Despite the still high spread of the virus, Gov.
Beshear says he does not plan to extend his current Coronavirus - related restrictions.
Despite the still high spread of the virus, Gov.
Beshear says he does not plan to extend his current Coronavirus - related restrictions.
#### despite the still high spread of the virus..
Governor beshear says he does not plan to extend his current coronavirus- related restrictions.
His executive order..
Limiting capaicty at bars, restaurants and set to expire on monday.
L3: coronavirus in kentucky white executive order for bars, restaurants, gyms to expire dec.
14 kentucky when it does... those businesses..will once again be allowed to serve at 50 percent indoor capacity..
You'll remember that's where things were..before this recent order just a few weeks ago.
The governor says with the means people need to take the mask mandate more seriously.
What it means is every minute you're not eating or drinking you need to have that mask on.
And if you don't enforce it, then the areas become unsafe again."
L3: coronavirus in kentucky white executive order for bars, restaurants, gyms to expire dec.
14 kentucky meanwhile-- republican lawmakers in the state are critizing the orders in washington d.c.
Representative james comer saying..
Its vital to the economy to reopen.
L3: coronavirus in kentucky white rep.
James comer (r) kentucky rep.
Comer: "i rise to bring attention
BBC Local News: Berkshire -- A restriction zone has been extended to cover the island and part of Hampshire.
The trade ministry has lifted a restriction on a transgender employee's use of workplace restrooms, a government source said, more..