Another group of Vigo County students are back for full-time in-person learning.
Adjusting again..
Due to covid-19.
"vigo county schools"..
Started "the next phase" "of the metered re-entrance plan".
"middle schoolers"..
Are now back..
To "5"-day a week, in-person instruction.
They're "the latest group"..
To come off "the every other-day schedule".
We visited "sarah scott middle school" as students dismissed today.
"the principal there says"..
She's excited that her students are getting back "to some type of normalcy".
////// ////// "it feels wonderful to have our students back 5 days a week we, we've missed them and based on their response there glad to be back so we're all excited."
//////// "the next step of the plan"..
Is getting "high schoolers" back in the classroom "5"-days a week.