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U.K. Edition
Wednesday, 17 July 2024


Credit: WXXV
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Thursday anchoring

- - - with thanksgiving one week from- today, u-s doctors, - nurses and hospital officials - are pleading with - americans to scale back holiday- gatherings as - covid cases and deaths- skyrocket.- as wendy woolfolk reports, the- c-d-c even- recommending people not travel- for the holiday this year.- - with infection rates soaring...- - - the nationwide death toll - passing 250-thousand... - and many hospitals reaching - capacity, the - second covid wave proving worse- than the first... - sot / voice of: dr. henry walke- covid-19 incident manager - cdc- :12 - :19 - "we are alarmed, again, with th exponential increase in cases,- - - - hospitalizations and deaths."

That alarm prompting the c-d-c- to recommend- americans not travel during - the thanksgiving holiday.

- sot / dr. erin sauber-schatz -- cdc :26 - :35 - "this is a serious point in tim in the pandemic and that we nee- to all be doubling- down on the things that we know- work on spreading the spread of- covid - 19."

In an open letter to the- american people, three- organizations - representing health care worker- quote: "strongly urge everyone - - - throughout our country to - celebrate responsibly, in a - scaled-back fashion that limits- the - virus's spread.

- despite pandemic fatigue and- thanksgiving one week away, no- time to let our guard down.

- nats / violin - but in utah...the sound of- gratitude - - - this patient..

Still intubated- and unable to speak...played- the violin to show appreciation- for all of those- who've taken care of him..- nat / violin- - the mississippi state departmen- of health reported- 1,395 new coronavirus cases and- 19 new deaths, including- one new death in hancock and- jackson counties.

- the statewide total stands at - 138 thousand - 791 confirmed- - - - cases and 3 thousand- 619 death- hancock county now has 1,098- cases and 37 deaths.- harrison county is now at 6,604- total cases and 104 deaths.

- - - jackson county has 5,892 cases,- and now 112 deaths.

- stone county has 663 cases and- 14 deaths.- george county has 1,182 cases - - - - and 23 deaths.

Pearl river- county has 1,363 total cases an- 66 deaths.- - the crew over at feed my sheep- in gulfport was busy today- administering rapid covid-19- test or flu shots to local- residents.- not only did the food pantry- serve up much needed meals to - the homeless and vulernable - community this holiday season,- but they also partnered with- coastal family health clinics t- continue to serve another risin- need as covid cases - increase in our state.- executive director of feed my - sheep david lion- leon- says communication is key when- it comes to the - health of the homeless.

- - "it's definitely a challenge with the- homeless people.

They don't hav- just the simple things like - newspapers, as well - as tv access to see what the- recommendations are, so it's a- constant- reminder here.

We remind them - every day; we hand out masks- every day.

We - - - - have disinfectant wipes that we- give them for them to use to- clean their hands.- when they come for lunch that's- when we have chalkboards that - have all the- announcements for the day."

119 people were tested at their- last partnered event.

- both the covid test and the flu- shot were free for anyone, with- no out of pocket expenses.- you can expect to get your- results within 24 hours.- - here's meteorologist ryan mahan- with a quick look at- your weather.

- - easterly flow becoming more - pronounced and long fetched fro- the - - - atlantic as continental high- pressure has now moved over the- north - atlantic and extending a ridge- spline across the gulf states.- this pattern should remain in - place through the weekend befor- - - - softening with the approach of - weakening cold front sunday - night.

Southern branch- short-wave ejects from the- desert southwest- to generate a decent fall storm- in the central and southern - plains.

Models are trending int- a somewhat better consensus on- deeper dynamics into the- mississippi valley to raise som- concerns for severe weather - potential in the pre-frontal ai- wednesday.

This would have- significant impacts on what is- typically one of the heaviest - travel days heading into- thanksgiving day.

There is- enough time to monitor trends - within- the models but this would be th- the state of the coast symposiu- was held this morning.

The 4th- annual symposium looked a littl- - - - different than in previous- years.- due to covid-19 it was held - virtually over zoom.

