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Friday, 27 September 2024

Our Fall Staycation series invites you to explore adventure & fun in Cleveland & Bradley County

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Our Fall Staycation series invites you to explore adventure & fun in Cleveland & Bradley County
Our Fall Staycation series invites you to explore adventure & fun in Cleveland & Bradley County

Our Fall Staycation series invites you to explore adventure & fun in Cleveland & Bradley County

Our adventure heritage and time have and so we had a lot in thi category.

Half to 100 and over here at red clay state park and and that of course falls into our heritage and brand pillar and and this is said as significant area.

It got national significance because i was counsel grounds before the trail of tears before the chair nation was written to the last answer.

This is not only you will bring on the meta-analysis ground and to the cherokee.

We treated that way and our state park is just and it is absolutely a jewel in our community.

They have a council house.

I have a cherokee farmhouse and also sleeping hats that people would aid in my neck here pain or council meeting.

The centerpiece is a spraying, perhaps about 400,000 gallons o water a into a creek and it it is absolutely also with it, and no agile sent me, which was actually the which was a collection and that when the cherokee were gathered before leaving on the trail of tears, the heritage center in charleston.

I was in the heritage center, tell that stor as the fourth and add the cherry being gathered here waiting in detachment to the west on the trail of tears as government treaties were signed.

We also have in the heritage center there is a trail of tear tribute and that is in the form of a trail at with signage and it actually marks the zero mile mark her for or task and then the directional sign that would take you to well in the home and where the cherokee people in their journey and standing next to the that i want the river part of bradley county so this is a border at bradley county.

This is the part of the hawaii river where both he and david bordelon the water anyway and have them in your part is the part in polk county to lie people may be familiar with anything grounded and they rivers and down and got hawaii river.

We got the waiver where the how i is we got away forever.

Also in county and ma lady y wider river in america, you're enjoying holidays is a cherokee national team and all the things we had the new aroun here, it's just a great place t rest the most charming thing about how our community is our way has some really friendly people here and i we always say that economic week trs mile from any any of the rest always on the menu and that charming things and otherwise about our community.

Our place is like this.

This is where it is inured and this is where the largest ground vineyards in tennis.

They may have blueberries rather dairy and black areas great apennines and mechanized and all the wine taste frame and also how his doric downtown is just an walkable great theory and and what the public are dealing see in our downtown so that the nether charming that charming spot that i will always go back to our that had the charmed heart only thing i want you to.

We will visitors.

We are and we want

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