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Wednesday, 1 January 2025

A food truck with a unique purpose

Credit: NBC 26 Wisconsin
Duration: 03:24s 0 shares 1 views

A food truck with a unique purpose
A food truck with a unique purpose

A veteran is using the universal love for good food to support his fellow veterans.


OneCalifornia Burrito!7:43 The restaurant is alot like the military."IT'S READY!"PAUL WELLING, NAVYVETERAN23:30 you have to dothings at a certain time,follow the orders of thehead chef.MARINE CORPSVETERAN KYLEGOURLIE IS USED TOFOLLOWING ORDERS.Kyle Gourlie, Owner, TheVet Chef59:39 I did one tour toRamadi, Iraq.

I was amachine gunner on thetop of a Humvee.BUT THESE DAYS, HISORDERS LOOK ALITTLE DIFFEREN12:02 cheese steak,French fries and sourcream all rolled up io onemassive deliciousburrito!!THEY'RE ALL TAKEN ATTHE WINDOW OF HISROLLINGRESTAURANT...Nats: "Welcome to TheVet Chef!"THIS FOOD TRUCK ISTHE BEGINNING OF ANEWCHAPTER.BORNFROM A LOVE HE'SHAD HIS ENTIRE LIFE.Kyle Gourlie, Owner, TheVet Chef13:42 Aw man, I lovefood, I could work a 14-hour day, wake up in themorning and startcooking food at my ownhouse.

It makes mehappy, it's my art, it'severything to me.THE HAPPINESS HE'SFOUND NOW CAMEAFTER A LONGPERIOD OFSTRUGGLE.ANDRECOVERY.WHEN GOURLIE WASDEPLOYED.ANEXPLOSION ALMOSTKILLED HIM.9:12 I peered over thetop of my Humvee and itwas an IED.

It blew mesideways, I broke myback in five places, myneck in three, and had abrain injury, but thankfullyI walked away with noscars.HE SPENT TWO YEARSHEALING.8:33 learning how to walkand talk again.AND EVEN WHEN HEWAS PHYSCIALLYREADY TO MOVEON.GOURLIEREALIZED THETRANSITION TOCIVILIAN LIFECOULDN'T HAPPENOVERNIGHT.16:38 I've had morningroutine to eveningroutine, every single day,planned out for me, orderafter order, and that'sbeen my life.

Now I'mexpected to do all this,and I don't even knowhow to fill out a check,which was me, I had noconcept of how to fill outa check.It's scary.17:02 I was blessed Ihad a family and a wifebecause without them, Iwould be lost.IT WAS HIS FAMILYWHO ENCOURAGEDHIM TO FOLLOW HISPASSION INTO THEKITCHEN AND OPEN"THE VET CHEF."BUT KYLE DIDN'TWANT TO STOPTHERE.HE'S MAKING SUREHE'S HIRING OTHERVETS.PAUL WELLING, VET22:17 a food truck,veteran owned andoperated that wanted tocreate this opportunity forother vets and I'm like Icould really get behindthat.AND EVEN IF THEIRMILITARY CAREERSMADE THEM FRIENDLYRIVALS."NATS YOU KNOW THENAVY IS BETTER MAN"THE BOND GOURLIEAND HIS TEAM SHAREAS SERVICEMEMBERSIS IRREPLACEABLEKyle Gourlie, Owner, TheVet Chef11:15 its been really niceto see people who havebeen on our truck buildback into society and I'mbuilding with them, andit's been wonderful.39:55 WORKING INTHIS FOOD TRUCK ISSO MUCH MORE THANA JOB.

KYLE MAKESSURE TO PASS ON ALLOF HIS CULINARYSKILLS, SO EACH OFTHE VETERANS WHOCOME THROUGHHERE IS PREPAREDFOR A CAREER FORYEARS TO COME.PAUL WELLING, VET25:30 we don't alwayshave that job thattransitions in the civilianworld, so you learn a lotof skills in the military,you can use those, but itdoesn't really give you ajob path, and I think itsgreat he wants to utilizethose skills to maybework on the food truckand maybe open up theirown food truck andbecome masters of theirown destiny.AND IT'S NOT JUSTPROFESSIONALSKILLS THESE VETSARE LEARNING.PAUL WELLING, VET29:21 not everyday'sgonna be perfect, oneday your generatorsgoing to go out in themiddle of service.and Ithink that's a goodmantra for life, nothing isgoing to be perfect, butyou try to help peopleand there's alwaystomorrow.KYLE HOPESTOMORROW HOLDS AFUTURE WHERE THISORANGE VAN IS AFAMILIAR SIGHTACROSS THECOUNTRY.10:12 if we can ever getfood trucks into vets'hands and help them runtheir business, I think it'sgonna be wildlysuccessful and getpeople back into societya whole lot better.BECAUSE THISCOMFORT FOODFEEDS MORE THANHUNGER.Kyle Gourlie, Owner, TheVet Chef11:13 they deserve everysuccess they possiblycould have becausethey've sacrificed somuch.11:35 it makes me feelblessed and honored tobe a part of that.NATS: COME AND GETIT!!I'M ALEXA LIACKO.COMING UP..FEED THE

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