Several- coastal economic and business - leaders from harrison,- hancock and jackson counties- talked about tourism, - healthcare, manufacturing, job- growth and the impacts of - challenges endured throughout - 2020.

Gulf coast- business council chairman - - - - anthony wilson emphasized that- the coast economy has - perservered in the face of- these challenges.

- - "2020 has been a year of economic disruption - in coastal mississippi due to - the pandemic, tropical weather- impacts both locally- and regionally.

However, we hav- seen markers of economic- strength- - - - and our coastal economy - continues to exceed - expectations."

- - - wilson also says this year's- symposium was devoted to an - exploration of economic - diversity and resillience of- the mississippi gulf coast.

- - thanksgiving is a time to gathe- with loved ones and enjoy a goo- meal.

- however, preparing that meal ca- be dangerous if - you're not careful.

That's why- the gulfport fire - department held a turkey cookin- demonstration today.- their goal was to show people - what not to do when frying a- turkey.

- fire chief mike beyerstedt says- thanksgiving is the number one- day of the year for house fires- caused by cooking.- - "follow the instructions if youre going to- deepfry a turkey.

Make sure - you're outside in an area with- nothing combustable - around.

Make sure your bird is- thawed and dried out.

Unattende- cooking - accounts for most fires so pay- attention if you have something- cooking."

- - - chief beyerstedt reminds- everyone to call 9-1-1- immediately - if anything goes wrong and to - never put water on a grease - - - fire.

- - over 200 donated meals went to- those in need today, thanks to- the partnership of the hard roc- hotel and casino and the back - bay - mission in biloxi.- news 25's sabria reid has more- - the thanksgiving meal giveaway- in- biloxi at back bay mission- looked differnt this year due t- covid 19.

Everyone lined up - outside and wore face masks - to recieve their hot- thanksgiving meal.- while trying to bring some- normalcy to an unusual year,- back bay mission's sarah boone,- tells news 25, she- hopes to lift spirits and bring- hope during this hard time.

- sarah boone, home at last - caseworker back bay mission: "i think it's gonna lift people's- spirits up show that we are a - community that cares, - we're a mission that cares abou- them and i think it's gonna giv- them a little bit of- hope during a really hard time.- " back bay mission is thankful fo- - - the support and 14 year - partnership with the hard rock- hotel and casino and the- volunteers who come out and - help.

- sabria reid, news 25: - "due to the golbal pandemic people are going hungry and - homeless for the very - first time.

In biloxi back bay- mission is hosting their annual- thanksgiving meal - - - - giveaway thanking the hard rock- hotel and casino for their- donation of over 200- meals."

Sarah boone, home at last - caseworker back bay mission: " just want to thank the hardrock- they do a wonderful job every - year, you couldn't ask- for a better group of volunteer- to come out to help, what a - - - - blessing it is to the community- and i'm happy to be apart of it- and i'm so thankful for back ba- mission - being apart of this community."

- - - by pre-packaging meals and- giving them away in a to-go and- drive - by fashion, the hardrock also - - - - helped make the meal giveaway - covid safe.

- face masks and hand sanitizer - were available for everyone - who attended.

- sammi greco, human resources- coordinator: "this is one of my favorite events to be able to - get outside of the casino walls- and - be able to interract with those- in the community and provide- - - something that they might not - normally get on the regular - basis."

In biloxi, sabria reid, news 25- - coming up...- ryan will have a full forecast- after the break.... - plus... - the department of marine- resources is set to offer in- - person assistance to fishermen- applying for- cares act funding.

Find out if- you may qualify, after- this.

- - - - easterly flow becoming more - pronounced and long fetched fro- the - - - - atlantic as continental high- pressure has now moved over the- north - atlantic and extending a ridge- spline across the gulf states.- - - this pattern should remain in - place through the weekend befor- - - - softening with the approach of - weakening cold front sunday - - - night.

Southern branch- short-wave ejects from the- desert southwest- - - to generate a decent fall storm- in the central and southern - - - - plains.

