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A little girl has received her own bionic arm in time for Christmas

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A little girl has received her own bionic arm in time for Christmas
A little girl has received her own bionic arm in time for Christmas

A schoolgirl has received her own bionic arm in time for Christmas - so she can enjoy opening her presents and playing with her new toys.Lexi Pitchford, 10, was born without a right hand which has left her struggling with everyday tasks that most people take for granted - like holding a pen or tying shoelaces.Mum Emma Mountford, 38, started looking into prosthetics to help her daughter and came across Open Bionics' 'Hero Arm' - a custom made multi-grip bionic limb that costs £10,000.Lexi's family started fundraising and, thanks to a generous donor, they smashed their target in less than 24 hours.Now the proud owner of a bionic arm, Lexi has been ticking off things from her bucket list that she has always dreamed of doing in time for the holiday season. She has been able to tuck into a traditional roast dinner and help wrap Christmas presents. After receiving the donation, Lexi has set up a GoFundMe for her friend, Ruby Cuddy, eight, who is also missing her arm, to raise the funds so she can get her own in time for the New Year.Mum-of-four Emma, from Abbey Hulton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, said: "Lexi's always been the last to get into her presents as she has struggled to get into them. "Now she has her bionic arm, she can't wait to rip off the wrapping paper as quickly as her sister."The arm has given her a massive confidence boost and a chance for independence."Hopefully, we can help bring that joy to Ruby too."Emma, a stay-at-home mum, had no problems during her pregnancy until the 20-week scan when doctors noticed Lexi was missing her right arm.After running tests they concluded Lexi was completely healthy otherwise and couldn't find a reason for the missing appendage.The concerned mum was closely monitored through the pregnancy until Lexi arrived safely on 14th October 2010 at North Staffordshire Hospital.Emma said: "There was no rhyme or reason - Lexi just never developed the arm."When she was born she didn't really notice but it has affected her more growing up."Her balance wasn't very good and she would ask why she was different to her sister."Lexi has struggled to do things that would involve using two hands and has learnt to adapt.She previously found everyday tasks difficult - like gripping a pencil, riding a bike and brushing her teeth.  Lexi started feeling more self-conscious about her arm around her peers when she started school.The pupil has tried using prosthetics in the past but found them 'bulky'. Emma said: "It was a scary time for us but the teachers were really understanding."She couldn't join in with some things at school and PE lessons."She's at an age where she wants to try on make-up and wear pretty clothes, but started hiding her arm under long sleeves."While researching better prosthetics Emma came across an advert for a company called Open Bionics who have created the 'Hero Arm'.The advanced bionic arm claims to be lightweight with multi-grip functionality and was an ideal fit for Lexi.The only problem was the price tag - it would cost £10,000 to make - so the family got to work raising the funds.Lexi was lucky enough to receive a grant through the Open Bionic's foundation and a generous donor. The family set-up a GoFundMe to raise a further £2,300 for the arm's warranty and smashed their target in less than 24 hours.Emma said: "The support we had was incredible - Lexi's school held fundraisers and local businesses chipped in."The money was raised in no time - thanks to the kind donor."Lexi's arm arrived in November 2020 - just in time for Christmas - and Lexi has been enjoying using it. Emma said: "She absolutely loves it and there were lots of smiles when she opened it."She is practising gripping pens and being able to hold cups."Hopefully she'll be able to grip cutlery in time for Christmas dinner."The family was so overwhelmed with support they are now helping another little girl raise the funds to get her own 'Hero Arm'.Eight-year-old Ruby Cudy was also born without an arm and thoughtful Lexi has set up a GoFundMe page to help the little girl's 'dream come true'.Emma said: "Lexi really wanted to help another child in need."The fundraising is going alright and hopefully we can get the funds in time for the new year."We've kept Lexi fundraising page open and anything over the warranty is going to Ruby for her arm."It's completely changed Lexi's life."She's already so much more confident and her ability with it is going from strength to strength."

A schoolgirl has received her own bionic arm in time for Christmas - so she can enjoy opening her presents and playing with her new toys.Lexi Pitchford, 10, was born without a right hand which has left her struggling with everyday tasks that most people take for granted - like holding a pen or tying shoelaces.Mum Emma Mountford, 38, started looking into prosthetics to help her daughter and came across Open Bionics' 'Hero Arm' - a custom made multi-grip bionic limb that costs £10,000.Lexi's family started fundraising and, thanks to a generous donor, they smashed their target in less than 24 hours.Now the proud owner of a bionic arm, Lexi has been ticking off things from her bucket list that she has always dreamed of doing in time for the holiday season.

She has been able to tuck into a traditional roast dinner and help wrap Christmas presents.

After receiving the donation, Lexi has set up a GoFundMe for her friend, Ruby Cuddy, eight, who is also missing her arm, to raise the funds so she can get her own in time for the New Year.Mum-of-four Emma, from Abbey Hulton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, said: "Lexi's always been the last to get into her presents as she has struggled to get into them.

"Now she has her bionic arm, she can't wait to rip off the wrapping paper as quickly as her sister."The arm has given her a massive confidence boost and a chance for independence."Hopefully, we can help bring that joy to Ruby too."Emma, a stay-at-home mum, had no problems during her pregnancy until the 20-week scan when doctors noticed Lexi was missing her right arm.After running tests they concluded Lexi was completely healthy otherwise and couldn't find a reason for the missing appendage.The concerned mum was closely monitored through the pregnancy until Lexi arrived safely on 14th October 2010 at North Staffordshire Hospital.Emma said: "There was no rhyme or reason - Lexi just never developed the arm."When she was born she didn't really notice but it has affected her more growing up."Her balance wasn't very good and she would ask why she was different to her sister."Lexi has struggled to do things that would involve using two hands and has learnt to adapt.She previously found everyday tasks difficult - like gripping a pencil, riding a bike and brushing her teeth.

Lexi started feeling more self-conscious about her arm around her peers when she started school.The pupil has tried using prosthetics in the past but found them 'bulky'.

Emma said: "It was a scary time for us but the teachers were really understanding."She couldn't join in with some things at school and PE lessons."She's at an age where she wants to try on make-up and wear pretty clothes, but started hiding her arm under long sleeves."While researching better prosthetics Emma came across an advert for a company called Open Bionics who have created the 'Hero Arm'.The advanced bionic arm claims to be lightweight with multi-grip functionality and was an ideal fit for Lexi.The only problem was the price tag - it would cost £10,000 to make - so the family got to work raising the funds.Lexi was lucky enough to receive a grant through the Open Bionic's foundation and a generous donor.

The family set-up a GoFundMe to raise a further £2,300 for the arm's warranty and smashed their target in less than 24 hours.Emma said: "The support we had was incredible - Lexi's school held fundraisers and local businesses chipped in."The money was raised in no time - thanks to the kind donor."Lexi's arm arrived in November 2020 - just in time for Christmas - and Lexi has been enjoying using it.

Emma said: "She absolutely loves it and there were lots of smiles when she opened it."She is practising gripping pens and being able to hold cups."Hopefully she'll be able to grip cutlery in time for Christmas dinner."The family was so overwhelmed with support they are now helping another little girl raise the funds to get her own 'Hero Arm'.Eight-year-old Ruby Cudy was also born without an arm and thoughtful Lexi has set up a GoFundMe page to help the little girl's 'dream come true'.Emma said: "Lexi really wanted to help another child in need."The fundraising is going alright and hopefully we can get the funds in time for the new year."We've kept Lexi fundraising page open and anything over the warranty is going to Ruby for her arm."It's completely changed Lexi's life."She's already so much more confident and her ability with it is going from strength to strength."

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