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Tuesday, 16 July 2024

How To Use The H.E.A.R.T Way

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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How To Use The H.E.A.R.T Way
How To Use The H.E.A.R.T Way

For millions of Americans, uncertainty has been and will remain, a constant.

In these uncertain times, how can you achieve success and stand out from the rest?

Well, joining us with some of his insights and advice is Dr. Brian Lima, the first heart surgeon to successfully perform a heart transplant surgery on long island and best-selling author of Heart To Beat.

C1 3 millions of americans, uncertainty has been, and will remain, a constant.

In these uncertain times, how can you achieve success and stand out from the rest?

Well, joining us with some of his insights and advice is dr. brian lima, the first heart surgeon to successfully perform a heart transplant surgery on long island and best-selling author of heart to beat.

Welcome to the show doctor.

Dr. brian lima: thank you for having me.

It's a pleasure.

Speaker 1: well, and it's a pleasure having you.

And in these unpredictable times, what advice do you have to lower stress and maintain peak performance with folks?

Dr. brian lima: well, as a heart surgeon, i deal with stress every single day in the form of life and death issues.

And one thing that i've found is to not let the moment itself stress me out, but just focus instead and instinctually, like my heart does, beat with constant effort and relentless drive to do the best i can with those things that are directly within my control.

I think it's having that urgency of purpose that i refer to as the heart way.

And i truly believe it can allow anyone in any field to reach their full potential and lead a fulfilling life.

Speaker 1: well, and tell us more about the heart way and how it became your life philosophy.

Dr. brian lima: well, every time i do a heart transplant and i feel that newly implanted heart just instinctually take off in my hands, i'm reminded of this tremendously powerful source of inspiration that exists within each and every one of us sitting right underneath our noses.

Our literal hearts never hesitate or agonize over whether or not to beat.

They just beat with unrelenting drive, no matter the circumstances, oblivious to the past.

And if you just think for a moment how much more successful and resilient we all would be, or how much simpler life itself would become if we just reflexively acted more and hesitated less.

The key there, i think, is what the heart way really means is approaching all of life's challenges and setbacks like our own hearts continuously strive to meet the demands of our body with unrelenting focus and just looking and affixing your eyes to the future and focusing on what you can control.

Speaker 1: absolutely.

Now, as a successful surgeon and child of cuban immigrants, what have you found to be the most vital to your success?

Dr. brian lima: well, i learned a long time ago that successes don't want it's destiny.

You have to earn it.

It's not bestowed.

So in my case, i'm living proof that you don't actually have to be the smartest or most naturally gifted person in the room, and that's because a hard work ethic is the ultimate talent.

And as my life has shown, slow and steady still, and can, win the race.

I think it comes down to not letting complacency have any place in your life.

They were plenty of times along my journey that i could have stopped and patted myself on the back for a job well done at any number of milestones.

But the truth of the matter is we're always working to improve ourselves.

Our journey of self- improvement is never done.

There is no destination.

So it's a matter of going all in and never settling for anything less than your best.

Speaker 1: i 100% agree.

Now, many people think that being well-rounded is the key to success.

Why do you disagree with that?

Dr. brian lima: well, it boils down to the simple fact that it's really impossible to be all things to all people at all times.

Think of an elite athlete training for the olympics, or a single parent juggling multiple jobs and trying to raise a family, or a college student struggling to get good grades at a tough university.

In my own personal life, it would have been impossible for me to simultaneously excel at academics at a tough medical school, to have chiseled abs, volunteer at the homeless shelter and run a small business.

By necessity, i had to intentionally focus on that one thing, on training to become a heart surgeon.

And in much the same way, i think, even though we're all enamored with instant gratification and overnight success, there's no way around the fact that in order to achieve true mastery, to truly excel in one area, you have to go all in and put in the time and the effort.

Speaker 1: absolutely.

This is good stuff.

Where can people learn more about you and get your book?

Dr. brian lima: i encourage anyone interested in learning more about me to visit my website.

It's www.brianlimamd.c om.

And my book is also available through amazon, or anywhere books are sold.

Speaker 1: well, dr. lima, thank you so much for being with us today.

We really appreciate it.

Dr. brian lima: thank you so much.

It's been

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