Models are trending int- a somewhat better consensus on- - - deeper dynamics into the- mississippi valley to raise som- - - - concerns for severe weather - potential in the pre-frontal ai- - - wednesday.

This would have- significant impacts on what is- typically one of the heaviest - travel days heading into- - - - thanksgiving day.

There is- enough time to monitor trends - within- - - the models but this would be th- first significant weather event- - - to unfold in the deep south in- quite some time, barring- tropical- weather of this busy season.- otherwise, temperatures are - expected- - - to be above normal for the- duration of this forecast - package.- rainfall will be quite limited- through monday, but could see - - - - increased coverage as column- moistens tuesday, then greater- - - - chances and impacts wednesday.- the encouraging news is that al- - - impactful weather should be out- of the area for thanksgiving da- - - - and temperatures should remain- mild enough to exercise safer - - - - outdoor dining options next - thursday.

- marine: persistent easterly flo- will maintain elevated tide - levels that - - - - produce some minor inundation o- low lying coastal areas at each- - - harrison county announced this- afternoon that beach debris - cleanup is now complete - following hurricane zeta.

- this means that all beaches in- harrison county are now open to- the public.

- however, work continues on- repairing stairs, benches, and- signage damaged by the storm.

- you're asked to remain cautious- when going from the sidewalk to- the beach.- - the department of marine- resources is preparing to - offer in-office application - assistance for commercial and - charter fisheries participants- applying for- cares act funding.- assistance will be available- from 8 a.m.

Until 11 a.m.

On- nov.

23 and - - - nov.

24, as well as dec.

1 and- dec.


- applicants must be a mississipp- resident 18 years or older and- have possessed a valid- - - - mississippi resident commercial- fishing, dealer-processor or- charter boat license during - the july 2019 to june 2020, - license year.

- you can only apply in one - category and must meet the- threshold of economic revenue - losses greater than 35- percent compared to the prior - five-year average.- if applying as a business, it - must be based in mississippi- and - registered with the mississippi- secretary of state.

- interested applicants can make- appointments by - calling the dmr at 228-374-5000- for more information on the - application deadline and a- list of things needed to apply,- visit our website at wxxv - - or the dmr's website as well.

- - m-g-c-c-c and the university of- west alabama have signed a- memorandum of understanding tha- will guarantee- admission for all mgccc - graduates who have a 2.0 grade- point average or better,- this agreement includes advisin- at mgccc or the u-w-a campus- with an academic adviser, and - dedicated academic- scholarships to mgccc students- with a 3.0 grade point average- or- better for up to four - consecutive semesters.- mgccc students who receive- academic scholarships - will also be eligible to apply- for housing scholarships.

- - "im lorraine weiskopf and comin up next - on news 25 we"re hopping back o the historic downtown biloxi- walking tour- - - - where weve covered 9 of the 21- stops and this week we'll cover- an additional two.

Stay - tuned" - - lace up your shoes and take a - stroll with news 25's lorraine- weiskopf in today's edition of- - - "live local," a series you ca catch here on news 25 on- thursdays.- today, we take you to stops - number ten and eleven of the- biloxi walking tour with someon- who knows the area- well... a biloxi library- historian.- - located at the corner of rue- magnolia and jackson street is- stop number 10 of the biloxi- walking tour.

- jane shambra, historian, biloxi- library "this is actually a house - belonging to the cousins, he wa- actually the editor of the dail- herald as - well as the postmaster, they- think the house was built aroun- 1910."

The cousins house is a fine - example of queen anne, the- most romantic or feminine of- victorian architectural - styles.

While the house is newe- than the majority of- other houses on the tour, it's- one of the last standing- buildings on its corner.- where today stands a crepe- myrtle tree, used to be a - caboose where locals could sell- their artwork.- - - - and now where the hospital sits- was once the infamous avelez- hotel.- jane shambra, historian, biloxi- library "so downtown looked completely different in the - 20s,30s, 40s, and so forth."

