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U.K. Edition
Wednesday, 17 July 2024


Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Good afternoon.

I'm kay blevins thanks for joining us.

The 2020 presidential election was predicted to be close - and it is.

Votes are still being counted and it may be days more before we know who will be the next president of the united states of america.

Skyler henry has more details from the white house.

:08 - :15 :21 - :26 :32 - :41 :42 - :47 the vote counting continues today - and could keep going for several more days as battleground states process a record setting amount of votes.

"that's what normally happens in an election, people vote, we count the votes then there's a winner and there's a loser."

Democratic nominee joe biden has pulled ahead in the upper midwest states of wisconsin and michigan.

"joe biden is on track to win this election and he will be the next president of the united states."

While pennsylvania still has about a million votes left to be counted - many of them in democratic friendly areas.

"pennsylvania's the real key here.

I think pennsylvania could take a couple of more days to count all of those ballots.

A lot of those are coming from philadelphia and the suburbs of philadelphia."

While election officials are calling for patience - president trump is calling for a halt to the vote counting.

The president tweeted this morning: "last night i was leading, often solidly, in many key states...then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted.

Very strange."

Last night he said he would fight the vote counts.

"we'll be going to the us supreme court.

We want all voting to stop."

The biden campaign responded saying: "if the president makes good on his threat to go to court to try to prevent the proper tabulation of votes, we have legal teams standing by ready to deploy to resist that effort."

Skyler henry, cbs news, the white house.

President trump did not say on what grounds he would use to get the courts to stop the vote count from taking place.

As votes continue to be closely counted in states such as pennsylvania and michigan, many are wondering about the polling data that proved to be inaccurate in states such as florida.

News 12's kenan scott joins us live in the studio to discuss how the polling went wrong.

Kay, i spoke with robin derryberry, president of derryberry public relations here in chattanooga, who broke down for me how and why the polling seemed to be wrong.

For reference, donald trump ended up winning florida by 3.5 points.

This came after the final 538 average had joe biden winning the sunshine state by 2.5 points.

This means that the polls were off by 5.

In ohio, biden lead trump 47 percent to 43 percent among likely voters.

Derryberry said that a main cause of these polling errors had to do with less people having landline phones to conduct interviews.

"in the past you might've been able to do some polling toward a specific precinct or location and you could do that based on the numbers from your local election commission.

Where you could go and pull addresses and match those to home phone numbers.

Well that kinda went out the window when we all started giving up our home phones."

Most of the current polling is showing a lead for biden, with votes still being counted in states such as pennsylvania and michigan.

Reporting live in studio, kenan scott news 12 now.

Most of the current polling is showing a lead for biden, with votes still being counted in states such as pennsylvania and michigan.

Reporting live in studio, kenan scott news 12 now.

Let's take a look at some of the election results from last night.... in tennessee, republican bill hagerty has won the state's open u-s senate seat.

He defeated marquita bradshaw, who's an environmental justice activist.

Hagerty will replace g-o-p senator lamar alexander, who decided not to run for re- election.

"and to the people of tennessee, i am overwhelmed by your trust and your confidence in me.

I appreciate and i am overwhelmed by the history of this moment.

I look forward to serving you at the very best of my ability as your next senator from tennessee.

" also in tennessee.....chu ck fleischmann was re-elected to his u-s house seat.

Fleischmann defeated democrat meg gorman, who is from chattanooga, securing a sixth term.

He's thankful to get to serve the people of tennessee once again.

"fortunately every time i have run, i have won in the general election all of the 11 east tennessee counties.

That was the case tonight.

I'm so so thankful for that.

The voters have spoken.

We had a great night.

I'm looking forward to going back and representing the people of he 3rd district once again.

Serving on the appropriatons committee, bringing those much needed federal dollars really to our entire state.

The special election for georgia us senate heads to a runoff.

It will be between incumbent, kelly loeffler and democrat reverend warnock.

Republican candidate doug collins had been in the top three mix, but conceded from the race.

The move surprised multiple north georgia republicans.

"i did personally vote for doug collins as did my entire family and i felt like he was a strong candidate i certainly didn't think that loeffler was a bad candidate, but i did prefer collins and i'm very disappointed to find out that he did not make the cut."

The run-off election will be on the run-off election will be on january 5th next year.

Republicans are clinging to a majority in the senate, but several races still hang in the balance across the country.

Democrats are on a narrow path to retain control of the house, but falling short of the party's goals to grow its majority.

Cbs's bofta yimam is on capitol hill.

:36-:40 :46 1:00 pkg: ) it's a waiting game for the democratic party looking to wrestle control of the senate chamber from republicans.

By early wednesday, cbs news had projected one new seat for the party - with colorado democrat john hickenlooper defeating incumbent republican cory gardner.

But that gain was offset by doug jones' projected loss to republican tommy tuberville in alabama.

Democrats are eyeing arizona, where it looks like mark kelly could pick up a seat from martha mcsally.

"thank you south carolina!"

) top republicans lindsey graham and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell both survived challenges from well-funded democrats.

) "tonight, kentucky said we're keeping our front row seat in the senate."

) the races remain a toss up in maine, north carolina, georgia and michigan.

) democrats had high hopes of flipping some traditionally red states, but fell short in iowa, texas and montana.

