The latest installment of AnimalCrossing was released on March 20,and it became an instant smash hit.Emilie Dujour, a PR and digital communicationsmanager for the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA), played the game as a fan at first.SAMA, like almost every other art gallery in theU.S., shut its doors at the start of lockdown.In April, Animal Crossing added a new featureallowing players to open their own art gallery.“I asked my coworker, ‘Would you beinterested in seeing if we could add someof the artwork from our collection'”.SAMA uploaded a few of its pieces into thegame, which patrons can access by scanning aquick response code on the museum’s website.The Metropolitan Museum of Art, which isthe largest art museum in the U.S., also dropped itsown massive collection of work into the game.independent artists have also taken to thegame to host their own shows, bringing their workinto a totally new medium — and plenty of new fans