Moving on to stop number 11,- which is the cathedral of the - nativity of the blessed virgin- mary.

Jane shambra, historian,- biloxi library "it is a cathedral unlike a- regular church; it has a- designation that has another- level of historical - significance."

- - - the cathedral has been rebuilt- three times, the original churc- was made out of wood and- destroyed by a fire in 1870.- jane shambra, historian, biloxi- library "and if you look you'll see lots and- lots of stained glass windows.- which is amazing when you see - and these are - works of art.

These windows are- donated from wealthy families i- biloxi and a window - - - tells a history part of - something in the bible."

Those windows were actually - donated all the way from- germany, and installed in 1906.- live local is made possible - through the support of the- biloxi library system.

Tune in- next thursday as news 25- continues highlighting places o- interest along- our coast.- in biloxi, lorraine weiskopf, - news 25 - - another way locals and visitors- can explore the - history of the mississippi gulf- coast is by taking a stop at- the new interactive brides of - baleine - commemorative plaque at the - biloxi visitor's center.- this afternoon, the plaque was- unveiled at a ceremony put on - by the brides of baleine- committee.- on the plaque, visitors can sca- q-r codes to learn more - about the descendents of the- brides and their story.

- the brides of la baleine- were 88 women who sailed from - france, arriving at old biloxi- on- january 8th, 17-21.

- the women were transported from- france under the- direction of the arhbishop of - paris for the purpose of- expanding the settlement by - marrying french soliders.

- the late randall ladnier -- a - descendant of the brides -- - researched and authored the boo- "the brides of la baleine."

Ladnier's brother, dale ladnier- echoes his brother's- emphasis on the importance of - the brides' story.- - dale ladnier, brides of baleine- society:- "the impact that they have had on this community is something- that needs- to be understood by everybody.- and this is part of our process- here, is, first of all, to- - - - set up a plaque and then we wil- reach out to get more people- involved so that next - year we can have a 300th year - anniversary of their arrival in- - - - biloxi."

"i think it's importa for everybody to understand - where they're from and what - cultures have impacted them."

- - - members of the founding familie- are encouraged to join the- facebook group 'la baleine- society' in order to connect- with- the committee and other - descendants.- - we'll have one final look at- weather, after the break with - ryan, plus we'll take you to ne- york, where macy's is - revealing their holiday - displays.

- - - easterly flow becoming more - pronounced and long fetched fro- the - atlantic as continental high- pressure has now moved over the- north - atlantic and extending a ridge- - - spline across the gulf states.- this pattern should remain in - place through the weekend befor- softening with the approach of - - - - weakening cold front sunday - night.

Southern branch- short-wave ejects from the- desert southwest- - - to generate a decent fall storm- in the central and southern - plains.

Models are trending int- a somewhat better consensus on- - - - deeper dynamics into the- mississippi valley to raise som- concerns for severe weather - potential in the pre-frontal ai- wednesday.

This would have- - - - significant impacts on what is- typically one of the heaviest - travel days heading into- thanksgiving day.

There is- enough time to monitor trends - - - - within the models but this woul- be the first significant weathe- event - to unfold in the deep south in- quite some time, barring- - - tropical weather of this busy - season.

Otherwise, temperatures- are expected- to be above normal for the- duration of this forecast - - - - package.

Rainfall will be quite- limited through monday, but - could see - increased coverage as column- - - moistens tuesday, then greater- chances and impacts wednesday.- the encouraging news is that al- - - - impactful weather should be out- of the area for thanksgiving da- and temperatures should remain- - - - mild enough to exercise safer - outdoor dining options next - thursday.

- - - - macy's flagship store in the- heart of new york city has- revealed its holiday window - designs.- this year's displays are- designed as a thank you letter- to the city and coronavirus - first responders.

- more than 10-thousand fiber - optic lights illuminate a - miniature of the city streets..- with the iconic empire state- building as the centerpiece...- and macy's fireworks launching- from its tower.

- - launching from its tower.

- - -

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