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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Jeremy Giesel of American Roofing says a leaky roof is far scarier than Halloween in our Roof Rescue

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Jeremy Giesel of American Roofing says a leaky roof is far scarier than Halloween in our Roof Rescue
Jeremy Giesel of American Roofing says a leaky roof is far scarier than Halloween in our Roof Rescue

Jeremy Giesel of American Roofing says a leaky roof is far scarier than Halloween in our Roof Rescue new roof giveaway for a deserving veteran

Cited to talk about something that the little bit on the spooky side and appropriately dressed.

To say that conversation laser menino and mister jeremy isola american river coming in morning jeremy morning how are you doing great getting in the season early right.

I did a topic like edmonton something will carry cyber talk about roof leaks nonessential to whether that coming our forecast for the next week and next couple of my mout important.

I do pay attention what we need to know about so a lot of times people always thin interior weeks whiffing of weeks really in all actuality, you can get a lot of dataflow off on the outside of the home that the roof is not shedding water properly and so your roof is not waterproof is water resistant designed to shed water to the roof line was coming off the house improperly in connection cause a lot of soffi rock facial rock and other things that are going to actually cost you a 10 of money down the road and out but people don't stand outside it was raining typically to see that the water may be flowing off improperly, it can be from improper installation.

Is there any way to turn the cell.

The one thing we say people usually want to use a certified contractor and the reason you want to do that is because you build your roof back to code drip edge icewater shoulder to items that have become code and the reason america is because they are protective entity for construction purposes that are actually help your roof state stay longer and things like tha in a better condition right you just said earlier, we don't hav to go out there in the rain and watch what happenings are the kind that we can look or interfering a rain shower or after arrange this.

So when you're doing it to the insider or the exterior home could be potentially streaks on a winner paint has water on it.

Sometime you won't notice it for a while i could take six months want to walk around the room of her home as inspection purposes or in their attic base so i'm exterior home, you know, streaking, and i can even be worth it, streaking on the on the on the roof.

We can have a low spot which could be a dip in the decking.

So what is coming in somewhere on the decking to be a number number of things that the that is causing a leak, and so from the perspective you still look for things that look out of place.

So speak to that earlier mean asking how much ar we not have the trained eye for that.

What rarely walking around doing those inspections on a routine basis.

That's why can be important to work with someone a certified expert on what we want to work with someone like yourself someone o your team ever.

Maybe a friend this is handy and a good little right and so in our industry, we have we been trained to know how to look for leaks but also what can be done to help prevent tha week or fix the leak in the future and so we all have that friend that's gotten up on the roof and shouldn't have been admitted following the hurt men you're out of work for six months you have medical bills so not only do not have issue fixed.

You have an unneeded expense we i get on 1520 thirtieths a week and so i know and we know were doing.

We know i get on you want to call someone that's in the industry that knows little of.

So you don't potentially risk harm or waste your time in a new venue using a band-aid to fix him and it could be a larger issue late down the road and i guess i can their conversation.

The tools that are available as far as pension go and correction as well.

You mentioned some of those are no specific to what needed for the album for the issue as well.

Only at the time the interview.

We talked about the contest that we are having.

We are looking for local veterans that we need you to nominate we are giving away a new rough to as individuals.

Courtesy american roofing company wrote quickly tell us why you wanted to partner with us on this.

Jack sold 2020 minutes of year for a lot of people.

And we know there is a handful of people that are just out there in that are in need.

Not only that there need, but there are better in need of someone who has served us so selflessly we wanted give back to one of those persons is actually a given us so much that does the same thing.

So we like to do that that beacon of hope that that little bit of of joy from this year.

Assuming people have a tough year.

We want to b better give back and actually help those that have helped us so much not a scary topic for

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