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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Thursday Block 1

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Thursday Block 1
Thursday Block 1
Thursday Block 1

>> hello, coming up today on fox 24 news now, a day dedicated in honor of a beloved clarkston citizen.

Dorchester voters, we have opportunities in this election cycle.

Charleston animal society drops by with a special pet of the week and together we can make a difference if our communities.

That's all ahead.

Stay tuned.

>> he's a familiar face around town.

A name you know as well as your open.

His passion for his community is evident in the nearly 2,000 interviews that he has conducted of lawmakers, celebrities, business owners.

Andit's about time that everyone pays homage to equippedden.

And with him, councilwoman, marie dell chapo.

Good to see you.

>> thank you, leila.

>> thank you for doing this.

I'm going to try to get through this interview with outcrying.

>> i know, tell us first of all how you came to know quentin.

>> well, i think you know you've made it to some extent when kept comes calling and when i knew i was running for office a little over a year ago, and quentin reached out to interview me, and we have done several interviews since.

And he was always the utmost gentleman, and we'll can you questions and hold your feet to the fire and grace and integrity and honor for journalism.

>> he really does, and he does his research.

>> absolutely.

>> i was shy when i first moved here about five years ago, i got a message over social media from this man named quentin maria garcia and really?

First i was flatred, who am i?

I would talk to some of my colleagues and say oh, yes, you've now nateed into charleston society because you've been interviewed by quentin washington.

And he takes such an interest in all of his subjects, and i love that.

It feels like he really truly does care.

>> i think that's what it is.

It's a genuine calling.

He doesn't do it for the money, the prestige, this is truly his passion and his gift and we're all so lucky to be able to receive it and be part of it.

>> and of course we can see all of his interviews on his youtube channels.

His interviews are called quentin's closeups and he starts out eph interview with a stand-up and then he lays the groundwork and then the knick, he's sitting with the person and dives right in, and he does it with such grace and respect.

You'll see him around town and he's carrying his tripod and his equipment and he's running from one interview to the next.

>> one-man show.

>> he is, he's a one-man show.

Just a couple of years ago, a few years ago, the charleston citier paper good an article other him and he got a camera and equipment to do what he's doing, and some of the articles, do you have any favorites?

>> they're all so different.

And you really learn the person's per at and i think that's what is so fascinating.

You do not get the questions beforehand so you cannot prepare.

So you really are rolling with it.

He doesn't edit anything out of his videos.

So you're not getting the highlight realize, you're getting the highs and the lows.

>> exactly.

>> that's what's so endearing about them.

You get to know all of these personalities on a much more intimate level than what we would traditionally think of as an on-air interview.

>> absolutely, and it's time that we've created, you've created a quentin washington day.

So we can celebrate him and how did you come one this idea and what was planned?

What did you do?

>> so i approached other members on council, and the mayor, and if we could zo a proclamation recognizing quentin, and of course everybody said absolutely, of course.

So this past tuesday, the council read a proclamation, and we had a couple of other surprises that we had in store for him.

And leila, you were one of those, and it was really just a day to honor him and show our just such immense appreciation we have for him.

And with the ideas well that maybe there are those people who are not familiar with him and now they are, and they will gravitate toward his journalism and have him become an integral part of their lives as he has done for us.

>> absolutely.

And my calendar is marked for next year, october 13th, kepten washington day.

And thank you so much, marie.

>> thank you, i appreciate it.

>> and don't forget quentin's close warmups, you can see them on youtube and

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