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U.K. Edition
Wednesday, 17 July 2024


Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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And i'm chip chapman..

Welcome to let's chatt the tn valley's premiere show focusing doctor rob hedrick is the chief thoracic surgeon for ch i memorial will talk all about that and more on the way this half hour chat.

As usual, focusing to just rate egyptian ringing use much in the news.

John and here we go.

It is thursday the date of no number week is flying by.

It is still not know about the election for the president of the united states.

We are following this will break into programming as necessary ... .

If that news comes down here over the next decades, and any holder forming ... it's a stethoscope you act like you never seen a request in his lighting ... i seem like the right thing to do.

It's a good day for stethoscope actually going to duck out here a few minutes and go do some stuff with the folks from the chattanooga hamilton county medical society and the diamonds, not a that's why i have the stethoscope as a prop when using my scrubs and my lab coat.

Anyway, we all that to tell you about donuts today.

Of course national don't have one of my favorite days of the year americans eat about 10,000,000, 000 dollars a year.

I'm personally responsible for 1,00, 000,000 of the aphids break down 31 doughnut per person.

The hole in the middle of the doughnut is been the subject of jokes for and why, but it actually has a purpose it is or should i say, was created to help make sure that the rest of the doughnut cooks more evenly and on fact in i rejoice in thi fact.

There are actually two national doughnut days.

The other one is the first friday and that commemorates the salvation army lassies.

They called back then serve doughnuts to our soldiers back during world war one 31 doughnuts a person per year.

I definitely more than you above or behind the curve on the here way i way of way of we like donuts here.

See what else we talk about today is not only don't i day.

It is also believe it or not national rubrics to yes yes raby just by coincidence, i haven't ever rubrics to closet today.

How did i not have a doughnut is still writing discussion where i don't these these cool little things have been around for a lot longer than they and the guy's got a new world record.

His name is giovanni giovanni created a mosaic with over 6000 different rubrics, tubes, and you'll see the time-lapse photography can result coming up.

In just a moment the massive piece depicts the greek god is holding you a mosaic to fix dollars to complete the italian artist solved at the 6100 and just seven.

Now the rubik's cube as you and i know it celebrates it fortieth anniversary, the saturday it was actually create by rubik back in 1974.

It did not get the name rubik's cube until the year 1980 and if you're of a certain age you and your friends and your mom, neighbors and everybody had rubik's cube.

Some were bigger.

Some were smaller, but everybod tried to figure it out either or matter to figure it out like a radio station.

I was working at at the time that a bunch of leaves that got them for promotional purposes.

There wer given the client's and office people.

None of the other people got it like it is here we find out.

Just give one part was we had a bunch of these leftover and there was a celebration for one reason or another.

There was a sledgehammer.

Now we took a sledgehammer to skew and only thing better.

Guess all rubik's cube.

The sledgehammer to is putting one in vice slowly but surely craig l allen, iowa.

I got up right when i can figure it out.

Villa stickers often replace them.

I looked a little you got me on that one out of all the things that's one would never, but you get mad at me if i know i'm not mind you but apparently there is a certain symmetrical pattern to that that pattern down at joe's acres and came at cracker barrel.

I can't.

The old one with the golf tees up have little to attitude which is also gone to put the end of the sledgehammer likes to the items i had been searching for.

I love to countdown to christma right.

The technical term of course an advent calendar right down the menu are correct a lot of people are looking for to christmas a little bit more tha normal this year for to the in 2020 advent calendars again are more popular ever so all the discomfort restore collection of more than 20 diff calendar now you got a wide variety of choices on that you got beer, wine or hard seltzer count down calendars of alcohol is a good thing no problem.

You cheese or chocolate.

The advent calendars and it's fun for the whole family options for children as well.

I want one of everything in those calendars you see them popping up in the strangest places and they are obviously very very handy and informational.

I know you got 100 phone glob of law an advent calendar like that makes inquiries inexpensive gift for someone in your life ... government stethoscope by the quarter only stethoscope lab coats scrubs ... prescription pad goes on that i closures to got it right.

About a euro seal tomorrow.

I said thanks ... i have had more sad after that minutes of chatting away with all the doctors equipment.

We have a real doctor.

Do any of well quite the same but you don't let it did work ... we do that we can ... yes yes ... just a little bit else is bette suited know we'll okay ... thank you ... okay ... not right now ... i think so ... smiles are brought to you by delta dental of tennessee.

