Making more voices heard
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Making more voices heard
Results as final.
Nearly record voter turnout across the state might be the result of increased voter options... options made necessary by the insidious coronavirus.
Kimt new three's jessica bringe joins us now with how local g?
"*p and* leaders view the changing voter landscape.
George ?
"* there's a divide between olmsted gop and dfl parties when it comes to how and when voters should be able to cast their ballots.
Olmsted's d?
"*l party expressed appreciation for the increased length of time voters could cast their ballot..
Saying it will mean campaigning for votes earlier in future elections.
Chair of senate district 26 mike liebow also tells me the variety of options all seemed positive.
However ?
"* olmsted's gop party says the increased time means voters will cast a ballot too soon ?
"* before getting important information closer to election day..
Chair greg gallas adds there's a distrust of mail?
"*in voting compared to in?
"* person or it won't be election day it will be election season and we'll have to start a little earlier to talk to people because we know they might start voting earlier.
I think we are going to emphasize early voting even when there's not a pandemic because frankly those votes are in the bank and we can stop bothering people.
<our election cycle has become far too long.
I think we need to shorten that up, that voting period.
People take it pretty seriously and if you're that serious about it you can do absentee and in?
"*person voting.
Gallas says he believes having mail in ballots increases the possibility of voter fraud..
Liebow believes while it may complicate some things, having the chance for more voices to be heard is a thank you jessica.
Minnesota's secretary of state posted today there was a more than 78?
"* percent turnout in the state.
The record was set in 1956..
With 83?
"* percent.
Let's see what could make these ETFs top options for investors.
BBC Local News: Hampshire -- Hampshire County Council is set to raise the cost of its range of ceremony options by 11%.