm here today.Not literally on the planet,but as in why I'm ableto do things like this,and act, and do my job.And that job was the entry point.So Jen Euston and Jenji Kohan,I always shout them out.They believed in me.What does Ruby Rose eat?'Cause I'm vegan, I do get this a lot.It's like, what do you eat, salad?I eat everything that anyone else eats,but without any animal products,without any dairy,without anything thathas come from an animal.And I eat a lot.And I enjoy it.In fact, right now,I'm still wonderingif my bottom half is on camera,or if I can undo mytop button of my jeans,but I can't quite work it out,so I'm just gonna keep itdone up, but, you know,I eat, and I enjoy it.What is Ruby Rose famous for?I have no idea.I mean, I'm guessing,well, I started as a VJ,at MTV, and then I became a DJ.Then I hosted the Winter Olympics,which is a questionable choice,I had no sport knowledge.And so I would just make things up.Torah Bright won a gold medal,and I was like, she just dida double kangaroo backflip koala land!And I did curling with Michael Buble,that could be why I'm famous.I was in a terrible video clipwhen I was young for aband that doesn't exist,I could be famous for that.Guessing it's probablyOrange Is The New Black.[chuckling] Mostly.And acting, and doingreally weird interviewsthat people wish weren't online anymore.That person is me.Oh, well that's sad, isn't it?Just like how the wedding was ripped off,as was my neck tattoo.It did say, and breathe me, and now says,[stuttering]'cause there's a few bits still there.It's my favorite Sia song,and then I became really close with Sia,we became really good friends.And it took her like a year to noticethat it said that.And then it was weird.But that's not why I got it removed.Then it was fine.But yeah, it's gone.[thudding]Oh, there's more?I thought I did so well.Thought I got so lucky.Nah, this is great, guys,I'm having such a good time.Is it hot in here?I don't like this one.Okay, Ruby Rose, did Ruby Rose,did I, did I, or did I not?Did Ruby Rose do her own stunts?I don't know what filmor show that's about,but yes, [chuckling] to all of them.I always do my own stunts.That's one of the most fun partsabout doing action films,and anything involving physical training,and all that kinda stuff,is it would be weirdto just let somebody else do it all.I mean, to have a stunt double, obviously,and they come in and docertain things as well,but mostly I do my own.But it would be weirdif you just walked on set,after someone did all this stuffand you're just talking.You're like, hey, how was that?Like you have to be feeling it,and in the motion of it,and know how tired you would be,and I love doing it.Absolutely love it.Ruby Rose dog.I'm not a dog.I wanna come back as a dog.I think dogs are my favorite thingin the world,if they're a thing, creature, animal.I have three, I have Charlie,Chance, and Roo.Chance is the one that can't walk,Roo is the one with the human eyes,that's always staring at me,and Charlie's the one with a broken jaw.And they're all beautiful,and they're all rescues,and Ruby Rose dog is my favorite.We can add this here nowwith that, that's beautiful.Ah, dogs.Ruby Rose gender pronouns.She, her.Can Ruby Rose play guitar?Yes, she can.I'm not as good as I used to be,but I love playing guitar.And it's one thing thatI've picked up moreduring all this sort ofoff time and quarantine,Can Ruby Rose [chuckling] run fast?I don't know if I can run fast.If anyone here is planning on chasing me,we'll find out.Ruby Rose Crocs.Yeah!You know, I almost wore them today,and then I was like,you're actually in publicfor the first time in a while.And I'm always wearingCrocs, even in public.But today I was like,I'll put sneakers with laces on today.I'll be fancy.I designed two pairs of Crocs,and they're the most comfortable shoein the world.I love them.Not an ad, not being paid by them anymore,but do love them.So good.I should've worn Crocs.Why Ruby Rose?I ask myself that[chuckling] all the time.Why, Ruby Rose?Why are you doing this interview?Why are you answering these questions?Ruby Rose removed tattoos.I didn't remember very many,I just removed one of my neck,another one here, and I'm sort of doingmy knuckles and my hand.And that's only becauseI don't really minddoing extra time inmakeup, in the makeup chairfor tattoo coverage, for every film ever.But the hands, you washyour hands every day,and now, oh my goodness,can you imagine?You wash them even more and for longer.So the makeup on your hands doesn't lastwhen I do films,and it ends up all icky and gross.And then by lunch, I'mlike, am I eating food,or is this like foundationthat's falling off,cracking off of my knuckles?So yeah, and same with the neck.It's easier to keep that kinda clean.Why did Ruby Rose, wait,why did Ruby Rose get, oh.I was like, these are real,there's nothing there.I've had a few surgeries,but not any fun ones.I got surgery 'cause I broke my neck,essentially, herniatedtwo discs into my spine,almost got paralyzed, but now, I'm bionic.So my neck is strongerthan any neck out there.Why Ruby Rose short hair?I knew I'd get something like that.Why Ruby Rose long hair?Why Ruby Rose hair, is the question.I also don't know why people careso much about hair.Like I'm not really that interestedin people's hair.I mean, if you have short hair,long hair, whatever, I'm like, cool hair.Not like, why, red hair?Why blonde streaks?I shaved my head during quarantinebecause I knew I had time to grow it back.My hair grows so fast.And I did it when I was 16,I remember how good it felt, and freeing.I recommend it though,if you have a choice,you feel like doing it.It's very freeing, andhair does grow back.So you guys out therethat are really worriedabout it, it'll get