These three sisters live smart is on the west smiles at her take care of what makes you smile and sen it to log landing giving morning tradition is returning for its thirtieth year, a little different, don't worry still plenty of opportunities to get involved in blood pumping before we town an almost things getting milk doing this morning for all the information is in his herby good morning carrie how are you getting ready.

I'm grateful for having a poison.

We are excited to be 30 annual turkey taught a course benefiting the kidney foundation of the greater chattanooga area.

Tell me a little bit about this year and things are generally a little bit different.

During the 19 arab, the event is ... happening happening are extremely honest, celebrate 30 annual triad that we will pray available in italy handwritten in to attend a new location and that we had back in person and in the morning and we also have a virtual option for you and want to be involved in the act by delta capital coming out a bit more about the virtual event i'm is this something is going to be happening only on things in the morning or is this virtual opportunity open for a longer window of time ... christ opportunity called the hr challenge and we are challengin the community.

Everyone in the entire month of november.

I kno that everett artie started by warily and led shane and me needing to get acted inside the lock lingo.

Many i cleaned her.

How is your ... and all i getting back ... my purpose of the virtual race is open now for the rest of the month.

I want to talk about the ak opportunity on having morning now is that open to only know riders who typically do road race is a thing.

The whole family at the ... writing is very flat expand a lot ... walker is your first time being in a cave or even every turkey child is not happy and bring your dogs out we'd like to have been a children anyone.

It's not that we're getting weight to reduce large crowds and as of the nine and we are cleaning to follow kevin intersection i kee everyone morning are victims. for more information will becom available once we register as far as the guidelines that we need to follow for this year.

I want to remind everyone of course again we mentioned that the is a fundraiser for the kidney foundation, a greater chattanooga area at the bit more detail about this organization and how this money is going to be helping her ... quite an argumentation partners in the chatting attack on china.

Dan and visit our organizations really value health and community and our local or patient.

We raised money.

In the end stages of renal disease or ... and it is and what is and get through this nonsense and just any dell amenity continued and we're here to assist and get into the perfect there's a couple ways of course need to preregister by the were doing virtual or were doing the eight k on the morning having talent on the information we need in nascar's registries ... yes.

Register now and we will not have registration available at the rate of any morning and the kidney for our town and august virtual or in person or see the 2020 race - shirt and my dad anyone and everyone in it.

Of course we can register now do the virtual option now and pay the rest of the month as well, anything much for joining us this morning.

We are happy and congratulations on 30 years of this annual event will chatting and seems to get closer.

In the meantime, stick chattanooga but don't worry, as he does so.

We are still celebrating those who make a difference in our community and we are still here to make a difference in our community with help of the i am generous campaign that is going to be a new month-long initiative hearing is on the information is this on to the alliance can warning onto how are you good morning.

Just seeing the beautiful as always worried that about the new blog campaign of course things are looking a little bit different on for national philanthropy day, but were still celebrating or still working in her ... absolutely in the whole purpose of the i am generous campaign which find ways presented by elliott davis and sponsored by first writing foundation utc morning point to celebrate national philanthropy.

David really has two main goals.

The first is to celebrate many ways that people in the greater chattanooga area are generous in giving or giving back to their community bond hearing giving time, talents, or their financial resources.

Well that's worthy of celebrating, but also to highlight the association for fundraising professionals and many benefits that it offers to people who work in the fundraising industry so we really pleased to be able to bring this and you'll see videos when was just shown testimonials on hashtag.

I am generous all month long after december first which is getting tuesday you just said, as nasa reiterated after the horse encourages individual to participate in the on-topic process throughout november.

Up until giving tuesday we have ha a lot of giving tuesday information coming to your less time in the future weeks.

I bet i will only get involved now.

How do we get involved now with this campaign and how can we make a different ... well what's most important, initially said he beginning to use the spinach for all of the nonprofit industry has certainly had its share of curves thrown at it to him.

What's most important, i think is for people to realize that it's not just how much you give but it's the way you give either someone is a 20-year-old gettin 20 dollars for the first time or a lifelong it was stanching scholarship endowment, knowing her name it goes largely is wonderful and impactful smaller sustaining gifts and we hope people will be encouraged and inspired to give ac some of the stories and share stories of their own as they get involved ensure that hashtag i am generous as well write in the title of this campaign.

I am generous because that doesn't compass down lifelike investments in everything from your teenager giving a 20 acted as large donation included active time as well.

