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Friday, 24 January 2025

Economic Crisis Hitting Small Businesses

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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Economic Crisis Hitting Small Businesses
Economic Crisis Hitting Small Businesses

WAAY-31's Bridget Divers discusses the economic impact that COVID has had on small businesses.

What's next, breken?

Dan, najahe -- as more and more small businesses close their doors in northern alabama -- people need to take the time to shop at them -- if they want to see local businesses survive the pandemic.

The holidays are a critical revenue period for small businesses.

The huntsville/ madison county chamber of commerce is recommneding that people get their gifts from local small businesses.

And it can even be something as little as a gift card.

That would give businesses revenue now.

"we want them to be here in the future and they really need the foot traffic now or the web traffic.

You know if you don't feel comfortable going in, in person, give that business a call and say hey i know you earrings, i know you haver jewelry.

I'd love to buy something for my wife, but i don't feel comfortable shopping in person.

They will work with you over the phone."

Beauregard's and spirited art are two local small businesses that were impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

The owner of beauregard's told me that they are not making as much money as they used to -- especially after they closed in-person dining to protect their workers from the virus.

Live in huntsville, bridget divers, waay-31 news.

Beaure-gard's will be closing sunday, december 14th and spirited art

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