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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Get Fit Friday 11/20/20 - Importance of Destressing During the Holidays

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Get Fit Friday 11/20/20 - Importance of Destressing During the Holidays
Get Fit Friday 11/20/20 - Importance of Destressing During the Holidays

With the holidays approaching and a deadly pandemic raging out of control, Beth Jeffers and Whitney Brown of the Fitness Factor in Columbus encourage relaxing exercises to help you destress such as yoga, pilates, and breathing techniques.

Wx animation beth jeffers: good morning.

Welcome to get fit friday.

I'm beth jeffers, and i'm joined- whitney brown: good morning.

Beth jeffers: ... at the fitness factor with whitney brown.

And the holidays are upon us.


That's exciting.

Whitney brown: that's right.

Beth jeffers: it's great news.

But we have some things to think about.

And one of the biggest things that you can do is pre-plan de- stressing yourself.

Whitney brown: that's right.

Beth jeffers: and i think we've all been in that boat where we get stressed out, and we forget about what the holidays are about.

And some ways we want to talk to you about some great ways to de- stress for the holiday.

Whitney brown: right.

I think she makes a great point.

There's a lot on our plate already, right?

Food, lots of eating, lots of parties, lots of gifts to get, and all of those things, and that's starting earlier and earlier, i feel like, every year.

So, one thing to remember is just to incorporate some time for yourself.

And it doesn't mean it has to be 60, 90, 120 minutes a day.

It can be really short.

But some really great ways to de-stress and just take some time alone.

Yoga is a great way- beth jeffers: great.

Whitney brown: ... and you're going to see some shots of a yoga class here at the fitness factor.

Some kind of mind, body, whether it's meditation and prayer, something like that, or pilates, somewhere that you can go.

It's not super high intensity.

It's something that you can do to relax and, like we said, de-stress.

Beth jeffers: and i think one of the greatest things is just deep breathing.

And that is so easy.

You don't have to be in a class.

You can actually be in your vehicle if you needed to.

Whitney brown: and it sounds crazy.

You're like, "deep breathing?"

Beth jeffers: it does.

Whitney brown: but it does re- center you.

Beth jeffers: right.

And in the recent past, i've had some back issues.

And one of the things that i talked about was that deep breath.

And you inhale through your nose and you inhale... i'm a shallow breather.

I inhale and my chest rises, but you really want to... when you inhale through your nose, you want your diaphragm to rise, and it's a deep breath.

And then, you exhale slowly through your mouth.

Maybe, you inhale for four seconds, and then, you exhale for six seconds.

And you can just feel your body relax.

So, that is a fantastic and super easy way to de-stress.

Whitney brown: right.

Some deep breathing before you have thanksgiving with your relatives.

Beth jeffers: yes, definitely.

Whitney brown: so, those are just easy ways to do it.

Hop in a class, a yoga class, pilates class, maybe a bar class, something like that, for some accountability over the holidays.

All the gyms around here are still having their group exercise wx animation

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