There are needs across our community that are both and monetary value tim value and item value as well.

At the time little bit about the afp again a talk about them earlier on the who is this organization were and how can we get involved as a viewer as a median is a short piece is the association for fundraising professionals and as the name indicates, it is to train, educate, offer ethics, the four people in the fundraising profession but also people like me but are closely in unit with your board member for nonprofit organization.

We work in marketing training and coordination.

Those folks gained so much from being a member of happy just finding the transient waste story.

I get around it.

We have a heart out.

Dad never talk about this in the meantime more information search afp southeas regular insulin.

The first thing you need to know is what anything enters the sugar in your body.

My recommendations regarding the computer and you download the list of all the glycemic index g.i.

Glycemic index of all the fruits.

The bread the best of focus on the ones that are the babysitter the below on the glycemic index and avoid any food that 70 or above on the glycemic index.

This is the is helpful hint that i can give any diabetic would just say watch anything sugar.

The glycemic index tells you ho much sugar is being released based on specific food that you're eating so focus on the glycemic index under 70 avoid food on the glycemic index is over 70.

This will help tremendously.

Mason check us up on my best, which jack ... joining us now to chat for a fe minutes about so our lungs.

It is the chief of thoracic surger at chi borowitz are doctor bob everett doctor rob hedrick morning good morning about this behind us.

This is the mobile log screening machine is bringing work was the over nobody likes going to the docto putting myself what i want to do is try to make doctor visits easy.

We have a lot of health issues particular waiter ones i this area so was an idea getting the technology and the physician out to the were the patients with and making our examining of the lungs and getting lung screening done.

The easiest way possible and you have done this.

Congratulations to you by the way for conceptualizing and executing this am.

Even before the colored pandemic started you were talking about the importance of those of us over a certain age 50.

Having regular long examinations and screening.

Why is it so important.

Age 50 seem to be when our genetic start laying out so we reach that age in particular, if you live in our viewing audience east tennessee north georgia north alabama we have such a high prevalence of one cancer that that's when it starts problems you can't feel it.

So what we've looked at was among screening scenario where the simplest test you can look at somebody's lungs.

Why start turning age 50.

You pick up one cancer when it's easy to diagnoses to treat and very in inexpensive to take care of.

I don't seems like colin has been around for years at least, mentally and emotionally that it's only been a few months.

Have you seen up tick and lung cancer.

Since the code breakout or is it too small the time properly quantifywhat were seeing is because of people being more concerned about thei health when they feel sick getting into a hospital or doctor's office getting imaging done.

You're finding the one cancer which is what the one screening programs about people staying at home, not one of the physicians office are not aware that problems pickup and pick up on the one cancer so we are seeing an increase in early detection of lung cancer by people just interacting with the healthcare system.

Some of the experts at the center for disease control or saying that we are heading into a second nationwide round of coping 19, number one is a healthcare pro you think this true number two.

What can we do to help ... give us the think psychologically were heading into a very difficult time of year one.

Not just because of coronavirus, but also all the other viruses that thrive in the cold weather months so them twins of ours.

The pair influence of ours in the common cold.

Get all of those affect her life.

Yes, so long as the big target for all of you think anytime somebody starts feeling sick you now go to even deeper darker places you worry about the virus and all the attention it's weight on so i think it is going to be a difficult force going into the mobile lungs reading machine on wheels which you alter your work.

I miss your next couple days.

Just a moment.

This is as you mentioned, it's quick, it is painless.

Yes, a lot of people think i got a thing to happen.

They all work to go do this that is wrong you don't know it know it's it's a day three or four minute test.

The process takes about 15 minutes.

I wonder what make people think this is a journey regenerated go on, we know these winter months are difficult, at least psychologically if not physically, for health short you want to check your car out before we go on a trip longmont is meant to be positioned this time year so people will go get there once checked.

Let us help you get in the best shape you can from a pulmonary standpoint so that if you get the flu or you get the coronavirus you're more likely to survive it and even more likely to not even ge in the boston which i think is something we all would like to avoid.

If i sleep you can find out more about doctor hedrick and this incredible machine tha is now on wheels.

It is going t a community near you.

Pikeville today is your day you will find about the piggly wiggly input will central time starting time lasting until to urgency.

It started at nine and will run until two o'clock at the piggly wiggly.

If you can't make pikeville today.

The screenings will be available tomorrow, friday at doctor's office, five five five eight six nine five nine 550558 six you

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