The Scary House Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Hendrik is sixteen, a big city kid, and vexed to learn that his mother is moving with him and his little brother Eddi to a small village in the south of Austria.
To make things worse, the locals shun the new rustic family home: Since a mother poisoned her two sons many decades ago, the house is haunted by ghosts.
When a sleep-walking Eddi starts carving strange symbols into the walls, Hendrik and his new friends Ida and Fritz set off on a quest to lift the secret of the scary house.
Director: Daniel Prochaska Producer: Gerald Podgornig, Thomas Hroch Script: Marcel Kawentel, Timo Lombeck Production Company: Mona Film Produktion Cast: León Orlandianyi, Benno Roßkopf, Julia Koschitz, Marii Weichsler, Lars Bitterlich, Michael Pink, Inge Maux, Markus Stubeier