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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Republicans to limit governor power 11.20.2020

Credit: WTVQ Lexington, KY
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Republicans to limit governor power 11.20.2020
Republicans to limit governor power 11.20.2020

Republicans in the Kentucky House of Representatives have prefiled motions to limit the executive power of the governor.

Kentucky house republicans laid out their priorities for the upcoming legislative session.... among them... possibly limiting the executive powers of the governor.

L3: abc 36 news white republicans look to redefine executive powers in response to governor beshear's e ... republicans have been critical of the executive orders put in place by governor beshear during the pandemic.

Under kentucky law, the governor has broad powers during states of emergency.

During a news conference today... house speaker david osborne... said they would be looking at two bills pre-filed by republican lawmakers that aim to put limits on the governor's emergency powers and have the general assembly involved in the decision-making process.

Both bills would set a limit on the amount of time the emergency orders would remain in effect... and could only be extended with the approval of the general assembly.

Osborne says republicans are not doing it as a power grab.

He says it is in response to the number of kentuckians who say their voices have not been heard or ignored during the pandemic.

L3: abc 36 news white representative david osborne (r) house speaker people feel they are being treated unfairly or that others are being given preferential treatment and i think that when you don't involve voices of the stakeholders, i think that limits your buy-in.

L3: abc 36 news white republicans look to redefine executive powers in response to governor beshear's e ... osborne says the first priority for the assembly when they return in january is to pass a one-year budget.


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