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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

FWHD says it's at odds with some local elected officials as positivity rates spike

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FWHD says it's at odds with some local elected officials as positivity rates spike
FWHD says it's at odds with some local elected officials as positivity rates spike

Leaders at the Fountain Warren Health Department say some local elected leaders are not helping the situation as positivity rates spike in both counties.

Positivity rates in both counties are at least four times higher than what is recommended by the world health organization.

And health leaders there say some local elected leaders are not helping the situation.

News 18's anna darling has the story.

"we need to realize that this is not coming to end anytime soon."

The last time we reported on coronavirus in fountain and warren counties, much of the virus's impact on these rural communities was a mystery.

7 months later that impact is being felt.

"within the past week in fountain and warren county we have seen an significant increase in cases" dr. sean sharma says the positivity rate is the most important figure to watch.

Stand up "fountain county had 16 new cases on monday, which may seem low compared to other counties.

But that's only out of 54 tests.

Causing the percent positivity rate to be 27.8 percent.

And here in warren county, with 59 diagnosed cases, that's the lowest county case total in the state.

But with a 19 percent positvity rate, it's causing concern for health leaders."

A strain on limited resources is a big concern.

"two ambulance services in fountain county, we have a health department that is serving two counties with only 5 people, in williamsport, a 16 bed hospital, indiana's smallest hospital" but what is causing the recent increase in cases?

"there has been lack of compliance, lack of respect for the disease, lack of masking, lack of consistent social distancing" dr. sharma says this attitude is coming from the top down.

"this is prevalent in the community, it's also prevalent in our elected leaders" kathy walker is the president of the health department board.

She says the board is working to get on the same page with local leaders.

"we are one voice, we are all on the same page withhis, and are working to our best ability to help improve the situation where there is more compliance."

The message from the health department: stay vigilant against covid for the sake of your loved ones and the community as a whole.

"coronavirus is dangerous, it is deadly but it's not complicated.

We've known what we need to do since late march and the fact that we're not doing it is arrogant and irresponsible" anna darling news 18.

We have reached out to the warren county commissioners, fountain county commissioners, mayor crain of covington and mayor roderick of attica.

News 18 asked if these leaders had any message about staying vigilant against the virus.

Warren county commissioner brian jordan is the only one we have heard back from so far.

He replied quote, "my question is why have you not enquired about how low our rate was up until 2 weeks ago?"

We will let you know if any other leaders have a message for the community.

State health officials say

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