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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Battle on Amendment 3 (11-2-20)

Credit: KQTV
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Battle on Amendment 3 (11-2-20)
Battle on Amendment 3 (11-2-20)
Battle on Amendment 3 (11-2-20)

Than 8 hours and voters tomorrow will get the chance for a do-over on amendment 3.

Though the clean missouri act passed on a 68-32 vote two years ago, a yes vote tuesday would cancel that vote and revert the method of drawing districts back to the way it has been done before.

The battle lines have been drawn -- republicans generally in support of amendment 3 -- democrats opposed.

(alan van zandt reporting) a yes vote on amendment 3 would put the responsibility of redrawing districts back to a non-partisan board appointed by the governor.

The clean missouri act voters passed two years ago gives that duty to a designated "demographer" named by the state auditor.(sot: sean soendker nicholson, no on amendment 3 campaign director "voters have already spoken clearly and delivered a clear bipartisan mandate for fair maps.")(sot state sen.

Dan hegeman (r) 12th district,"the bipartisan commisison has served the state of missouri well for decades, giving us both republican and democratic-led legislatures.

I think that's the voice that we need to have.

We need the voice of our community above partisan politics.")should voters say no on amendment 3, missouri's state house and senate districts would be redrawn to make races more competitive between republicans and democrats, putting (sot: hegeman: "my concern is that these districts will be very gerrymandered and very stringy to try and get to a competitive district which is what they put above keeping our communtiy's voice intact.) (sot: soendker nicholson: "amendment 3 would be a redistricting system unlike missouri has ever seen and unlike anything in the united states.

It sets to make the process secretive so that map drawing gets done in back rooms. it would create a more partisan process than we've ever had, giving new powers to the state political parties for picking which lobbyists and political operatives get to do the map drawing."in addition, a vote yes on amendment 3 would reduce the allowable gift value from lobbyists to legislators from $5 to zero and reduce the limit on senate campaign contributions from $2,500 to 2,400.

- those against the amendment call these additions window dressing.(sot: soendker nicholson: "one of the ways that you know that something tricky is going on is that when you go to vote, the first two bullets is the tricks on how they're trying to deceive voters.

The third bullet is what's going on, the partisan redistricting process.")(sot: hegeman: "it's a continuation of ethics reform that was started in 2016.

We wanted to make sure people were aware they could continue the ethics reform but also get back to a process that has served missouri very well.") every ten years, the state is reqired to review current districts and make adjustments accordingly based on

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