Hastings is accused of shooting and killing Jonathan Simpson
Trial for Andre Hastings starts today
And killing draquan burglar.
This happened at romney meadows apartment complex on august 2nd 20-19 the day began with opening statements from the prosecution and defense.
The state says based on witness testimony, and security footage taken from romney meadows, the jury will find (hay-stings) hastings guilty.
The defense says based on the suspect descriptions proven in the videos, thjury will find (hay-stings) hastings (not guilty.
Burglar's csin, jonathan simpson, testified for most of the morning.
He picked out (hay- stings) hastings in a photo line-up from lpd the day (after the shooting.... he was qoute "100% positive".
News 18s anna darling will contine to follow today's testimony.
News 18 will continue to bring you the latest updates tonight at 5 and 6.
Substitutes at lafayette school corporation will (soon have their pay increased.