better.Why Ruby Rose vegan?I was vegetarian from a young age.I also was lactose intolerant.I also didn't like eggs.And then eventually I was just eating fish'cause the doctor waslike, you're a woman,you need fish for your brain.And then I ended upwith mercury poisoning,which is not uncommon,it's actually really common.If the planet went vegan,we would be able to eliminateand actually combat climate change fasterthan just like, you know, driving less,or, there's all theseother things we can do,turn these lights off,and do, but it's like,what we're eating, and what that doesto agriculture, and keeping cows alive.It's a lot of water, it's a lot of food,it's a lot of money,and it's not good for the planet.But I also don't judge anyone.You can eat whatever you want.But I will say, and I says thisto all of my friends,if you could be vegan or vegetarianfor one day a week, or two days a week,even that would have ahuge impact on the planet.Just saying.And also, it tastes great.No excuses.Why Ruby Rose talk somuch, is that the next one?Why Ruby Rose, they're askingif I've done animation, maybe?I was a wolf called Biancaon a film called Sheep And Wolves.And then I played, well, it's not out yet,so it's okay that Iforgot what her name is.Cool, that was great.Where Ruby Rose?My friend's little kid Parker,she's like five.And she always says like, where Ruby?Where Ruby is?And I'm like, I'm here!Anyway, that's helpingme get over the anxietyof having to do where Ruby Rose.Okay, I'm thinking of Parker.Where does Ruby Rose live?Well, I live in LA.I've lived in LA for seven years,but this is probably the longestI've actually spent in LA.Which is really nice,because it is nice to live in the citythat you planned on living,but when you move toHollywood from Australia,and you're like, and I'm gonna livein Hollywood, and no, you're not,you're gonna shoot filmswhere there's tax incentives,and they're aren't any here.So, it's nice to be back.Where is Ruby Rose from?Well, I just answered that question,but to reiterate,I am from Australia, Melbourne.Where is Ruby Rose in the WAP music video?So there's a rapper called Rubi Rose,but with an I.And I remember when she was starting out,and I just kept hearing about her,and I'm like, who is this chick?And like, now she'smassive, now she's huge.But she was just coming through,and I went onto her Instagram,to find out like,who is this person that stole my name?And she's got thisvideo, and it's all sexy,and she's all hot,and saying things that Imyself would never say,because it, like just sexy rap stuffthat I'm like, I just wouldn't.Anyway, I was like, oh my God,if my mum starts getting Google alertsfor Ruby Rose, and thinks thatI'm doing a rap song about like...Anyway, she's cool.She actually referenced me recentlyin an interview.And then I could tell by her face,I guess I'm having that moment now,but I'm enjoying it.They were like, so you have the same nameas actress Ruby, and she's like.Yes.Yes I do.But then she warmed into it,but you can just tell she's been askedthat question more than me,and she's clearly over it.But she was very sweet,she said nice things about me.Where is Ruby Rose's clothing from?Oh, Iceberg.It's also, I think, it'swritten on the sleeves.So, it's cool.It's from Iceberg.And I'm wearing these Jordansthat you probably can't see,and I'm not, yeah, this is so cool.Don't you want these?They've got cherries on them.And, all right, cool.Where did Ruby Rose go to school?Nice.But I'm also like, where's my degree?In attendance alone,I was there every day.Anyway, they didn't give me one.[laughing] And then Iwent to a university,no, I went to Errol StreetPrimary School, great school.I went to University High School,less good school, more mean people.And then I went to Footscray City,which was awesome, great school.Who is, ugh,who is Ruby Rose?I don't know, me, and also a rapper,if you change the last letter on there,on the first name.Who is, I knew that was gonna come up.Who is Ruby Rose dating?Wouldn't it be nice if I just told you?Wouldn't that just beso cool if I was like,guys I'm dating...Nah, yep, well, what about this?I'll give you a clue.Just kidding.Who does Ruby Rose's haircuts?Currently, myself.Breezy actually, from All American.She's one of my best friends.She does them, but nowshe's shooting again,so she can't be my barber,'cause she's a really big time actress.But she was doing allof these cool designs,and now it's me or myfriend Castillo sometimes.But my hair is so shortI just shave it myself.Who sings for, see?Who sings for Ruby Rose in Pitch Perfect?If I were gonna have a singing double,you think I would havesomeone better, right?I wouldn't, there'sno, are you kidding me?It's definitely mesinging in Pitch Perfect.That film was so much fun.I really had a good time singing,like actually myself, singing,not having a singing doublewas one of my favorite things.Not having a guitar double,also, favorite thingsthat I did on that film by myself.Church choir, it comes in handy.Who is Ruby Rose's mother?Aw.My mom is Katia Langenheim.She is the most powerful, strong,inspiring, beautiful, kind,funny woman in the world.And I love her to bits.And I'm so glad that I got that question'cause I wanna actually enjoy it,and it didn't give me an anxiety attack.And if she's watchingthis, which she will,'cause she watches absolutely everything,I don't wanna throw this onenow 'cause it's so sentimental.I'll just keep it here.That's it?Thank God.Thank you for watching,if you're still watching, thanks.And I hope you learned something about me,or questions, or Google,or what it's like to knowwhat people Google about you.Something.I hope something camefrom this wonderful experience.

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