Cbs news has not made a projection on the house majority, but democrats have fallen short of their goals ) "the house predictions going in are what i would call this irrational exuberance."

Q'anon supporter -- republican marjorie taylor greene is projected to win her georgia district... the president's former physician ronny jackson took a house gop seat in texas.

And freshman incumbent democrat alexandria ocasio-cortez retains her new york seat.

Bofta yimam, cbs news, capitol hill.

### time to check in with chip now for our first look at the weather.

Here's a live look from news 12 studios camera from atop the building on broad st., from the e-p-b fiber optics weather cam network.

Ty in the last 6 days nice outside.

Not much happening is for is any sort of activity on the satellite and radar combination loop plenty of sunshine temperatures continuin to warm-up and this nice stretch is going to continue for the next several days, not just a few hours, but several days the caterer up and make scouting you are still into the upper these 61 in cleveland rome at 62 near downtown.

We got 63 with ellija and murphy leaving back at 67 sunshine continues, it will be getting warmer by the end of th week.

Most of us will be topping 70 and that also was going to continue as we get int next week anywhere between 5 to 8 degrees above where we were, this time on tuesday and tomorrow.

These numbers will be getting even higher.

Again 67 of ellijay and murphy, as we have through the day.

Just a beautiful day to get outside air quality index is in the good range and that stands in 48 only one small trace about a polyp and that is mainly cedar will have moral that seven-day forecast on the way with itwalk days.

This one was on baker drive off magnolia street in lafayette at around 6:30 this morning.

Lafayette city fire department also responded with walker county.

All residents escaped safely from the trailer home.

It was a total loss.

Other recent fires in the county were in chattanooga valley friday night, napier chapel rd on lookout mountain on sunday night, and hamilton dr in chickamauga last night.

Still to come here on wdef news 12 at noon... chip says expect a nice weekend in the storm team 12 seven day forecast.

And later... why the fbi is investigating reports of voter suppression.... details coming up after the break.... but first, let's look at today's cleveland daily banner.

The paper reports... benton mayor jerry stephens, who died on election day, defeated challenger randy yates.... for more on these stories, check out today's edition.

Now from the epb weather center, your storm team 12 right now forecast now from the epb weather center, your storm team 12 right now forecast up next on news 12 now at noon.... in our mom to mom to help calm your up next on news 12 now at noon.... in our mom to mom to help calm your kid's senses at bedtime.... details are coming up after the break.... "news 12 now at noon.

Your news now."

Mandy williamson: today on mom to mom, we're going to make something to help calm your kid's senses at bedtime.

Our kids go through sensory overload throughout the day.

I mean, in our mom to mom to help calm your kid's senses at bedtime.... details are coming up after the break.... "news 12 now at noon.

Your news now."


Mandy williamson: today on mom to mom, we're going to make something to help calm your kid's senses at bedtime.

Our kids go through sensory overload throughout the day.

I mean, they're on their computers, their cell phones, an ipad, whatever it may be, watching tv.

They just experience a lot of it throughout the day.

And when it comes to bedtime, it's hard for them to unwind.

That's why this glowing sensory bottle is perfect for helping them calm down in the evening.

And it's super easy to make.

All you need is some baby oil, or you can have mineral oil, some glitter, and of course, i really like the oil candy coloring.

It's kind of like food coloring, but it's oil-based so it kind of just has a little bit thicker texture to it when we're going to make our bottles.

And then last but certainly not least, we have glow in the dark stars that we have.

Mandy williamson: first, you want to fill your bottle with baby oil, not all the way to the top because we still need to leave room for the stuff that we're going to put in there.

Next we're going to use our oil candy color.

You can put however much you want in there.

Then, i want to have a little fun and put some glitter in there just to make it super sparkly, but you again can do it however you like.

And then last, i like to put the mini stars in there.

They're the glow in the dark ones.

Mandy williamson: once you're finished, you can top it off with more baby oil.

Then you want to make sure that you super glue the lid on.

That way your kids can not unscrew it and you've got a big mess in your bed.

If your kids are ever having a hard time falling asleep, just hand them this sensory bottle, have them count the glowing stars and watch them fall fast asleep.


Mandy williamson: if you ever have any great ideas that helps with your kids, we'd love to hear them.

And as always, moms, we'll see you on the next mom to mom.

We want to hear about your creative ideas for our mom to the next mom to mom.

We want to hear about your creative ideas for our mom to mom segment.

Send them to us by going to our website wdef dot com and clicking mom to mom.

Here's a live look from our c-h-i memorial camera at lee pointe from the e-p-b fiber optics weather cam network.

Smiles matter, brought to you by delta dental of tennessee.

Caught playing around, this young pup tried to act natural.

Thanks to lianne kelley for today's smiles matter photo.

Take a picture of what makes you smile and send it to

Just in time for the holidays!

Stouffer's -- the brand famous for its frozen foods -- is set to sell merchandise to its devoted lasagna lovers.

Not many details are known yet -- but stouffer's has been dropping hints on social media.

Some of the items expected to be for sale -- a "don't talk to me until i've had my mac and cheese" mug... a "layer up" sweatshirt... and even a self-insulated lasagna fanny pack.

The website is shop- stouffers-dot-com.

It launches november 17th.

Thanks for spending a little bit of your afternoon with

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